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Everything posted by jetjr

  1. If your going d180 plus a skyview, dont you have full redundancy?
  2. So you'd prefer to stand on the apron and argue procedure with CASA than fit markings.... to prove a point about a flaw you have found in old tech manual? Id have thought there was a way to submit electronic ACR in which case just resend it, if you didnt keep any copies or send registered mail it hardly their fault. Wouldnt it be prudent to have a W&B done anyway?
  3. Registration documents are not ownership papers If its unairworthy then its unable to fly, therefore registration to do so would very much seem a waste of money. Maybe registration is too cheap........aw hang on its too dear for many, yet seems you have exposed 300x members have been affording this without using it. Kasper it might just be a point of view but why make such a problem over number markings and a weight certificate? If your documents, werent recieved at RAA, how is it their problem. Consider emailing another copy, if only to get a settled end result. Love to hear how any of your dealings with Avmed or CASA progressed, much worse than RAA
  4. A camel is a horse designed by a comittee. Oo and another one A duck can run, swim and fly but does none of them well.
  5. These electric T&B use a lot of power, theres an isolator switch in case of problems or to stop power use before take off when Jab altenators dont do much.
  6. Anyone interested in group buy of Earth X lithium Phosphate batteries Specially made for experimental aircraft Save 5.2 kg on firewall, much more powerful and better cold performance http://earthxmotorsports.com/product-category/experimental-aircraft I can get a significant discount for orders of 5 units ETX680 should be drop in fit to PC680 Oddessy, Im guessing $480 AUD landed.
  7. A common approach with upset customers, suggests the descision at some point that nothing will satisfy them, now or in the future. Stop trying and move on to helping the majority of members, appreciative of efforts.
  8. They are Ok admitting mistakes, maybe not to someone still giving them a hard time both online and in person. A key problem is that tiny portions of the membership burn up massive amounts of time on complicated issues especially those requiring CASA interaction. No doubt they are valid concerns and need attention. Its a problem handling so many types of aircraft under one small tech team. Granting permission in the past to fly without credible information being clear and supported in CASA's view, has landed the technical team in trouble in the past which persists today. Theres another threads with owner calling for legal action over previous approvals being revoked. As with any good technical document, the new one will be open to suggestions and changes and no doubt see regular updates. Id imagine a hard part may be sorting out the real problems and workable solutions from those continually complaining about everything. EXTRA PAPERWORK......did you read post #125? We arent doing it currently, so can hardly be called extra
  9. Spent a lot of time learning about adhesives, and you can find changes like you mentioned but water resistance and max temperature handling can be miles apart. Two identical products, one is water soluble, and handles max 40 deg C, other has 25 yr life, waterproof an handles 80 deg max, and yep 3 x the price. Comes back to paying for the effort that goes into selecting the correct product for the job. Sometime the cheap one is OK for the application. Also time goes into making sure suppliers dont substitute different products. The issue is theres no longer a small difference in price but big one.
  10. Followed this up a bit It was an exercise in seeing how many aircraft are compliant with existing records requirements. Many reckoned we were all doing a good job. Around a quarter replied to the request at all despite reminders, calls etc. Very few of those who did reply were fully compliant with whats required. Like 2%. Pretty sure it included L2 serviced aircraft too. It has come up as a result of lacking adequate maintenance records and poor standards when things get to CASA level or even it all goes legal for some reason. This is a serious issue if we want to keep current maintenance freedoms - there are those out there that are looking for excuses to remove them. The recommendation to cancel self maintenance can come from a magistrate who doesnt really get it, not just CASA. The outcome is further education and clarity in whats required currently (and always has been) we just been ignoring it.
  11. Increased MTOW isnt going to help if stall speed restriction stays
  12. Yep, Ian supplied new waxstat, i have to fit which isnt as simple as i first thought It could be that sender is in cooler spot than toca sees.
  13. The separator shown has baffles inside, oil vapour hits and dribbles back via hose it came in. Water vapour keeps going to normal drain container on firewall. CAE now have a similar item which drains back through extra hole in casing. Im seeing TOCA running a bit cool, being 75-78 deg, I have higher rated waxstat but have to remove toca to fit.
  14. they way your doing it should be not problems, its a fairly std catch can. Condensate etc should keep going to drain. Jabiru sell a unit based on same concept, fits on top of oil filler. The spare one I have is the same just longer
  15. Ozrunways has new app which attempts to let users know if they are in area suitable for drone use
  16. If theres a readout then theres a sensor?? I see they are advertising all come with EMS now so muxt be peetty common?
  17. I bought and used Jabiru square one for 50 hrs........ Didnt do much IMO I do have an inline catch can i dont need if someone wants it?
  18. Not sure i understand, the flosacan or cube fuel flow sensor is reularly fitted, theres plenty around, and theres drawings in tech manual.
  19. Not at odds at all, depending on your setup it could be right You should be able to provide 60 lph (1.5x max usage) with no pumps at all, i doubt many can. This is the benchmark Im talking about. This is an aviation standard i think. I did lots of testing too and found fuel flow sensor is a big restriction, non running elect pump too. Jabirus standard fitment of sensor and fuel filter upstream of electric pump seems a bit odd. Standard setup saw just 20lph without elect pump running at the engine. I got this up to around 50lph eventually. As mech pumps are hard to test, and inflight not many can see their performance, its possible to be running relying totally on electric pump and gravity. If it stops or fogotten there could be problems at sensitive times. Just to prove a point to me, soon after i had the mech pump stop intermittently, gravity almost kept it all going until periods of higher flow.
  20. Arent we using different gear to the usa anyway?
  21. Yes Jabiru recommend watching all cylinders, No doubt a problem for them is that if some cylinders exceed limits on a new LSA , its going to be their problem to fix it. Fitting just 2 is plain odd. I also see they dont turn on data logging. CHT is the primary parameter for sure, unless you have full EMS - which wasnt required or supplied until recently - how would you know whats going on other than the one you're watching. The fuel flow is an interesting one, Jabiru allow for use of electric pump for fuel supply test, if it isnt on or maybe not working then you can run lean for sure, fuel lines way too small to feed by gravity at required flows. Even mech pump can starve under full load. A clogged filter or even the fuel flow sensor itself creates lots of restriction. Some are up sizing lines.
  22. You can build your own for far less $$ than this, not much to it really. Its the EMS thats required where the dollars are and without it your really testing faith in fuel distribution. How many are out there being used in Jabiru's?
  23. jetjr


    It is a good report, Rod was trying to tell me all this last June. Was over my head at the time. It is a big admission really regarding reliability of hyd lifter models. Goes to show a mid production change in design should be properly analysed. Also indicates proper nanlysis on failures should be done, we are up to version 4 or 5 in throughbolt saga, finally some science behind this one. Still means full rebuild for Jabiru owners to setup new bolts Not surprising to me the 50% non adhereence to SB's in returned engines Is there a rpm where this particular frequency occurs or is it not that simple?
  24. You are seeing 100-110 deg F difference, we are seeing 100-150 deg C difference, Also theres no way youd run a Jab CHT up to 190 Deg C, they reportably change permanently much over 180 deg. Even the best tuned Jab Ive seen is only at the numbers your seeing in terms of EGT spread. Most are far worse. We are targeting differences you have. You certainly wouldnt want to run an engine LOP with 150 degrees C between richest and leanest. To say rough running due to mixture problems "doesnt matter" is a big call seeing the number of possible detonation related problems out there with Jabiru engines Id go further and say older design engines are simply stronger and more resistance to what you call rough running. Penalty is weight.
  25. Might want to look closer at 6 cyl Jabiru
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