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Everything posted by jetjr

  1. They can??? Pilot needs PPL (inc current medical and CTA endorsement), Aircraft needs transponder and approval which RAA can issue
  2. "He tells me that the Airventure organiser has paid for the Bushcat and also the engine. He fears that the organiser is going to be ay out of pocket." Isnt that quite the opposite to whats claimed? if they had paid why isn't it being given away? Why ask RAA members to bail out the giveaway?
  3. No confusion, Already documented that all aircraft over 600kg will need LAME maint and no reduction in stall speed
  4. There are plenty of RA aircraft manufacturer tested to 700kg flying restricted to 600kg now, mainly by stall speed A 2 kt increase in stall and 100kg MTOW would allow 2 pax and full fuel No comparison to Cherokee 6 which is operated at max manufacturer MTOW presently.
  5. The MTOW increase will mean little for 99% of RAA members A very small group of GA reg aircraft will benefit but heavier new models also will be winners
  6. The Broken Hill pipe line was done to provide reliable water to the city, an existing pipeline from Darling is there but quality and reliability of volume wasn't good enough. As this Menindee/Darling water is now, through buy backs, committed to CEWH and SA, they had to build this to allow the lakes to be used as flood storage alone. As can be seen this year, the Murray simply cant deliver volumes per day required to meet South Australia's portion. Theres been several proposals to increase efficiencies in Menindee lakes and keep them full longer, National Parks I believe prevented them over 30 years. Being a largely unregulated river, several towns and farms will less often have river water and more seasonal fish and bird deaths and "degradation' of the river Managers have been fooled into thinking Darling river is as reliable as Murray and committed water downstream based on this Irrigators will get the blame. The lower lakes in SA evaporate around 50% of the water all on their own
  7. Constantly flowing rivers is a modern construct designed to keep lakes and people comfortable in South Australia and along the river, No problem until, keeping it flowing means the rest of the basin is totally dry and has none. Australian "nature" does not need constantly flowing rivers. Right now Murray is in near flood to deliver environmental requirements to lower reaches of river It had years of zero flow before dams and weirs were built. The Darling system delivers big quantities of water however highly unreliable. You seriously think South Australians needs the many thousands of GIGA litres for drinking!!! Last year they were pumping environmental flows for parks and gardens in Adelaide, saving their entitlements for later use. Around half is lost in evaporation in the lower lakes which are an artificially fresh, supports leisure activities and a relatively small amount of farming I believe If you think Australia can afford this you might need to review what this water would created for the country in exports and jobs Presently not much is being used for farming. The CEWH is the largest holder of water by a long way and it mostly heads out to sea or evaporates. Right now SA has 100% water allocation in addition to massive environmental flows, Rest of the basin has near zero and is financially collapsing. The reason for this is the equal representation in the Senate, any move to alter or equalise federal water issues is controlled by one of the least populus states. If Govt wants things to get things through the Senate they have to appease SA senators
  8. Joked big battery was like the big banana I will guarantee Tesla would not have signed up or promised anything without escape clauses or metrics they could meet easily Don't think the cost has ever been released has it?
  9. Batteries, renewables are all good things, its the cost, both capital and lifetime, that is the problem Reckon govt kicked in 20+ Million for the SA battery being discussed - banked directly off shore It sure wasn't sold as a network stabilising tool, but as having the ability to store and use later renewable energy Ill bet many general public inc media, believe batteries and pumped hydro actually make power rather than consume a lot of it.
  10. Comments on individual crop selections and how they are suite to Australia doesn't follow facts, the concept that cotton (or any other crop) should be legislated out of production is a road to regional devastation. Picking winners - which is exactly what you are proposing- has never worked and resulted in some of the most distorted and financially crippling periods in Agricultural history Dairy, Nuts, Lucerne and many others use similar water and some even more. Most use water highly efficiently contrary to whats sold in the media. There is no other annual crop that returns the same to the producers and is highly exported generating jobs and income to operate the rest of their farms and communities As far as pesticide use goes Id have thought they now would be lower per ha than many food crops found in your basket Lots of uninformed opinions without much backing. Also contrary to many thoughts and current drought, Australia has plenty of fresh water .society has chosen to send it down and out the end of a major river into the ocean, largely benefiting one state. Models and mindsets fixed on maintaining fresh lakes and constantly flowing rivers in seawater areas is costing dearly, mostly only seen when the country doesn't have the water to spare -like now Re pumped hydro, few admit or understand that every time you convert energy from one state to another, around 20% is lost. Round trip efficiencies of pumped hydro are pretty awful, ie you get back bit over half the power you put in let alone very expensive maintenance costs. That makes the energy conserved more than double the price of the method used to generate it in the first place. Also power must be generated close to where its used, transmission losses also take a big chunk of capital and energy.
  11. Interesting, increasing 50% in size can now provide from 10 minutes now up to 60 minutes
  12. The Boggabri claim is being investigated, Water licencing is a complicated thing often misunderstood or misrepresented by media and vested interests. Some 250 ?? claims of illegal take nearby earlier this year were all discounted in just a few days afterwards. Im not saying the mine is innocent but claims to NRAR are easy to make and ABC loves to broadcast them.
