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Everything posted by jetjr

  1. Wasnt it indicated that the kw used was to get the thing airbourne ie 50 kw per take off?
  2. Unfortunately in NSW Councils do have a say on land use - cant stop you building a strip/road etc but can stop you using it as a airstrip Long list of uses in R1 land exempt and requiring DA, "Airports" is now clear in non exempt catagory Some debate if neighbours have to be informed/can object or not. Ill bet they do and will object.
  3. A large number of aircraft had to stop flying under the old system and records were badly kept. CASA wasnt ever going to let that continue.
  4. Seem to recall a group of AT 802 was argued a better solution, especially considering theres a bunch in AU already, and could deliver larger qty faster than any other option Maintenece and pilots aren't too hard to find - comparatively. Also some point about fill turn around times too as we cant keep up with volumes for large aircraft in many places We don't have rivers and dams suitable, don't have sealed strips everywhere Large aircraft look impressive but some say money better spent other ways
  5. The reasons RAA has the exemptions from std VH regulations, lower medical, self maintenance, is the reduction in risk some limitations provide, lower weight, 2 pax, no night, no ifr etc etc Not sure we can expect relaxation in limitations if (in CASA mind) the risk is raised Why just factory built to go over 600kg?
  6. They have someone in mind for this but it isn't farmer Joe, not many left. Maybe light GA training, but as indicated if its LAME maint and C2 medical whats the point? Similar for CTA, if C2 medical remains required.
  7. Why doesn't it apply today? was there some change to regulation? He is clearly negligent allowing someone without training or skill to do the job unsupervised and there was an accident if it were a small number of non compliant individuals it wouldn't be a problem As with a lot or regulations it written with a large business size in mind with resources to defend themselves
  8. Workcover consider Fred totally responsible for that accident and he'd likely prosecuted, his premium would be substantially increased so next year he hires only cash only workers or does it himself. (premium is paid as % of declared wages) Increased regulation drives people to ignore more than just the issue being regulated against. We could be discussing CASA too
  9. Theres plenty of nasty accidents but the issue with WHS regulation is would it have prevented the accident? On farms and single person operations likely not. Normalization of risk is a big problem - where people don't appreciate how dangerous a short cut or activity is.
  10. Dynon or any other approach plates being anything more than eye candy is crazy you dont have differential gps and inheranantly have any error to 10+ m either side and far more vertically. Even the faintest idea this will allow a safe landing after dark can push people not to land early. Even a controlled prang in daylight into scrub would be better than this outcome. i love my D180, AP and OzR but for actually flying and landing, vis is all you have in RA
  11. discussed elsewhere Fuel at last stop is v expensive, and AC heavy with 2 pax, there were two aircraft, one landed just in front, PAL on, pilot called Mayday, Pax in this aircraft was wife of one in front Very sad
  12. Dont think so but would expect that to be a hot location
  13. Older heads are made from material easier to CNC machine and limits are close to a permanent change point if new Gen 4 heads are cast?.?? Then they are different material and can maybe handle more heat safely CAE sed better material too and limits were higher
  14. yes that's what we have in industrial signal conversion, averaging smooths this stuff out, can widen range on screen and these minor changes don't register as much but may as well not have it then With the fuel pressure I think maybe its real pressure variation as float opens and closes, air in fuel lines also makes these variations worse, could be spring regulated mech pump working against float valve. the pressure drop, and drops over ~5 sec then bounces back to high and drops again No needle just coloured electrons bouncing around and they love it
  15. reading any pressure that low is difficult electrically and don't want a fuel tube coming inside either for a mechanical type ...…... Whoever Dynon uses, Kavlico?? have one and measuring fuel pressure in Jab bounces around from 3.5 - 0 all the time
  16. Id be surprised if Rod ever thought about it that hard
  17. They arent certified and the basis that hot air degrades performance would depend on mixture wouldnt it? Generally they run rich 6 cyl has almost nil rpm drop at idle, maybe 100 rpm on cruise and the system melts ice very well, 5 sec or less
  18. Its all Ok Councils now have access to landing fees on all RAA aircraft to cover it Just more services provided for our benefit we should pay for
  19. Just means there’s adequate power for normal operations It sure works, even when idling
  20. 4 cyl are more effected than 3300. not sure why?
  21. Dynamic prop balanceing removes mch of the rumbly feeling on more rigid CF props Three blade can be good for more blade if you want to increase ground clearance Timber from Jabiru used to move around a lot, tracking, depending on the weather, reckon this was masked by timbers inherent vibration damping and flex.
  22. We have little idea about this EFATO, that's the point Re ice, Yep, POH written in Bundaberg Is guess and if youre not expecting it would take quick thinking to clear and keep going. I regularly clear carb ice before take off in cold weather and its hardly noticable when idling. The carb heat check on run ups (if youre not to fast) will let you know if its there with a rpm RISE. Jabiru carb heat setup has very little effect on power, esp 3300, and can handle normal operation left on all the time, all the air is filtered on nearly all Jabiru aircraft hot or cold.
  23. Not sure of the relevance, it wasnt a Lyco? Different carb, even in different location? Jabs common to get ice on taxi and idling in winter inland, rough running on take off would require quick thinking if you werent expecting ice. Pre take off check is apply carb heat, note rpm change
  24. Ice, blocked filter, water in fuel, stubby lid jammed in throttle lever, could be many things more likely than mechanical failure
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