Hi Rob. In effect you have built a faraday cage from your engine bay. Faraday cages are used by scientists and technicians to isolate radio signals . You have proven that your issue starts at your aerial and coaxial cable , It is receiving the hash generated by the engine systems..
static and noise that enters through the aerial usualy points to a poorly installed aerial.
its the opposite of what you might expect, a good installation allows the front end amplifiers in your radio to automatically winde back their sensitivity. This iimproves the signal to noise ratio so that when a voice communication comes in it swamps the engine noise.
a poor antenna and coax does the opposite it causes the amplifiers to crank up, and amplify the much weaker engine noise signals.
. so as you say you have cured the symtoms but have not gotten to the root cause .
the spray ( paint you used) is normally finely ground metal particles suspended in a laquer or similar. It can be very effective . It will be interesting to see how well it sticks after a few months of heating and cooling.
i have used it in marine applications to stop radar signals from entering equipment sensors on ships , but these were free of vibration and large temperature changes. . Hope it continues to work but be prepared to touch up sometimes.
at least now you can fly in peace lol.. but look more closely at the aerial install. Particulary is the coax shield grounded to a aluminium ground plane under the base of the aerial.