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Everything posted by Ozfergie

  1. Would you consider trying to start a syndicate? Hangarage at Camden is scarce but long term parking is not. I have a couple of other threads about a syndicate. Feel free to PM me if you are at all interested.
  2. I think that is a fantastic idea.
  3. Hey Chrisv, Interesting that you say that - I am hoping to switch from J160's to Technams soon - can you expand a bit on what you see the differences to be?
  4. Hello Anjum, For what it's worth, the estimates that I have used based on J160's with all maintenance by LAME are $38 - $42 per flight hour for 50 and 100 hourlys These costs would naturally be higher for the 3300 engine.
  5. Ok - then I would certainly be interested in talking further about the opportunity.
  6. Certainly interested, Ayecapt - we spent the four days up there recently - I live close to the Hornsby end of the Fwy - can you point me toward more info?
  7. Yes - see my response to one of the other threads.
  8. Hello Anjum, As you can see from my previous post, I have been looking for interest in a syndicate around Camden for about six months with no luck. So, I would be prepared to look at one based in Woolongong (you have to buy a membership to use Wedderburn, right?). However, I would need to see a very persuasive argument for a J400/J430 - especially as you say that you would probably only take one passenger. There are some great low hour 170's and 230's around at the moment for $45k-$50k which, I would have thought, represent better value and are a better "fit for purpose". I have draft syndicate agreements plus several spreadsheets (some shared by other generous members here) - and based on extensive research and Camden area pricing you will be looking at around $60-70 per hour for operating costs excluding fuel based on 6-7 hours use per. week. This includes provision for engine and prop replacement. I am not familiar with Wollongong landing or parking/hangar fees. I would be more than happy to talk more here - or let me know if you want my mobile to talk in person.
  9. Both very useful - thank you.
  10. I am getting closer to buying my first plane but am still very "green" - can anyone help with two things : 1. Aircraft Condition Report Who pays for this buyer or seller? Is it usual practice to get one of these before making an offer? Any indication of cost? How best to find an L2 (interstate)? 2. Indication of cost to fit a transponder to a J160D
  11. If anyone has any advice/recommendation about this craft, I would love to hear from you. It would be a first (not new) purchase - to be used primarily locally to build some hours/experience. Supplementary question - where is accident history recorded?
  12. Looks good - yes, three hours of solo circuits - now onto to those "advanced manoeuvres" - steep turns, advanced stalling, short field t/o and landings, spin recovery etc..
  13. No video - I need to invest in one soon. I now have 3 hrs solo and we are on to "advanced manoeuvres" in the training area.
  14. Well done Rick - I did my first solo in the week before Xmas with Gostner at Camden - was on a high for a week ! Now on the lookout for syndicates (new or established) - let me know if you hear of any in the area.
  15. I am trying to get a syndicate off the ground ex-Camden and from my calcs. you are better off owning if hrs. flown are more than about 6.25 per. month.
  16. I thought someone might have the answer here - trying to get plane insurance for Camden where they require $20m liability - Willis are telling me that we have $20m of cover under our RAaus membership but the document on the RAaus web site says $10m Can anyone clarify? 20151028-raa-cop-liability.pdf 20151028-raa-cop-liability.pdf 20151028-raa-cop-liability.pdf
  17. I am getting to close to the first RPL qualification hurdle and am keen to explore syndicate options - if anyone knows anyone else who is interested (ex-Camden), can you let me know?
  18. So, I'm 15 hours into RPL and loving it - all seems to be coming together but about every 1 in 6 landings my instructor chips me for pushing the control column forward after the main wheels touch - I know not to do it and I'm actually not conscious of doing it - any tips/tricks/advice on how to refine this?
  19. So, I'm 15 hours into RPL and loving it - all seems to be coming together but about every 1 in 6 landings my instructor chips me for pushing the control column forward after the main wheels touch - I know not to do it and I'm actually not conscious of doing it - any tips/tricks/advice on how to refine this?
  20. http://www.aeromobil.com/
  21. OK - so now I'm really showing my ignorance - only have 4 hrs - have joined RAaus - but no mention by anyone of an actual log book. Coming from a scuba background there were pretty standard format log books - is there a standard format for the RPL? and where should I get one? Dave at the Oaks is keeping what I assume are student records/progress notes.
  22. Is it a rule or just a convention that you undertake all training hours at the same school/CFI? If not, how does your log book work - can you "take it" from one school to the other?
  23. Yes - flying with Dave - and have no qualms at all about the safety of his J160 engine - although I have a way to go, I am trying to gather information and form opinions about ownership. Thanks all for the replies.
  24. Sure, I signed the waiver - do you truly believe that all I need to know was contained therein?
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