Hello Anjum,
As you can see from my previous post, I have been looking for interest in a syndicate around Camden for about six months with no luck.
So, I would be prepared to look at one based in Woolongong (you have to buy a membership to use Wedderburn, right?).
However, I would need to see a very persuasive argument for a J400/J430 - especially as you say that you would probably only take one passenger.
There are some great low hour 170's and 230's around at the moment for $45k-$50k which, I would have thought, represent better value and are a better "fit for purpose".
I have draft syndicate agreements plus several spreadsheets (some shared by other generous members here) - and based on extensive research and Camden area pricing you will be looking at around $60-70 per hour for operating costs excluding fuel based on 6-7 hours use per. week. This includes provision for engine and prop replacement.
I am not familiar with Wollongong landing or parking/hangar fees.
I would be more than happy to talk more here - or let me know if you want my mobile to talk in person.