Narromine is in the middle of heated debate about a flood levee. Id say that's why the sensitivity. Skypark is the councils own subdivision so extra butt protection needed.
The entire town is considered flood prone to a 1 in 100 yr event, last seen in 1955. That is before Burrendong dam constructed.
In recent years they have forced to build new houses above this level, most of the town is not.
These heights are ~ 1.0m above maximum flood height with some margin OVER the 1:100 level, I think so the chances of the aerodrome flooding are small. It is located in one of the highest areas locally.
If a levee is supported, it currently is not by many of the community, the skypark will be protected by it, however it seems likely the raised floor height will remain as insurers indicated "levees can fail"
Its a great place and aerodrome and currently local flyers becoming active which is good to see.