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Everything posted by jetjr

  1. They laid blame at modifier before the aircraft was removed from paddock
  2. Yes thanks for clarity, i did use terms wrongly Any answer on how 2200J owners are going to get along with parts and major parts no longer supplied from suitable suppliers or not available at all? As far as LSA, the fairly significant steps away from original ASTM certified engines hasnt worried them before, either has sourcing parts from less reputable sources. Maybe the new version is a step too far and they have to test again?
  3. Looks like a good event to me, saved by making those attending pay Not much for free anymore Offer to be a volunteer, not likely they would be charged, (sure they would if asked) always need more to help parking and directing aircraft
  4. Interesting as Rod has had the same view for years Several efi systems out there, even a nice developed by Jabiru RSA have been ignored Id have thought the need for a certificated engine was pretty small market No 3300 has ever been certified and only a few older 2200
  5. Im definitely not a Jab hater but they have pushed far too many test engines out the door and improved using customers faith and money. The whole CASA saga has done little but damage old customers. Mid stream parts changes and qa problems have hurt them badly Hopefully they are changing to sell completely developed and worthy engines well supported.
  6. Why would you take a heavily modified engine back to original maker and expect independant analysis?
  7. Can anyone identify source of pistons?
  8. Increased clearances from Jab spec would be huge Scoring could be from slap? Wonder what post build leakdowns were?
  9. Not sure of the Gen numbers, reckon it would be up to 15-20 if all the variations included. Id reckon they are doing parts for pre Gen 4 models, ie hydraulic lifter separate barrel and head models Lots of parts compatible with solid lifter models too It does give hope to those with engine more than a year old. Pricing delivered AU will be interesting Right now there are few parts and no new engines available either
  10. Some signs of overheating there, this is linked to plenty of problems. Significant head recession, burnt oil under head and under piston To get those oil stains after 150 hrs would be pretty hot Some of the older piston had casting dags/lumps in these areas shown as ground Jab direct pairing pistons, gives weight limits, and doesnt allow rebore of barrels, so did Camit. Not sure how Jabiru claimed it was a Camit engine originally and not their fault?
  11. I had an issue with backup battery in D180, pins in plug werent making good contact and it reboot once, after several years battery needed replacement Other than that 500hrs without issues so far
  12. If the efis is slow to update theres something wrong, even experimental ones should run as fast as analog. Ive found a big dollar avidyne was slow and clunky. Getting used to a different panel is a real problem but isnt confined to glass panels, Once you get used to glass setups, very few want go back to gauges. In day VFR you really shouldnt need too much in the way of instruments to fly, keeping eyes outside is more of help and avoiding collissions tp seems pretty concerned about
  13. So its how much it costs that makes it good? Glass engine monitors display not only vastly more onfo but incorperate cautions and alarms, fuel flow calcs. An engine gaige not watched may as well not be there
  14. I and my doctor(also a DAME) has significant issues with the fact that the doctor has next to no input into the assessment of your medical They are simply filling forms and ordering tests
  15. Plenty of the "toy " glass is now certified including the sensor pack in Dynon and some of thir units The amount of info including, wind, aoa, bugs and other alarms and cautions available for similar money makes them a simple decision
  16. Do you realise you're arguing with pilots with tens of thousands of hours in aircraft of all types, flight instructors and other well experienced people? A key skill of a safe pilot is to keep learning.
  17. If you have one fitted you must use it
  18. Surprised the old AUF crew havent been here arguing they dont need radios at all.....and they are still right I think at many airfields. Was taught to always expect other aircraft without or with faulty radio to be in circuit or maybe on he wrong channel Its never ok to assume because radio is quiet theres no other traffic and this maybe happens a lot to pilots from busier -R airfields
  19. Farhoud was due for around $10 mill in final payout from Aus post
  20. PSB policy now backed by Agile and QBE Online quoting and rates seem pretty much the same. These are much lower than other offers Ive had in last few years
  21. $600 K Think heads of ASA earn more and theres been recent questioning of $40K PER MONTH credit card limits being used
  22. If it wasnt for the newer aircraft and pilots theres every chance the organization would be long gone
  23. Or maybe they are pushing for things members have asked for. Only 10% vote in elections so maybe not take many to push priorities
  24. Might be some selective memories there Natfly failed because people didnt show up. Was declining for some time. Pretty sure RAA stood to loose a heap of money if the dice was rolled again. They went and backed the almost failing SAAA event in NRM and saved it that year for less risk and less money. None of which reflects on hard working volunteers but would have had it pushed onwards. Quite possible there isnt scale to run several stand alone recreational bodies.
  25. I thought they all lost money and that was the problem for most members?
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