  13. SA has not overcome anything much but a very expensive political stunt, in the scale of nation wide power generation, the Tesla battery is miniscule Provides ~ 10 minutes of power , it does help regulate but thats not what it was sold as to South Australians Networks are increasingly having trouble regulating voltages. Even residential solar is a developing headache. Larger Solar installations are being isolated as they cant keep output regulated to spec. Many are driven by investors strongly focussed on Govt rebates and being turned off is a nasty shock...….. no income until fixed The concept of moving power from one state to another creates problems with inefficiencies and energy losses. Forecasts say Victoria is in for a hard summer as presently their suppliers might need to provide for their own states needs first
  14. That's good stuff and should be commended Bet it wasn't cheaper than fossil fired or maybe provided by nuclear (which we are also too morally upstanding to use here) If it was at cost parity it wouldn't just be for a few weeks SA is generating lots of renewables but relies on others providing its power when it suits them and their power is one of the dearest in the world I thought.
  15. Honestly don't care much about our vision or how bigger balls you think that the world thinks about Australia. You are getting close to being offensive regarding who is sprouting what. Very few other countries governments, let alone their populations, even respect us. We are a tiny, very wealthy nation incredibly bound up in virtue signalling and writing moral cheques we can only just afford. Something like 95% of the worlds population actually doesn't know we exist and are concerned about next week, not some point in thousands of years IF our weather forecasters are correct. None of the previous forecasts and models have proven correct. They are trying to predict miniscule changes over hundreds of years from vague data sources. As indicated climatology on global scale is incredibly (impossibly) hard to measure, let alone draw predictions from We definitely should be looking to improve our global impact but so far everyone in first world countries will only adopt changes if it doesn't effect them. Talking about what should be done is easy but has the risk of being very expensive with no return The concept that renewables is reaching parity with fossil fuels is plain BS from those supporting it. It is if you ignore large parts of their production and disposal happening in countries where they don't care about emissions. Renewables are a great thing and should be supported but as for replacing coal power, it is a dream.
  16. the CO2 will be released if Australia sells coal or not, China and India etc will use coal from somewhere, potentially low grade sources and be even worse Australia is so small that if we ceased ALL emissions and exports there would still be no effect. yes several climate scientists have indicated it is unlikely that Australia lowering CO2 emissions would have any reducing impact on world levels. Some still say we should be seen as a global leader in sustainability. By far most of the world population is more interested and getting to try electricity for the first time or learning to read. Not important who admits what, our govt can do NOTHING to change the course of global climate change Spend the same amount working on developing technology and ways to handle variable climate to maintain our way of life and reducing our impact on the planet. Plastic pollution in the oceans will get us long before changing climate will
  17. What exactly do people want the govt - or the PM personally to do? What do they expect govt to do about drought? Its been openly agreed, even by those strongly advocating action, that Australia can have almost no impact on global climate change. Stop debating and work to handle the climate we have.
  18. Few suggest the climate isn't variable or changing, the key problem is that many believe that theres something the AU govt can do about it. They cant, however they can spend most of our countries wealth trying
  19. Cost per hr, simple to own and fly is why smaller Jabiru so popular as trainers Likely straight after training you will want something different/faster/etc etc and sometime after then your probably beginning to understand costs and maze that is owning an aircraft. Use a rental for a start
  20. Additions to ULP is common practice and not illegal (I don't think) unless it undermines base specs. Each company has its own additive pack in addition to rinsing and stirring of tanks. A major difference between aviation and road users is ULP is now largely running through EFI engines that can easily handle such changes in SG and via ECU, control mixtures to prevent engine damage. Except a very few aircraft this is not the case in aviation. A 10% increase in fuel burn or decrease in performance wouldn't be noticed by many road users. As per document I added last post you will see the SG change and subsequent mixture change after just a few weeks from refinery Id have thought the age of fuel at a std regional servo would be well into this time window. If ULP isn't used quickly you can damage the engine. If its jetted and setup for it probably no issues. Ethanol can harm more than just the engine, Rotax may be OK but aircraft fuel system may not be up to it. The volume of fuel used for piston aviation fleet is miniscule so no the lead shouldn't concern many. Did anyone notice several brands in NSW have ethanol in their 95 now?
  21. Big call Skip Water is by far the most prevalent we see in vehicles and small engines fuel systems, they are buying from same bowser Contaminants like you've mentioned are pretty well captured in std paper filters too - not water. If you aren't using an Avgas bowser (which should have additional filtration and have samples taken regularly etc, then a water separating funnel is a must Does the element in these last forever? Not the document I was looking for but some info on ULP - remember these times would be ex fuel terminal https://www.bp.com/content/dam/bp-country/en_au/media/fuel-news/petrol-life-vehicle-tanks.pdf
  22. not if its a four year course and a three year electoral cycle
  23. expiry is the main problem with ULP, reckon theres a fact sheet somewhere on this problem Only lasts a very short time, Avgas maintains spec for much longer 98 is a problem using volatile additives which gas off, quickly,dropping it to below 95 very quickly Also I see plenty of 95 now has ethanol
  24. Didn't Vic just stop launching fees at public boat ramps?
  25. driving a repaired car home and flying a $100K aircraft over some of the remotest parts of Australia are quite different things
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