A slightly different view.
If you want to go from point (a) to point (b), or just do an hour or two flying on the weekend, and the local school has reasonably available aircraft to hire, then you hire. If you have special wants or needs, for example, you want to fly vintage aircraft, or amphibians, or do aerobatics (GA), or drop in to see friends who have a 400m strip nestled in amongst hills, or do super fast cross country trips, then you should consider buying. Syndicates are fine provided the group is stable and you document up front your expectations on use, maintenance and upgrades. My preference is for sole ownership but there are down sides. Cost aside, it is the inconvenience of fixing problems when things go wrong. You have no one else to share the load, unless your LAME has the hangar next door to you. Also, when you are tied up with work or home life and the aircraft hasn't been used in 3 weeks you worry about lack of use. Mind you, the need to 'turn the engine over' has convinced my 'better half' many times over the last 15 years that I should go flying.