Glad to hear your issue with ID numbers has been sorted, I would have thought to your satisfaction.
What compulsory inspections? Having someone else check your work is a pretty basic caution when doing critical tasks even outside aviation.
Unfortunately there has always been differentiation between builders and subsequent owners, one can train in it one cant. In VH experimental one can maintain and modify, one cant.
Unless theres something new this is the same as proposed some time ago after MARAP outlined.
Having just been through the process, for something minor, it was simple and fast.
Its a check and balance to stop people doing dumb modifications, damaging themselves and RAA overall.
The other option as I heard it was a complete stop to modifications and the need for engineering proposals via CASA standard process (kinda the same as stopping it)
CASA have taken a big step allowing RAA to self manage this mod process and (in their eyes) placed a big responsibility with TM. Its the far lesser of two evils.
If its a minor mod, theres nothing to do but update documents and get approval from TM, more major he may require test flight time, W&B, and a eyes on check from L2.
What I would like to see is a pathway via training, to achieve "builder" status for an aircraft you own. For some reason builders are rated higher than L2 or LAME on that type of similar aircraft, despite having no experience much or training. A 51% builder may not have skills beyond a 10 year owner and maintainer.
The option to avoid much of this and satisfy CASA's overall dislike of self maintenance, was to allow annual L2 inspections on ALL aircraft. Personally I dont have a major issue with that if it removes other regulation messes.