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Everything posted by jetjr

  1. "ITech 900cca jumper pack" These are most likely a Lithium ION POLYMER battery type, prone to catching fire even when being stored and I don't think suited to being carried in aircraft. Look up LIPO battery fire on youtube. Previous discussion on here about the difference between these LIPO and Lithium IRON batteries (LiFE) which are much safer After saying all that they are a great bit of kit and despite the warnings the technology is no doubt improving. Problem was something to do with cell isolating materials which could be damaged, starting fire, It cannot be extinguished.
  2. Apparantly, Trig now have software update that fixes Jabiru noise issue
  3. The best way forward is a mixture of each. As much wind and solar as people can afford and put up with limitations and coal tending to be replaced by gas or nuclear. Its the idea we have to become all renewable that's causing massive cost and unrealistic goals. Keep seeing here how cheap wind power is......not sure how people figure this as it required major storage systems to offer the same result as thermal sources. If youre not including this, as well as service and replacement, its not a equal comparison At some point we will hear about altering energy and climate balances by over extraction of solar and wind energy. Back to aviation, wind towers in regional areas 110m high are going to impact small end aviation. Another hazard to avoid like radio towers etc that can be flown into. If the well fed part of the world wanted to lower emissions they should consume less resources, walk more and turn off the air con.
  4. I reckon you will find despite the uptake of home solar, there will be large shortfalls in affordable power for industry. Homes arent where bulk usage is. These increased costs will flow on through basic goods like food and consumables Present home solar has reduced usage bills but nearly all still require full load demand on the grid. As less kwh used, access to this network will rise dramatically. If you want access be prepared to pay. Its likely c/kwh will effectively drop yet annual access fees will rise. Unless you can get off the system altogether (not really economic despite the loverly concept) Relief is temporary. The next step from smart meters is where suppliers control your connection. Bit like off peak.
  5. Resurecting old generators is very likely to cost big and best you can end up with is a version of the old one. New gas powered would be the go. We have plenty of gas, similar groups promoting renewables want to stop access to it. Produce the bulk of power theough this and let solar and wind develop on own merits unsubsidized.
  6. Capital is flowing into these projects because of subsidies by taxpayer and they can see we are too wedded to green philosophy to stop this cash flow. Blackouts can sway elections. There is no such thing as spare or cheap power feom solar or wind. It should be used when its generated. If it is passed to storage only 60%? Is recovered Solar and wind will have to be installed purely to recharge batteries. Entire new massive areas of panels or generators needed to run pumped hydro storage. Its power produced will be horribly expensive. How big is 150 MW solar or wind install? Add 30% for inefficiency, double that for battery 50-60% discharge, then size to provide this then for 18 hrs per day? Whats it life at this duty? Solar and wind are good thngs and they have a big role reducing greenhouse emissions. But only a small part of the whole puzzle. Problem is the cost. Neither solar or wind have lives much beyond 20 years and chemical batteries less. What do people think will happen many millions of tonnes of lithium cells once they are beyond service life. Looking for a risk free source of power generation is up there with unicorns
  7. Not sure where you see this, prices for both residential and industry has risen exponentially over last few years and forecast price decreases are tiny.
  8. Any stored energy system incurs big losses through inefficiencies in firstly generation then recovery This simply makes the energy which has run through batteries (both chemical and water) much more expensive - like 30-50% I think. As a result Snowy hydro and no doubt the new storage concepts can only target users that can afford it. I believe there is no "spare" or low value power in Snowy Hydro, above contracted volumes, they don't make it until the price hits a level and customers need it badly enough. The water sitting elevated IS a battery. Releasing water to generate and pump back up looses much of the energy generated. The only way storage works is if there is a surplus or cheap power source to begin with. Solar and wind need storage to be considered feasible replacements but this makes them even more expensive. Not many work out that storage options use power not make it. So contribute little to the energy supply problem. It just supports unreliable sources. Not a bad thing but costs energy and lots of money. Do some calcs on flat ground needed to generate enough power from solar for a smelter etc and the battery needed to support it for 18 hours operation. You will see why it hasn't been and is unlikely to ever be done. Storage backed by coal or gas would in fact work pretty well. Is anyone discussing this? Nuclear is a clear path forward yet it too is unpopular to discuss.
