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Everything posted by Kenny

  1. I can recommend first hand a B & B just south of Glen Inness caled Silent Grove with a lovely couple called Dorithy and John . Their strip is 750m long and the elevation is about 4800 ft. Around a dozen of us had a flyin there about two years ago, they have rooms at the main house and also another villa plus camping in the shearing shed also lovely home cooked meals. I can look up the contact details for you if you are interested . If any one is interested I wouldn't mind organizing another flyin there as I have had a few enquiries from people wanting to go again. Cheers Ken
  2. Hi All Has anyone tried either a Brolga (B0lly) 3 blade or Warp Drive 3 blade prop on a 100 hp Rotax. I have had a Kool prop recommended to my by a very reliable source, it is`a little more expensive than the other two but maybe you only get what you pay for I would appreciate any feed back from the Forum Cheers Ken
  3. Hi Andrew I also have just set up my Chineese GPS last week Don't they perform well. There is a goto button in the waypoints menu that will get you where you want to go. I have tried mine out in the car but as yet I have not been able to try it out in my savvy due the to the Qld wet weather. Weather was good on Sunday for flying but the taxi way was to boggy to get out of the hangar . Cheers Ken
  4. Dexter thanks for asking the questioin re the coppying of "hires.dat" I thought I was the only dummy around and was just about to ask the same question myself \Cheers Ken
  5. Hi Gerry just a quick thankyou for the waypoints it sure saves a lot of time putting them in manually. I still havent flown with the GPS yet but all seems to be going well. I have spent the last few days playing with the GPS and Ozexplorer as we have been rained in here in SEQld. I have 2 maps loaded Bris VNC and Bris WAC (ones I downloaded from Maptrax ) I am waiting to get some more on cd as the files are quitre large I showed the GPS to some of the guys at Kilcoy on Sunday and they were quite impressed with it and the small costs involvrd I think once the word gets around everyone will want one . I plan to use mine alongside my Garmin 196 using the 196 for navigating and the chepie to check my position on the charts , the only problem to watch out for is not to let the old steam power navigating skills decline to much. Cheers Ken
  6. Thanks again Slarti it works a treat I can stick the SD card into my PC and download the Waypoints ect straight on to it. I have tried the unit in my car and it works fine and as soon as it stops raining here in SE Qld I will try it in my Savy . When I get round to loading a full compliment of WACs into my GPS I understand that the overlaps will take care of themselves is this correct ? I have found it heaps easier to load waypoints using my PC rather than fiddling around with a stylus to get the bulk of them in to the GPS and later I can add extra ones by Stylus when needed Once again Thanks Cheers Ken
  7. Thanks Slarti that sounds like the answer I am lookingb for , I am just ducking out now to geta bigger SD card. I will let you know how I go Cheers ken
  8. Yes Slarti that is what I am trying to do. I have loaded one VNC directly on to the SD Card just to make sure all is ok before buying more charts and that part seems OK although I am having a little trouble with little touch screen keyboard trying to input waypoints However OZI PC wont talk to the GPS and also the the screen designer cant find the GPS Cheers Ken
  9. Thanks Dexter Yes I do have it on my SD Card. I havde the GPS connected via USB and not the serial port do you think this may have something to do with it? If so I may need a different lead. Cheers Kenr
  10. Hi Tony I have now attached the address of my GPS see what you think Cheers Ken http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=180604137550&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT
  11. I have tried searching for ports on windows Device manager but cant find them listed. When in Osiexplorer and in configure I cant find any ports other than COM3 and it says that it is already being used and when looking for a GPS the programme cant find one Cheers Ken
  12. Help I have just received a 5" GPS with Windows CE able to be opened. I have also bought Ozexplorer PC and CE versions which I have loaded and also a VNC map from Maptrax . However I can't seem to get the GPS to comunicate with any of the OzeExplorer programmes. I can connect the GPS and see it in Mycomputer and am able to move files around but that is all Can anybody advise me where I am going wrong Cheers Ken
  13. I don't think you can camp there
