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Everything posted by jetjr

  1. They work with the data and advice they can get. In tiny niche markets thats near nothing so would pick up any data available or an informed point of view. Presently all that exists is from atsb and casa and at best its not enough to draw any conclusions from at worst tainted and full of errors. Yes i have worked with insurance companies providing advice setting premiums and exclusions.
  2. Proactive industries actually believe its better to keep and retrain people even after screw ups because they are likely to have learned more from it than any training can teach.
  3. What about Trutrak PFD? Anyone using this?
  4. I agree Garfly, many junior pilots tend to watch things happening, delay reactions considering options rather than doing something about it.(I know I was criticised for this when training too) Never more relevant than in EFATO
  5. "And as for the current "requirement" to have second inspection on 19 reg control works you state you might be unpleasantly surprised to find that it is NOT an actual current requirement of the Tech Manual ... 4.0 para 10 on critical maintenance on flight controls has a "should" not a "Shall" or "Must" ... its not a compulsory requirement despite anything the Tech Manager may think - legally the words are not mandating." Why would I be unpleasantly surprised? It would be be pretty dopey to ignore a sensible recommendation like this second inspection. Several SB and documents from manufacturers and RAA have clearly specified secondary inspections Reckon some should spend efforts following best practice and recommendations rather than looking for exceptions and ways to avoid sensible proceedures. There has never been a claim Ive heard that second owner maintenance of 19 aircraft be forced to L2 only. Major modifications only may require inspection.
  6. Not true Kasper, you have pushed along this track before No mention of maintenance, or minor mods but yes control or major modifications will need sign off by someone, maybe not necessarily an L2. You need someone to second inspect control works now.
  7. Assettinsure payed up just fine on one loss Im aware of. The whole point is how fragile the RAA and aviation industry is to action by regulators. Effects of flawed action spread well outside intended targets.
  8. Actual report versus what? Qbe are insuring mine too now but one of the only other options out there has refused to cover Jabiru aircraft anymore due to unreliability of engines. (Didnt matter that I dont have a Jabiru engine) If you dont think thats a big deal dream on. Forgot to mention QBE are much more expensive
  9. Hull Insurance is only covering aircraft, not engine repairs, even at 20-30 full write offs it would appear to be excellent business The fact there has been only a few total losses each year one would expect they are doing quite well from us
  10. It can be a decision from a reinsurer several companies behind the brands we know and love.
  11. Not sure why you're saying afyer 150ml use you have to stop and refill oil to top Plenty run well below lower mark all the time If you are filling to top mark theres likely to be 100ml blown out in first 5 minutes, then drop to 30ml/hr or so. Test bed engines have run with under 1.5 l for hours, and low level is seen as slightly increased temps None i know are limited by oil capacity, mostly by bladder size of the pilot.
  12. Maybe they have been talking to workcover or some of the teir 1 contractors here?
  13. Others still insuring so no deep trouble yet but it illustrates the impact such claims and actions by regulators can have Possibly they are looking to reduce risks and any excuse will do. Normally they would just raise premiums
  14. Fill as requird, logging how much, at service measure whats in catch can and subtract from total added Divide by hours and that's your burn rate I generally add this volume at the end of a flight, means reading next start is more accurate.
  15. Yep insurers arent smart enough to see the difference in Jabiru AIRCRAFT and Jabiru ENGINES Not interested in insuring aircraft. Id assume a Jabiru engined other brand is OK
  16. David, your assuming the facts CASA acted on are true, they arent and this is why every one should be concerned. There equal evidence that rotax and other makes are worse depending on the analysis. Id have thought Jabiru would be good to insure, lots of them, easily and cheaply repaired and very tough. Despite engine problems they have an excellent record for safety.
  17. They maybe used to research but in small markets like aviation they will take advice from casa and atsb. Theres plenty here on accuracy and not of the data used for the limitations Insurance companies are about charging premiums and not payng out claims. Anything they can do to keep this ratio on their side is considered
  18. Recived notice today Assett Insure wont continue covering Jabiru aircraft due to engine reliability problems........even if they dont have Jab engines They are pretty major company behind many brokers in aviation. Shows how deep this situation can bite
  19. Theres nothing much inside the Jabiru version, i believe CAE has mesh and trapping material, bit of work gone into getting it right, like all CAE items
  20. I bought a Jabiru one, dont think it achieved anything much. An issue with Jabiru is that they tend to pump out good oil to a set level, this could be an issue on really long trips. Have to work out real oil burn which is tricky. A lot of people overfill and get the perception the engine is burning the oil up. CAE vent the blow off pipe to a different part to the rear of the engine. An issue is maybe the small diameter of the oil fill tube and this fixes it. Now they have a catch can too. Mine uses almost no oil without this. I also have on the bench a different style, and new,catch can here I could sell cheaply. Wasnt cheap to buy. Made specially for 3300. Pipe with baffles inside that sits alongside coolong duct, Not required as i now have CAE engine.
  21. There are two ports on the front, one where sender normally is and one below it Normal position measuring pressure after pump, before filter, cooler and engine, other position is after engine and everything. Measure pressure in second port to see whats really happening Hydraulics are very sensitive to correct pressure. Also Jab supplied pressure senders are ordinary and read incorrectly. Common failure part. Try a second one (VDO part) first as there may not be an issue at all. Its possible something is holding regulation valve open.
  22. Few in CASA might be uncomfotable if a senator owns and flys a Jabiru
  23. And according to the report it wasnt a big issue in solid lifter engines anyway A CAE core isnt going to work in LSA or Certificated so wont solve issues with those in training - where the problems were seen. I hope whatever the claimed fix is, that it does actually fix the problems.
  24. ANR allows clearer listening to engine noises and such Wind and exhaust noise is gone
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