See below for an article in todays Adelaide Advertiser. Although not an RAAus Airfield Parafield looks like it is certainly on the developers hitlist of land close the the CBD in Adelaide.
A SECOND major airport for South Australia could be built near Monarto "in the next 10 to 20 years".
Later this month, local government leaders from the Murraylands, Fleurieu and Adelaide Hills will meet and are expected to offer their support for the project. Murraylands Regional Development Board chief executive Brenton Lewis told The Advertiser yesterday the airport would be part of a "transport hub" which would provide connections for rail and road transport.
It is predicted the airport alone would create up to 700 jobs.
"This project would costs hundreds of millions of dollars . . . but we believe our region is the best-equipped for another major airport in SA," he said. "We have identified land in the Monarto area as the preferred spot . . . "
The airport could include relocating Parafield Airport.
Adelaide Airport corporate affairs manager John McArdle said Adelaide Airport Limited had a 99-year lease for Parafield Airport in its current location.