  14. I did'nt know wether to post this article in the incident forum or the events forum so I will post it in both. All I can add is " if you wernt there you missed a great weekend" Cheers Ken Crash landing for plane in paddock Graham Orams | 1st November 2010 Short landing: The Cessna pulls up short of the South Grafton airstrip on Saturday. Debrah Novak THE Grafton Aero Club's annual Jacaranda Muster had some unwanted excitement just hours before finishing up yesterday. About noon, a Cessna 206 being used for skydiving needed to make an emergency landing not far from the airstrip. The plane had taken off with a load of tandem skydivers, something it had been doing all weekend. The aircraft's owner, Bernie Stevermuer, was one of the skydivers. He said they rose to a jumping height of 10,000 feet and all the jumpers left the plane without incident. However, once they had all safely landed, Mr Stevermuer received a call on his mobile phone from the pilot to say the plane had needed to ditch in an open paddock. Mr Stevermuer said the aircraft had suffered engine failure on its return to the airfield and had needed to carry out an emergency landing a few hundred metres short of the runway. The plane landed nose-down in a swampy paddock and suffered damage to its nose cone and left wing. Thankfully, there were no serious injuries. It is understood a crane will be needed to move the aircraft. Apart from the Cessna's engine failure yesterday, the weekend was a huge success. Grafton Aero Club president Stuart Campbell said the annual Jacaranda Muster was always a great weekend for aviation enthusiasts. Mr Campbell said the Muster – or fly-in – had now been running for 30 or 40 years. He said it was a great annual Jacaranda event which brought in visitors from as far away as Moree and Newcastle. “This year we had about 45 aircraft fly in,” Mr Campbell said. “It's a great social event; a lot of people camp under the wings (of the aircraft). “We got the SES in to do the catering for us so they made a few bob as well.” Mr Campbell said those who took part in the weekend did a bit of flying, but also made time to enjoy barbecues and chats about their shared love of aviation. He said he also introduced a number of new people to flying through short instructional flights. The Muster is also used as an opportunity for the Aero Club to give the Jacaranda princesses a flight over Grafton. Mr Campbell said the girls were always taken up on the Sunday to enable them to see Grafton from the air. He said they were all fairly excited by it and even got to fly the plane. “As a flying instructor I was able to let the girls take the controls; they loved it,” he said.
  15. I did'nt know wether to post this article in the incident forum or the events forum so I will post it in both. All I can add is " if you wernt there you missed a great weekend" Cheers Ken Crash landing for plane in paddock Graham Orams | 1st November 2010 Short landing: The Cessna pulls up short of the South Grafton airstrip on Saturday. Debrah Novak <script type="text/javascript" defer="true">var adDiv = document.getElementById('adSpace24');if (adDiv) { document.getElementById('adSpace24').innerHTML = document.getElementById('INVadSpace24').innerHTML;document.getElementById('INVadSpace24').innerHTML = ''; }</script> THE Grafton Aero Club's annual Jacaranda Muster had some unwanted excitement just hours before finishing up yesterday. About noon, a Cessna 206 being used for skydiving needed to make an emergency landing not far from the airstrip. The plane had taken off with a load of tandem skydivers, something it had been doing all weekend. The aircraft's owner, Bernie Stevermuer, was one of the skydivers. He said they rose to a jumping height of 10,000 feet and all the jumpers left the plane without incident. However, once they had all safely landed, Mr Stevermuer received a call on his mobile phone from the pilot to say the plane had needed to ditch in an open paddock. Mr Stevermuer said the aircraft had suffered engine failure on its return to the airfield and had needed to carry out an emergency landing a few hundred metres short of the runway. The plane landed nose-down in a swampy paddock and suffered damage to its nose cone and left wing. Thankfully, there were no serious injuries. It is understood a crane will be needed to move the aircraft. Apart from the Cessna's engine failure yesterday, the weekend was a huge success. Grafton Aero Club president Stuart Campbell said the annual Jacaranda Muster was always a great weekend for aviation enthusiasts. Mr Campbell said the Muster – or fly-in – had now been running for 30 or 40 years. He said it was a great annual Jacaranda event which brought in visitors from as far away as Moree and Newcastle. “This year we had about 45 aircraft fly in,” Mr Campbell said. “It's a great social event; a lot of people camp under the wings (of the aircraft). “We got the SES in to do the catering for us so they made a few bob as well.” Mr Campbell said those who took part in the weekend did a bit of flying, but also made time to enjoy barbecues and chats about their shared love of aviation. He said he also introduced a number of new people to flying through short instructional flights. The Muster is also used as an opportunity for the Aero Club to give the Jacaranda princesses a flight over Grafton. Mr Campbell said the girls were always taken up on the Sunday to enable them to see Grafton from the air. He said they were all fairly excited by it and even got to fly the plane. “As a flying instructor I was able to let the girls take the controls; they loved it,” he said.
  16. Hi Ian I have also heard that they are having a dinner night the first weekend in December. Some of us from Kilcoy went up there a couple of month ago and found they were a good well organised group of flyers however we got chased back early by the weather I have emailed Dave See who is one of the organisers and as yet have not had a reply. I will let you know details if I get on to him Cheers Ken
  17. Kenny

