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Everything posted by tangocharlie123

  1. Where do you sign up. :thumb_up: :big_grin:
  2. May Change Hi Guys and Girls ;) Just a quick one I have a couple of rudder pedals yokes and throttle controllers by saitek do these work with xplane as I want to hopefully put my terrier in and fly that online. Cheers
  3. Hi Ross just a short note I am not getting automatic replys to threads that I have posted to. Could you look into this. Peter
  4. Type of engine Hi Brent and thanks I have a Subaru EA-81 stock engine single ignition. I know that the manufacturer has quad ignition and he flys into Mackay so has he set a precidient that a subaru can fly into CTA. VH- registered do you know where I could find all this info out and how to go about getting this approved if possible. cheers
  5. CTA Endosments Can some body please help. The endorsment I understand but what requirments are there for the aircraft being used. Do you need a certain aircraft engine etc, much help would be appreciated. Already looking for a transponder suitable and cost any suggestions. Maybe we could get a better deal from Microair or some body.. Cheers
  6. Thanks Thanks everybody for answering my part of the thread Cheers
  7. Hi Kieth Glad to hear another Terror hits the sky soon Just finished repainting mine hand sandind and buffing for the last two days hopefully get it polished next time at home then the wings and electrical to go. all the best with your project mine has been six months in a rebuild state now time to go flying.
  8. Hire or reward Thanks for this thread but I have the same sort of dilemma. The company I contract for allows travel time of say $50ph plus fuel for any thing outside the metro area. if I embark on a 500km journey this would take 5.5 hours and around 50 lt fuel. total around $330. if I was to take my plane I would be able to complete my journey in 3 hours do I charge the road rate or the flying rate which costs $50 running per hour. $180 difference in my pocket. Just because I fly there. Does this mean that I will be penalized and run the risk of loss of certificate. will do the run tonight back to brisbane for the day. by Car Happy easter to all
  9. Hi All I am new to transponders and was wondering what is the difference between a mode c and mode s transponder I was wondering if you can use a transponder from overseas like http://www.trig-avionics.com/tt21.html this also has the adsb out will this be any use in the future. Cheers
  10. Dexter the warpdrive distributor here in Aus is W.ade Air in orange still about the same price as a bolly/brolga
  11. I was going Plan A -- Get plane painted and run in --- not going to happen Plan B -- Drive 9 hours to Narromine --- Not going to happen Plan C Work ---- some sucker is getting married in Yeppoon (I'm the Caterer) maybe next year Same as Avalon this year:wasnt me:
  12. 1st one original 2nd new about to be fitted doesn't include onboard computer or 196 GPS
  13. RE ClearProp Ian this is fine that you can aproach the suppliers for a better price. But you need to follow up with the person wishing to purchase from you or they will just go looking elsewhere.
  14. Hi All If anyone is going to Avalon this week could some body please look at the prices for AirNav as they will be having some good specials. Please post prices on here or PM me. I can't make it down there but want to see if the company will do the same for Phone orders. with much thanks and grattitude Enjoy the week
  15. thanks for info Thankyou for the info.. I found on ebay an airconditioning pump for just over $100 now just learning to work with it.. anyway thanks again Peter
  16. Thanks for the info. Will start downloading info. Yes my netbook will have wirless broadband when flying only in Telstra area's. I brought it to hopefully set up a efis/ems in some time .. fairly cheap at $350 and a 8.9 inch screen Peter
  17. Can anybody help Can you purchase Ersa online or do you just download it from Airservices Aus as I have just purchased one of those netbooks 8.9 inch screen weighs just under a kilo (beats the 3.5kg for my other laptop..) looking at keeping NAIPS on and other flight planning software. May look at a moving map and if any body knows if you can get a usb engine monitoring box. Thanks Peter
  18. What doesn't help is the owner (me) is a company called Laser Engineering which has nothing to do with metal because I am a Chef.. Tried telling them about all the boats and caravans that are stored at home.. NOT Interested
  19. Now back to regular programming well the best that us nuts can do anyway....
  20. No a complaint from a neighbor who has had it in for me from the day I brought my new 1100watt stereo and 3 days later brought the plane home to be repaired.. then parked on common property for a couple of days before moving it into the garage.. I have three garages one for wings, one for storage/ workshop and now just aquired one for the car.. example during christmas I had the plane home to transport to Mackay for repairs went out to modify a bracket for a shelf and had the stupid neighbor complain that I was doing engineering works on the plane. Council turned up found no plane, but I had left the control surfaces on the bench when they looked in from another garage and agreed with her. Now the impetus is on them to prove that I had broken the laws..
  21. no seriosly Guys and Gals So would this mean that I would be able to make my Garage in a set of units my room of worship and build my new plane as the local council keeps telling me an aircraft belongs on an airfield.. not in a suburban garage. Oh by the way you can keep it at home but don't work on it. If so count me in!!!!! Ps: Letter from the council to be put up for disscussion early Feb when I get home.. Cheers Peter
  22. Hi Steve How did you go with sorting out whether to use the fold a plane system.. it would be interesting to know your results.. Could you please call me on 0400 617 950 Thanks Peter Marsh
  23. Does anybody have or know where I could get some parts cut ie foam panels and ribs etc.. Thanks Peter
  24. Hi Everbody Can you help with the procurment of Vacuum bagging eqipment for the amatuer builder. most pumps I have found are well over the $1000 mark. If you have any for sale or know where to get please leave a message.. with thanks Peter
  25. Hi Steve How did you go with sorting out whether to use the fold a plane system.. it would be interesting to know your results.. Could you please call me on 0400 617 950 Thanks Peter Marsh
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