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Everything posted by RKW

  1. The six is particularly smooth. I flew the 230 to Bundi for a scheduled service. The new motors use practically no oil in 25 hrs. The new cast crankcase has the fuel pump set back closer to the flywheel so that it can be removed without first removing number 5 cyl. Cooling fins on the new cylinders are much larger.
  2. That is the correct photo. They are a two piece housing and they still require through bolts, albeit longer bolts. We have a brand new J170 and a brand new J230 at YCAB. The new cast crank case is very similar to the old CBC machined ones. The mating surfaces have been machined. They are definitely not one piece units.
  3. If you have a close look at the four cylinder engine, you will notice that the crankcase IS a casting, whereas the six is not.
  4. This particular one is a two seater.
  5. Some people like those wing tip thingies!
  6. Crikey, you need to do this sort of revision under the supervision of an instructor. In the training area to start with. Practise climbing and descending at the correct speeds and use the trim. Practise descending at 65kts and get it right before even thinking of going back to the circuit. Definetly seek the assistance of an instructor.
  7. It appears to have been deleted out of the latest Aip, yet there is still a question on separation in the latest RAAus air legislation test.
  8. Clearance from controlled and active restricted airspace depend on what altitude you intend to fly at. Below 2001 ft: 1nm, 2001 to 5000ft: 2nm, and 5001 to 10,000 ft: 4 nm. Hope this helps!
  9. This is a relatively new build.
  10. This particular Foxbat had small cracks in the windscreen when the owners went to pick it up brand new, but you already know this. The owner had to wait months for a replacement under warranty which never showed up. You are also aware of this.
  11. From Casa's perspective, mission accomplished.
  12. It takes two to tango!
  13. Wasn't too bumpy but I sure pulled up quickly once I touched down. My main worry was getting off again. Used up a lot of runway!
  14. I was there last week. The grass was long, They definitely need to mow it!
  15. Really good movie Planey. Agree with your sentiments.
  16. Good day and welcome, Mike.
  17. The seatbelt anchor points are in the right place too. Not so for some aircraft.
  18. Obsessed much!
  19. All the best Frank.
  20. Hi Bennyboy, Dieter Sedlbauer does a pretty good job. He looks after my j160 and the foxbats at the school. His number is 0414504116. Best Regards, Bob
  21. Well if you want it done properly, do it yourself!
  22. The A32 is a Vixxen, not a Foxbat.
  23. Beautiful aeroplane and great photo!
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