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Everything posted by jetjr

  1. Plenty claim the MPC is box ticking exercise and a very expensive one Even with this they cannot maintain an aircraft they didn't build or and engine they didn't have "significant input" into SAAA self maintenance only applies to builders it would seem Every other aircraft has LAME servicing - we don't want that but its a course CASA could send us on quite easily
  2. Yes some schools for sure have the skills. Plenty do not and yet maintained status to train students about it for some time. Some held L2 who shouldn't have or simply weren't current. Not sure of structure you mention but it wasn't obvious. As the number of pilots and planes increases, the L2 std and L1 std has to be monitored somehow and a base level set. If someone lost their L2 it would have been a reason, like not qualified or experienced or not submitting documents to prove it. Just the same as certification in any job today. Displayed competency only get you so far. Of course the online idea has flaws but less than old setup which had nothing. The idea of face to face training is a good vision but very hard and expensive to deliver. Looks like some efforts have been made recently. Did any one attend? Indicating to new people that self maint is a serious business is all this quiz is about. If something comes for free and without effort is is often not valued and we have to see allowance to self maint as precious thing.
  3. hardly call it an exam Few basic questions and letter on cert to say you've done it As said,by others, if you fail it you probably should progress no further with self maintenance. As far as getting CFI etc to train this, who says they have any maint knowledge. The aircraft they fly HAVE to be maintained by others. They may never have done any maintenance at all much. They could reasonably be expected to get a student up to the "L1 exam" level....
  4. A couple of ideas, only a few cents worth. The main and needle jet work together, not individually as it seems in tuning instructions Whichever one is restricting flow is keeping lean @ WOT To complicate this the needle moves to block (or not) the needle jet. If the needle isn't moving correctly it can restrict fuel. If you are increasing Main jet without results Id suggest theres issues with needle jet setup. Either needle isn't moving up or its profile isn't working on your setup. Could also be a max fuel flow problem too, could be a fuel restriction dropping level in bowl. And FYI mine has always run leaner at WOT same as you indicate. Chased it for years with no result. I just back off throttle a tiny bit as soon as practical. Its one cylinder in particular so I now reckon its to do with air distribution at high flows through intake and carb.
  5. Just a update, I tried the round hole intake (rather than NACA)........bugger all difference to EGT. Evened out a tiny bit, mixture has changed to a little richer but hardly noticeable
  6. Even the superstart marketing types are confused, they call it Lithium Ion and then say its LiFePO4 (which Id be sure it is) The EarthX seem to have some kind of aviation credential, is that just because they are more expensive? they do have remote fail output light
  7. Ive used screw in ones a bit and if screwed in at 90 deg to the pull (like any other peg setup) they dont come out that ive seen?
  8. Not allowed to identify RAA aircraft I thought
  9. Yet the same people ARE indirectly making the rules for both airlines and RAA
  10. Casa wanted annual inspections on all aircraft and modifications to all go through std engineering process. Raa argued against this and had to offer alternative solutions. No annual inspections is a big deal as it forms basis for GA maintenance. MARAP also being part of this Id say. Doing nothing or continuing L1 without training wasnt ever going to cut it unless an L2 inspected the aircraft annually. Id have guessed it all happened as part of tech manual acceptance process This is all hearsay but more realistic than the conspiracy theory RAA staff just out to screw members or overreaching to placate CASA i think
  11. How does it financially benefit RAA? Opposite id have thought And CASA demanded a process to gain L1 privaledges i believe.
  12. Yes the SAAA system with MPC course is OK but you need to have built/assembled 51% of the aircraft and engine I thought. This should remove those without any skill or experience.
  13. Id guess our friends in CASA have a real problem with the concept that pilots can maintain aircraft satisfactorily without almost ANY training or direction. As with plenty of our regulators approaches, the reality and evidence doesnt have to exist. Id reckon they would dearly love to roll RAA over to LAME servicing and annual inspections. In order to calm them and politicians, they have demanded a process to ensure complete novices at least realize the importance and responsibility of looking after an aircraft. Hopefully those without aptitude get someone else to help or do it for them. If an online test and basic training allows us to continue self maintenance its not that tough.
  14. The microair handles dual watch quite well, only locks onto secondary for less than 1 sec and primary overides it, only transmits on primary.
  15. Whats the approx cost for second ecu say to run fuel trim on 6 cyl? Can it be added later if required?
  16. Microair are out of the radio business so likely a copy Do they do dual channel watch?
  17. In many cases yes, but not always a straight swap, just like Jabiru engines depending on the variant you may need to swap a set or pair There is a source for some CAE parts
  18. I dont think people are looking for magic, we agree engnes arent run often enough and the evidence is corrosion is a big problem. If an additive offers even a small extension to corrosion protection, its likely to be worth it. The less an engine runs the greater the value of protection it might offer. FAA 500 hr tests say theres no down side. Interesting assessment of the LY?? Aeroshell aditive, it is what they claim an anti scuff. No one would be expecting it to fix fundamental temp or operation problems Id have thought.
  19. Yep and thats my approach too, that 100 hrly for a 4 cyl Jabiru would include all that too. Can also perform it yourself in RAA on many aircraft and suggest a few hundred dollars max
  20. Not convinced some of the conclusions about aircraft value and depreciation. Yes a new $100 K LSA is more than a 30+ year old 172 and a new 172 is a little bit more.........., Id also expect the cheap 172 might have a few expensive costs in the pipeline. There's plenty of solid older RAA aircraft under half that. As far as servicing, say, Jabiru offer 100 hrly from $850 (well under $2500 Erik indicates for GA). Top end overhaul is ~ $5K.
  21. Might work for a few, where there are more than a few pilots around. Same issues as line rental for constant small repairs when you lend things to people, especially young people short on experience Also i reckon your insurance would go up dramatically once you declare a low hr pilot, Additionally your asking to rent to 4 or 5 junior partners to get to 100 hrs Bit rude to claim bulk of RAA pilots are posers because they dont or cant fly regularly enough to meet your standards Have to assume the answer to the original question is no, there is no one here with experience of the product.
  22. As said elsewhere RAA ondicates our aircraft average more like 20-50 hrs per year By your reasoning there goes much of the RAA aircraft fleet
  23. Problem is well known, its a workable solution thats missing
  24. Inhibiting and returning to service an engine every fortnight would become tedious Camit made an oil inhibitor unit, based aroind injecting a small shot of oil into each head just on shutdown Seems to work
  25. Av 5% per year increase, will be less once previous years included. Not condoning the price rise, but if $30 per year is significant to you maybe better to take up something else Of course you have membership on top of this so keeping Reg and membership paid up is significantly more than GA, medicals aside. Can you maintain an engine you havent substantially built in GA experimental? Even with MPC? Finding a LAME for the diesel might be a problem if not. Maintenance in RAA for 19 reg is pretty unlimited unless you want to do major modifications and even then theres a process. Its a massive benefit of RAA.
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