Hey guys, been ages since i've posted anything here! i've now got Cockpit intercom in the video! In 2016 im moving to Adelaide to undertake a Bachelor of Aviation and get my license's upto and beyond my CPL over the 3 years im there. ill hopefully be cataloging most/ if not all my lessons and posting regular updates on my youtube channel. I'am Certainly looking forward to the adventure!
Little write up about the lesson below
Because of the location of my town, Geraldton WA, westerly winds meet with easterly's in early afternoon, this often causes strong winds and constant direction changes. Unfortunately i had a lesson right in the middle of that time. During the course of the hour we used 3 runways 08, 14,and 21. also making an appearance were several large 'Willy Willy's' (or ¿Dust Devil's? unsure of the proper term). so altogether it was certainly a challenging experience!