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Everything posted by skyfox99

  1. Thanks for that, I will see Bill on Sunday.
  2. Hi JL, I'm looking at getting a Garmin 96C, my only concern is about the colour screen. Being able to read it well in sunlight. My eyes are not what they used to be. How have you found the screen to read?
  3. Oh ok, I must have been reading another post?? Thanks for replying.
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  4. Hello Bernie, I notice from one of your posts that you have a Garmin 96C GPS. I have been thinking of buying one of these and just wondering how you are finding it. What concerns me the most is the colour screen and how it is to see in sunlight. With age the eye sight is not what it was. Thank you.
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  5. I have been thinking of doing the gold coast flight from ycab. Now that I'm cleared in the J170 will have to do that.
  6. Yes I have noticed those strips on the wings, and I havent a clue as to what they are for. I would think they are there so that that part of the wing will stall before the rest? But really I dont know. Can you tell me what they are about? I was intending to ask the question so glad you bought it up.
  7. Thanks for the welcome everyone. Building sure is a great experience, takes lots of commitment but is worth it. Yes your right it was in 5281, and your right again it doesnt want to come down. I spend another hour in it to get a better handle on it. I found maintaining 65 knots it was ok, any faster and it will keep floating. Sure is a lovely aircraft though. Most of my hours are in a Gazelle and the plane I built, so is good to get into something faster.
  8. Hi to everyone on the forum. I just done a Jabiru J170 Conversion today. I like the plane a lot. The extra speed sure is good...once you get used to it. Most of my hours have been in a Gazelle and an aircraft I built myself.. The JDT Hi-Max...a low and slow 55 knt all wood and plywood with a Rotax 447. :thumb_up:
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