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  1. that eye witness report sounds very similar to the eye witness reports from the trike accident at albion park a while back. wonder if a similar pilot error was made or if it was mechanical fault. what type of trike was this one?
  2. i have heard through the grape vine that airborne will soon stop building the classic as the rotax 2stroke is an endangered spieies. i believe that the red back is as good as finished as well. anyone heard about this?
  3. got a point there mundoo triker a would have thought a lot more materal and time would go into a jab. 58k for a 100kt craft with an enclosed cockpit compared to a 60k trike open cockpit and a cruise speed of 56-60 kts....mmmmmmmmmmm.i_dunno makes you rethink the options a bit
  4. so much for supporting the local company. dick smith would be proud. three cheers for the local company:clap:
  5. was checking the airborne website enquiring on the price of an XT912 MK2 TUNDRA, with a streak 3 wing- cost=$61827.00 AU did a bit of surfing and checked out the precision wings USA website and downloaded a price list for airborne trikes. the XT912 MK 2 TUNDRA is $56630.62 US this includes freight. (au dollar is 0.9331 US) which converts to $60693.11 . can't understand how a trike and be manufactured here and shipped half way around the world and sold for LESS than it is sold here?? have i got my calculations wrong? can anyone shine sone light on the subject?
  6. well...just got an email for bill. in short, enjoy the pictures coz thats as close as you will get. no plans for commercial construction:crying:
  7. thanks asic45 got some good info from that sight. might have to look into it a bit further
  8. thanks t83 shall do that. "asking for assitance" coz he can't fly it.....oohhh that is a little scary! i'm supprised that there is not more around. it is a beautiful machine.
  9. anyone no much about this aircraft. have been lookin' round for some data on ot but it seems very limited.
  10. any one fly the x air standard? would like some front line feedback on the aircraft?
  11. i recently read an article on an x-air ultralight. in the article there was a mention of a guy by the name of John (no last name givin'). this gut , according to the article, has flown his heavly modified trike from melbourne to tassie and then to NZ:faint: anyone heard about it? has the full story been published? anyone know?
  12. ..........?
  13. has there been anything definitive on the cause of the fire yet?? also any one know how paul is donig
  14. any info yet on the cause of the incident??
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