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About Splitty

  • Birthday 07/07/1944


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  • Location
    Hervey Bay Qld.
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Active member (2/3)

  1. More than meets the Eye with Shifty Gerry !
  2. Is it up & Flying now Fletch?
  3. Man I would Love one of These !
  4. I remember many many years ago racing against a Gust Front at Christchurch International Airport once in a C172 I arrived at one end of the 8000’ Runway As the Gust Front reached the Other ! Landed OK but it took about 8 Ground Handlers to Assist Me taxiing to the Safety Of a Hanger ...!
  5. Thanks Alan was in a Dream here ...,!!
  6. Great to Hear love There Aircraft Keep Us Posted !!
  7. Can u send me Details of this Flying club with the Champion Please Buddy ? Thanks
  8. Thanks mate only going on what I see on their web site & their Demo Videos ....... looks good to me!
  9. :smile:Hey Pud, Check out N Flight.cams.com its a USA Company Guy that makes aviation related Cams mate........ he has a cam that takes a special lense that completly elimates the Prob Blur all together...........Looks like a good Product thinking of getting one myself....... Cheers John H.
  10. I'm also interested in this Engine as well. It seems like a great alternative to the Rotax & Jabiru engines with its FADEC engine controls for both Power & Fuel economy. Its very popular in Europe but poorly promoted in USA although a new distributor there may make some inroads as a few light Aircraft builders are now installing & testing them...Pity they don't have an agency in Oz.! I'd love to put one in a RV-12 one day!
  11. Some of you Guys may be Interested in Building an RV-12 Kit plane ...sounds like a real nicely peforming Rotax 912 powered Aircraft. Good perfomance Nice Specs with a good Dynon Panel and reasonably cheap to Build & Fly..! :thumb_up:
  12. Phone Hey Gibbo how did the phone GPS thingy work?
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