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Everything posted by jetjr

  1. Ive asked a few times about this resonance data and rpm, no answer Still something here doesnt line up for me. Report talks about heat expansion AND resonance, yet basically focuses fix on new throughbolts - thats version 3 or 4 now. Kind of admits older engines didnt have problems, they ran smaller bolts and nuts, yet they are limited too. Id suggest factory rebuilds is exactly what will be required. Rod does have a big stack of old engines there ready to be rebuilt as exchanges. Id expect many will live with limitations or ignore them. The more pointless regs we have the more people tend to ignore the whole lot.
  2. the wreck will be sold, someone with skills and time will get it cheap and rebuild. Possibly sell for a profit in the end.
  3. Depends on country but in Australia only the J230 is factory built (not countng J170, J120) , 430, 250 etc etc are experimental In RSA you can buy 430 from factory 250 is a different wing for slower stall. Some markets limit stall in cruise config, others in landing config. Have a look at the website, tells a lot
  4. Sure is, what a big thump, it brought down the powerlines too and theres no bits missing. Seriously tough airframe. A little luck no doubt but good engineering increases luck a lot. Ill bet someone rebuilds it.
  5. CASA would be busy writing apologies and compensation cheques wouldnt they? Problem is that to meet current specs would require full tear down and possibly no way forward for solid lifter models. Not sure where it leaves Certificated models who cant change anything much
  6. Not for farm sheds away from boundaries - 60m I think Main point is, once people start to complain its almost too late
  7. jetjr


    The new Gen Jabiru engine with alloy barrels is very free turning, not sure what that means as bottom end is the same. CAE engines are also much easier to turn both hot and cold - not much difference.
  8. jetjr


    Yes its common Couple of points i see, things grow in all directions with heat not just expand. They also cool diferently too BUT the heating and cooling happen from different sources so its possible that the cank is hot and expanded whilst alloy cools faster from outside of engine creatinga different mix of hot and cool parts to what happens in heating cycle. Next pistons arent very tight in cylinders, thats what the rings are for, if pistons are grabbing on cylinder itself, you have big issues
  9. There has been good sucess with carbon props on 3300 but a series of problems on 2200 Something to do with resonance.......... Jabirus fibreglass option seems to be going ok
  10. The paper version is probably being kept for a while to soothe those with withdrawals. If you believe what you read here the management would be lynched and RAA collapse if they cut it off altogether
  11. Maybe the issue is Neil is upset, understandably, I would be too, yet there is nothing RAA can do. Blame is still being publicly laid at RAA feet. RAA cant take action against someone who won a legal case even if it is seen as unjust.
  12. The first copy of the printed magazine might cost $10,000 then $0.20 c each after that. Used to work like that in other industries. I believe Neils issue involves a difficult series of events ending in a bad outcome in the courts. Maybe RAA didnt support well at the time, There apears to be an expectation RAA will be able to take some action which goes against this ruling. It apparantly cannot.
  13. There isnt a windfall from ditching paper magazine because we didnt, its still there however with not enough subscribers to make it pay. Now the rest of members have to pay the difference
  14. There is avgas there np problem Need credit card
  15. Yes a couple
  16. jetjr


    Could be fretting for sure It soes the similar thing if case split and assembled poorly. Tight when hot is one of the issues Camit have worked on and fixed
  17. Ive got a hanger there if that helps?
  18. jetjr


    With through bolt replacement instructions you could easy see excess clamp on crank. Some method using spring tension on prop to ensure no over tightening
  19. You can adjust gain yourself , newest ones i think have individual gain maybe
  20. There are recommended and even certified ones now I think Look up Earth x batteries for better type
  21. Most serious information is being emailed, got a safety update today I agree reading online magazine is more easily forgotten, also seem to scrool through faster for some reason
  22. jetjr


    Yes but same bolts used, even smaller than current versions, and with the thin nuts, loctite and other evils, in the solid lifter models. They didnt have many problems. The real problem, Jabiru claims, is the resonance which is fixed by upgrading bolts, nuts and washers. Not the thermal expansion. The thermal expansion problem is still there even after upgrades so not sure how big a part it actually plays.
  23. Rev P onwards headsets can connect directly to radio i think
  24. 2 dc 13.4 and headsets inc anr, no problem except occasionally input to radio seems to open. Ive been told the fix just havent done it.
  25. Yep know the feeling BUT, for a bit you can get backup battery for D180, run as EFIS only and all sensors are separate and not linked to skyview at all
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