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Everything posted by HeliPilot70

  1. There is a high likelihood since all other Global Aviation Products activity seems to be based there.
  2. Announcement from Rainbow SkyReach: The very first “BushCat” branded aircraft manufactured by SkyReach in South Africa was produced in 2014 and sold to a customer at EAA Oshkosh of that year. A further 181 aircraft were manufactured and are either flying or are in some stage of assembly as a kit. A decade since the birth of the BushCat, we would like to announce that the legacy of the BushCat will continue to live on however it will no longer be produced by SkyReach in South Africa and all rights for the aircraft have been sold to a very capable, enterprising and dynamic team. Under the banner of “Bushcat Aircraft Australia” we wish to introduce the new team: Errol van Rensburg, who has vast experience in aviation engineering and manufacturing and who will remain as the Australian distributer. Michael Fletcher, with more than 30 years experience in metal manufacturing, who will oversee the manufacturing in a modern, high-tech facility. Mariette van Rensburg, with more than 40 years of experience in marketing and sales will lead all international sales, marketing and distribution. From the SkyReach team, we thank all our clients and supporters over the years. We have met many amazing people and made lifelong friends. It truly has been quite a ride! We look forward to checking in and hearing about how the product will grow from strength to strength as it enters its next chapter. Resuming production can not happen at the flick of the switch and there are a great deal of logistical, legal and legislative challenges that need to be dealt with. The Bushcat Australia team has however started tackling these tasks with their great enthusiasm and hopes to have the BushCat back in production in 6 to 8 months from now. Worldwide spares distribution for the BushCat and Cheetah aircraft will be dealt with as soon as possible. For all enquiries, please contact Mariette for the interim on: [email protected]. We know the Bushcat Australia team will make a huge success of the their new venture going forward. We also know this is the best possible outcome for the product and BushCat/Cheetah owners worldwide. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/17wD2ouftd/
  3. I agree, and possibly somewhere around the base to final turn. R.I.P.
  4. We rode past the Boonah Airfield early today and I think this aircraft was parked outside Ultimate Aero. https://www.google.com/amp/s/7news.com.au/news/emergency-response-as-light-plane-crashes-near-boonah-in-gold-coast-hinterland-c-13217187.amp
  5. 4 confirmed dead 😞 https://www.news.com.au/travel/travel-updates/incidents/light-plane-crashes-into-water-in-redcliffe-brisbane/news-story/b0bbb9464cd36956c667758c47369e3e
  6. Here is a more complete version of the video: Speed of impact was 238mph
  7. The B-52 doesn't have ailerons in the traditional sense, but rather spoilerons placed inboard and forward of the trailing edge, and are used for lateral control at high speeds to prevent excessive wing twist. Small ailerons are only used to provide control forces to the pilot. Once a critical bank angle was passed (probably over 60°, but potentially lower due to reduced speed) the pilot would not have been able to recover even with "correct" inputs. Spoileron - Wikipedia
  8. Pilot has lucky escape in Redcliffe plane crash
  9. Instagram model posts video moments before deadly private jet crash
  10. By totaling up the number of aircraft from each manufacturer on this list (unfortunately it is from 2012) RA-Aus aircraft register, in number sequence we get the following: As Yenn mentioned the top listed aircraft brands are very common for ab-initio training, so applying an average number of hours per aircraft per year doesn't work, but the figures are very interesting none the less. 2012 Jabiru 152 763 Aeroprakt 53 69 Tecnam 46 132 BRM Aero 25 Evektor 21 38 Airborne 17 236 The airplane factory 16 Sling 10 Brumby 9 11 Skyfox 8 106 Zenith 7 72 Pipistrel 6 19 Morgan 6 24 Thruster 6 115 Flight design 6 27 ICP Savannah 5 45 Fly Synthesis 4 10 Eurofox 4 14 Alpi 4 17 Cubcrafters 3 10 Aerochute 2 223 Just aircraft 2 1 Avid 2 10 Skyranger 2 17 Sonex 2 21
  11. Very interesting, but the accident rate for each brand would be more informative. Is it possible to get the total number of each brand registered and divide these values into it to give the rate?
  12. No scrapes, just flattened grass.
  13. Based on the flattened grass in front of the left wing and behind the right, I wonder if it was a developed and very flat spin impact?
  14. It is listed in summary form on the front page of Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) but there is no link. They are probably updating it and it will be available soon.
  15. Preliminary ATSB report: Investigation: AO-2017-094 - Engine failure and forced landing of Piper PA-28-181, VH-BDB, 15 km WSW of Bankstown Airport, NSW on 19 September 2017
  16. West Hoxton: A person has received minor injuries when a light aircraft was forced to make an emergency landing near Moondarra Drive.
  17. Doesn't look good on radar. :-( Flightradar24.com - Live flight tracker!
  18. Prayer? Really? I don't remember that in the POH! What happened to keeping the pax calm and working through the emergency checklist?
  19. Full report: Investigation: AO-2013-187 - In-flight breakup involving PZL Mielec M18A Dromader aircraft, VH-TZJ, 37 km west of Ulladulla, NSW on 24 October 2013
  20. "Federal Aviation Administration spokesman Ian Gregor couldn't confirm that Ford was piloting the Aviat Husky that overflew the Boeing 737, but he said the pilot received and had read back the proper landing instructions." Report: Harrison Ford has landing scare at California airport
  21. Yes, my friend took the attached photo from his flight (that was delayed) and he said it landed "straight down the middle with the wheels up"
  22. Looks like a Lake Buccaneer with the engine in a pod above the wing. Any fuel spill may not have found a heat source.
  23. Here is the builder and pilot's blog post about the accident: http://flyscoundrel.blogspot.com.au/2016/03/42-seconds-to-crash-landing.html
  24. As a low time pilot I read these threads for lessons to learn to keep me and my pax alive. Whatever actually happened in this flight is still being investigated, but I have already learned much from the personal experiences shared here, and that's a huge benefit. CASA posted this in their facebook page a couple of week ago and it is very sobering. R.I.P. and may we learn from your loss.
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