    Reserve Alarm

    Reserve light failure Hi Nev are you familiar with the Savannah reserve tank, ie. it is just a 6 litre canister with a float activated dash mounted idiot light that lets you know when all the fuel you have left is what is in the resereve canister. It is nothing to do with monitoring fuel quantities left in the tanks ( Savannah has a simple visual tube for that) Of course one would monitor fuel burn etc as a check to give an indication of when the tank is close to empty , then if it is close to becomming empty and you have sufficent height you would wait for the light to come on before switching back to mains. If close to landing at destination one would switch back to main tanks anyway just in case of a malfunction near the ground and the plane running out of fuel at a critical time, Cheers Dags
  18. Rod I actually live near Caboolture however here we have had no rain since about 8 am but it is still very overcast Cheers Dags
  19. Hi Rod Met you at Mt Perry races and spoke to you recently re fly in at your place. ( We were in Savannahs ) I'm planing on doing the same ie taking a large bottle of home brew rum and buying coke and ice there it should add up to a good time. Any idea what the temperature gets down to at Birdsville over night? Not sure about Watts Bridge as I have radio problems at present and am waiting for Roger weston to get back and check it ojut for me. Cheers Dags
  20. Hi Cosmick There is an add in the current RAAus magazine for Birdsville races. The phone number for bookings is 1300 794 257 Hope to see you there. Dags
  21. Thanks John for all the info re Birsdsville I am looking forward to going this time round as I missed out on the recent trip to the center. Yes I to think it is a must see event to experience at least once in a lifetime and I cant wait to get going. It seems that pilots flying in are realy well catered for too this year with a tent village being set up for about $60 a night including breakfast and dinner which would allow people to travel two up without having to take along a lot of extra camping gear. How many days do you think the the round trip from Kilcoy and back will take including the extra excursions on the way home. Cheers Dags
  22. Likewise I am also extreemly jealous as I was to make the number 5 plane on the trip but due to an accident with a circular saw 3 weeks before I couldnt make it. Now after seing the photos I am even more upset. This would have been my first big trip to the outback. Anyway John well done with the pics and I hope to join you all on the next one maybe Birdsville. Cheers Dags:score 010:
  23. Thank you Peter Cheers Kenny
  24. Hi Some time ago there was a post giving a couple of alternative maps to the Mapsource map that comes with the Garmin's waypoint software , from memory one was a topographical map and the other was a map used by four wheel drivers. I did have them until my computer crashed and I would like them again as they are a lot more detailed than the Garmin one. If anyone can help I would apreicate finding the websites again Cheers Ken
  25. Kenny

    More leg room

    Thanks guys I will have a look at doing that and then let you know the outcome. Cheers Ken
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