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Everything posted by Ayecapt

  1. My instructor taught me that one gurgle is never enough , to get a true oil level takes more than one burst of air through the reservoir . This might be even more important in cold conditions. .?
  2. Where should you stand whilst burping your Rotax? In terms of safest position.
  3. Must have been 2013. So maybe its changed over the years.
  4. November
  5. Memberships are date joined based , not finnancial year.
  6. Its a money maker! GA licence is free and changing that was too hard! Govt have done similar things in many areas. NSW fairtrading now charge a processing fee to process FREE licencees. When i complained i was told to make a complaint to .......... Fairtrading NSW duh ! Asic is a great way to make the public believe that somthing is being done and raise cash whilst doing it.
  7. If i have a passport and a ticket i can get onboard a jetliner and go on holiday. I can get that passport organised at the post office! So why not for a Asic?
  8. Report 409 – Parliament of Australia The link is to the parliamentry report on beefing up airport security in 2005 . Chapter 2 and 3 clearly show the RPT OPPOSITION TO DECLARING REGIONAL AIRPORTS AS SECURITY CONTROLLED . Yet all these viewpoints were ignored.
  9. If Asic is so important at country airports why are the owners geting away with not checking for a valid ASIC Most local councils wont spend the money ! Thats how seriously they take the risk!
  10. Like all sensible people around aviation i cant see how an asic will make small airports any safer! I recently flew into and out of Walget. Didnt see a soul. Terrorists are not interested in flying into the terminal building in a country town. And even if they were, not having a asic wont stop them! They can do more damage using the methods and locations that these scum bags have developed in the last 2 years. Perhaps we all need a VRSC, ( a van rental security card ). I deplore terrorisim but ASIC DOES NOTHING to make us any safer once you re away from a busy passenger terminal. Why cant our politician see this fact and act on it!
  11. Cool ... if your visually impaired you can take your dog! Maybe i should take one along ? Just to help with my landings .. one woof for lined up, two for left , three for right. With my luck i would have a dislexic dog!
  12. Prob completly wrong here , because i couldnt get through the whole post. But you dont fly by numbers . You look, feel and react. Sets of numbers to fly by migh work in big heavy birds , but ultralights are about getting your head out of the cockpit 95% of the time. The only thing you cant judge using your senses is airspeed , yep its nice to glance at the altimeter as well , but the vsi never in the cct ( it lies to you in any case)
  13. Lol and runways should be in rods and chains! The younger ones wont know what they are!!
  14. Love the P2002 as well. XC flight uses 18 ltr/hr . If i do a hour of circuits it does come down to 14 .
  15. Yep , the fact that we are supposed to be a Commonwealth ( note that it is common and wealth ) has long been forgotten .
  16. Prrhaps im sliding off topic again... but..... I noticed this morning whilst attempting to read a newspaper article online using my ipad mini. That what actually was annoying me was having to scroll the text sideways and up or down. But particularly the left and right scrolling . If you think about this in terms of reading a paper document you dont use your hands other than to turn the pages. Ie. you move your eyes and your head to track the text. And as a youngish / older person i have done this automaticaly since learning to read and now this process is interrupted by using a finger to bring the text onto the screen. ( if i shrink the screen its too small ) i guess i could use a desktop computer with a big monitor but it wont fit in the loo! Bring back cave painting , i was good at that!
  17. You got me thinking now as to where its located on our Sierra . It wont be in our roof because thats a canopy . And i cant recall seeing behind the panel. Though that's a logical place for it. By the way you have checked the stall actuator out on the wing? They can suffer damage ( bent )
  18. I think i made comment in the early days of this thread. Well nothing has changed. I have tried to read the mag on line , but its just hopeless. And you know I worry a bit that I actually might be missing out on something usefull. I also feel very disconnected from RAus . A feeling I never had when the printed copy was included in our fee. Is this all bad? Perhaps not . But if I was on the board I would be concerned that the main mode of communication is failing to get its message out to the whole membership. And you know how the mag is distributed is not a easy thing to sort out. Perhaps the mag needs to go and be replaced by a simpler less glossy information sheet. The role of raaus has always puzzled me. Is it our administrator , rule maker and enforcement body . Or is it our club? I think it tries to be both and that can make it difficult . Just food for thought. ....Drifting from the topic again
  19. Road tech marine also sell units that could well be what your looking for.
  20. Top stuff the direction bit is interesting. Because my hearing loss is different in each ear , my ability to determine where a sound comes from is useless. The hearing aids fix this . Of course it doesnt matter when using a headset since you hear everything in the center
  21. This sport demands deep pockets. A bit like owning a boat. If you cant train properly due to funds shortage then dont risk your life and the reputation of the sport. Reading your posts leads me think that you want to cut corners because of lack of funds. We all understand your passion but dont risk it if you cant do it properly. Join a local club get to know the guys and gals , do your BFR , Be part of the community in the way that best matches your circumstances and along the way you will get plenty of invites to go flying.
  22. :cheers:Changing the magazine to a additional subscription option might have saved money but some of the side effects are yet to be documented. In my case reading the mag online ( and i have tried ) just doesn't do it for me ! And paying the extra subscrption doesnt seem worth it. I can read the copy at the flying club but I dont. Most important communication comes in by email from RAAUS . Because the mag is optional there can be no vital communication that is only just in the magazine. So if you buy it It is just for a good read as you correctly say . What concerns me just a little is the disengagement with the sport that cant realy be accounted for or documented. Anyway whats done is done , no good flogging a dead horse. Enjoy the read
  23. I aggree in general with all the comments , especially about filtering and amplification. My HA boosts upper frequencies which in my case restores the hearing frequency balance so f and s dont get muddled etc My only issue with wearing my hearing aids is that you have to remember that you are wearing them and be very very careful when taking your headset off. Otherwise you might spend the next hour looking for a hearing aid ....and you how difficult finding lost things in a aircraft can be... I use a on ear type headset these days so its now less of a issue than when i used a full muff style headset. But still gotta check.
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