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ricky m

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Everything posted by ricky m

  1. I am getting an ocasional misfire from my jabiru when on full power climb.. Thought was carb ice first then found choke not fully shutting off so thought that be prob, but happend again today ok on first take of but presented problem on 2nd take seem to be second take off as first time flew to place departed miss... Second time took off done a pfl missed on climb.. 3rd time today flew to place took off 2 hours later missed... Cht all good rpm good oil temp good electric pump on... Thanks ricky.. Enginge 78 hrs since overhual run on bp 98..
  2. Bugger could of caught up for a fly...
  3. Are u in armadale wa?
  4. I worked for paul and ben in 2007 for 3months to fill in the gap beetween job and moving to perth:).. Never done round Britain few friends have and i met them after at iow (john moores bash)..back on topic now :):)
  5. I have heard a few of pauls story not that one though.. Not had a lot to do with the raven wing but i know it trimed fast when put on the foward hang piont not electric flash stuff lol good ole move the hang bracket lol might of been rear )rob grim wood had one when i was learning to fly...and had it hands of trim if memory servs about 70mph.. But the 503 ciuld not keep up...
  6. Kasper you have a lot of knowledge on fai.uk comps :) and aircraft,are you keen to get involved in setting up a recognised comp affiliated to a governing body..
  7. ... Ok u got me on the hook...i do understand basics of flexwing design (120hours flying them) and upgraded my Q wing to larger leading edge bolts.. Removed the skeleton for inspection ... Rebuilt a crashed tanarg and striped and re assembled the wing whikst employed by fly light airsports in the uk.. But i do not by any strech,know about the nitty gritty of any wing designs and the loads applied to them.but i do trust the standerds ultralight/microlights are designed too.. So like many would happily fly in comps... The jabiru landing gear test is an eye opning video ..
  8. .. Ok so we wont recomend pylon racing then (as peopple have no control under persived pressure loo) will read again as only skimed over and thought it was keel pocket:(
  9. Fair point but it was flown outside its envelope and did not fail just showed a weak part of a desiegn that had a built in excess for people who do fly outside the envelope intentionally or not.. Read bcar section s if u got a spare couple if days lol
  10. That is +2 to +3 lol
  11. I was more thinking about flying skill comps.. Navigation,spot landings short take offs.. Yes they pilon race ultralights but sure the no where near g limits.. Prob only +2-3 no more than turbulant weather... Pls dont turn it into are the aircraft suitible but keep it as how can we get this to happen if we can??
  12. I would happily have a go at arranging/assisting the wa one if we can get it agreed and supported by the raa..
  13. http://www.worldairgames.aero
  14. Other tasks are spot landings,short field take off (really short) these can only be good skils to master..
  15. Thats the spirit :) i done a couple of rounds in the uk, they do nave ex.. Soaring ex with fuel limits.. (And emegegency reserve but use more than allowed costs points... I was also lucky enough to train at flylight aurspirts in the uk who have multiple world and europeen champs.. Paul dewhurst..and done my gft with rob grimwood also multiple world champ... The social side is great the banter better and christ it sharpens your flying skills and i need that lol.... http://microlightcomps.org/index.php/events/categoryevents/3-european-microlight-championship
  16. Is there any form of competition flying for ultralights in oz? Would be good to see and participate in.. I know there is the world airgames.. And uk and european comps. Could we have state comps then winner goes to nationals then a team is selected for worlds..
  17. Would the rotec liquid cooled style heads not solve a lot of problems? Rotax over cool there engines and they seem to be ok as is the jabiru with a bit of care and love...:)
  18. No worries, it's all sorted now! Thanks :)
  19. very nice build, I built a 582 standard version 9 years ago in the uk G-CDDR, and loved every minute spent with The DR ...even the freezing cold nights in a single brick garage with just a small blow heater whilst building it... was also lucky enough to spend my last few months living in the uk working for flylight airsports the uk importer. enjoy :) they are great to fly and easy to maintain.
  20. I am looking for someone willing to ferry a j120 from Brisbane or Adelaide to perth YPJT or other local field if you do not have rpl/ppl, (old owner can bring to Adelaide if needed) the aircraft is in good condition with recent engine rebuild at factory, willing to pay all cost of trip and small amount to compensate for your time. I would love to do the trip but can not take any time off work:(. Thanks ricky
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