  9. been discussed before, there wasn't much stopping people walking amongst parked aircraft. Not sure how you control non flying people getting in the way of aircraft moving in and out. Camping was the same setup as previous ...10x? events there. Car parking was done by local VRA I think. Aircraft parking done by local pilots. There was for sure a false start with the Ozrunways/Avplan funding debarcle. West NSW needs another airshow right now, seem to bring on rain. Very little since last event! Bit hard to have aircraft on display AND active versions for flights - doubles cost for those displaying. Moving them around between areas with people wandering around was seen as a risk I thought. Moving every few years might be a good approach, at least gets local support. Also will force rethink of each site and setup. Can just hope the organisers maintain interest or it will disappear.
  10. Yep and had high cost and if anything went wrong RAA was fully liable After then numbers dropped to apoint where it was going to loose money No ones fault, just punters need for change If RAA was dusting $90 K + on the event some here would be the first to complain
  11. He new model vs Temora Natfly or even Narromine before that sees massively less risk and cost to RAA. A good thing Id have thouht. Also very few attended. Some fair criticisim of last year but it flogged down rain, remember that bit? Tends to slow interest in fly in events Insurers drive most events today as to what can and cant be done
  12. Its the same people and RAA are a small part of it. Fees are in promo, everyone pays but RAA gets a big discount Not sure why he location changed but it will surely be harder to get to and prone to weather
  13. Cell fi units have two models, one handles being mobile better Faster youre travelling the more problems with multiple cell hopping and confusion of devices Not many consumer wifi hotspots are made to work on the move I would guess
  14. $200 for radio and $800 for certificate that goes with it
  15. Telstra have a protocol that makers must drop connection once coverage goes above 100db. Customer must have high quality call......or none. In the air reception varies alot and you hop towers. As there are usually 2 or 3 nearby your devices may be on different ones. Even the $900 in car booster modules have to do the same Recieving better signal just needs an antenna but getting that to handset is the difficult bit now none have antenna port
  16. There is some known problem with Trig radios in Jabiru in EU Jabiru were looking at using them, maybe they have a fix
  17. Microair have had no reservations in saying they are leaving radio business Was bought by someone wanting certification it owns to get into other products They havent sold new units for a while They are a low cost unit and radios are certainly stuffed up by poor installation setups. The tech guy there are quite good but you cant talk to them. The service charges are setup so people paid their account for diagnosis time
  18. Page 223 in Aircraft tech manual, system is detailed there
  19. Yes they are a machined screen filter, look it up in aircraft tech manual Quite small and Jabiu have them made up Pretty coarse so unlikley to block up My ght even be another in header tank i think
  20. Seems ELAA and supporters believe they can exist and move forward with a different view of safety to that of CASA Right or wrong its the environment we exist under. At this point debating how wrong or misguided the policy and views are is wasting effort Judging RAA and its approach to lofe is also a waste of time bcause at this point its all we have CASA oversee everything and we exist and fly at their convienience.
  21. I thought all rubber hoses require 2 yr or so replacement on all aircraft?
  22. Hope everyone is enjoying paper magazine. Even if you don't get it. Largest expense by far Unfortunately ELAAA doesn't exist (as an option) at this point despite efforts from owners.
  23. Yes the plunger rod is a firm fit but there has to be loose clearance so fuel could get in there BUT The little nipple on the side of the pump, might be a mod Jabiru do to it, lets fuel vent out rather than too much entering sump The hose on this should be attached to oil carch bottle vent
  24. Yes they had a composite one since J230 id say, Also prevents fuel pump being bolted up tightly. Was required for LSA certification i think. Also had low fuel pressure switch and light which was pretty random. More recently chanaged to a folded steel version, quite expensive i think
  25. There is a risk, but more likely it can get back into sump id have thought Theres a small vent tube on the side to stop this but yes fuel goes overboard Jabiru now have a little tin catch tray with drain, its a certification addition id reckon
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