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Everything posted by Ayecapt

  1. Totally agree, and with a aircraft friends an relos mostly run the other way lol . A Good thing actually .
  2. The thing about the sim is that you can put yourself into a situation. The key thing is however to be prepared for such a situation. Ie before take off , what is your plan for engine failure whist still on the ground, or just after the wheels break free or at 200'ft. These pre planned pre thought through scenarios can be practiced. But its not the flying you are practicing its the decision making and the pre planning thought process you practice before each stage of flight.
  3. Its fun but not the real thing,
  4. The 40 ft r sleeps how many? I dont think the comparison is a fair one. I do think our sport is cheaper than and safer than smoking! Cheers keep on smiling
  5. To share or not to share, that is the question. If you are going to do 50 hrs a year or more then a syndicate share can be better value. However in practice 50 hrs can be a bit of a challenge esp if you still work. July this year around here was dry but very very windy so flying hours are down on our syndicate aircraft. We have 5 members and the aircraft is doing 100 to 120 hours per year on the Syndicates are good as far as sharing repair and improvement costs. But as all previouse posts say . You must all get on . Good luck remember this sport is never cheap , and if you try to cut costs it will likely come back and bite you on the bum.
  6. Thanks for the reply..understand the update system now. I cant update until i go back to the hangar and fire up the unit to get the codes required which then need to go into the update process. Thanks all for your help. Ps i have a brand new backup battery here for a EKP4 if anyone needs one.
  7. Thanks Ian starting to feel more confident . The red cross bit actually could well be correct because the gps antenna was disconnected at the time , so it would have had no signal. However i think his maps are well out of date.so eill continue to follow up. Thanks mate Brian
  8. hi I have a pilot friends ekp 4 here because he has asked me to update his maps on the CF Card. All I can find is a jeppsen data update for a $50 us. Fee on the AVMAP USA web site. Which possibly can be downloaded. ( unless they block ausie sales ) The avmap web page is of little help, written by people who know all about it and they have forgotten that the ones that rarely use the page might need some extra help in the update process. I dont know these units very well. And am unsure if this is the correct way to go. Can anyone advise what is the process to update map data on a ekp 4 please. I think it might be to buy the down load and copy the file onto the card , but is it that simple . What started this quest was when he got a big red cross on his map screen?
  9. Yep unforgettable.. I was in a classroom and a teacher had brought a full size 21 inch black and white tv in from home. Thats how important it was!! To bring your expensive and fragile valve based tv set to school........ No one considered that perhaps a holiday should have be declared .... Us baby boomers have lived through so much history.
  10. How right you are !!!
  11. hi I had a very short flight in a very new vixxen A32 recently. My only comment is that it needed right pedal even at cruise power. Without it it yaws rapidly left and drops the left wing. ( Left spiral dive) Why... Well there seems to be no fixed trim tab on the rudder..... None of them have the trim tab. Its older sister the A 22 has a trim tab and the rudders seem to be exactly the same design so what is their thinking? Im damned sure i don't want to hold right pedal through out a x country flight. And i reckon you better be quick on the rudder if you elect to go around . Has anyone else noticed this or is this a one of ! I.e not setup correctly by the factory or assembler? It was really not nice to ease off the right pedal and have the AC break left. Ps its not uncontrollable at all just unexpected at first.
  12. Just a quick thought i had a 912 with very erratic gauge operation during engine cranking. Not exactly your prob but... It turned out to be a very poor earth connection to the engine mount. (The big cable) The frame where the lug was bolted had not been cleaned of paint and the nut and bolt was loosening, so it was a lousy connection . Fixing this restored everything to normal.
  13. Sport Pilot June 2016 on page 12 "Transponder know how" can anyone out there convert this article into plain english? I cant even start to work out why its even there let alone what is is trying to tell me? Except that new units should be mode s?
  14. Learning to fly aint like being on a train..... Its more like being on a roller coaster. I often wondered why is this so darned difficult ! But as each bit clicks in . It gets more satisfying.
  15. Powerful stuff , thanks for posting
  16. After read ing the replies. I gotta say that it looks like i am not alone in this. The thrust of my post was about the risk of members dropping out of the loop due to their ( mine ) recalcitrance in reading the on line version. And being outside the loop is not somthing that we want to be happening. Of course we can spend the cash and get the paper copy and prob solved. But i wont be subscribing. Whilst the mag was included and sent out to us I felt that I was getting somthing tangible from raaus each month. I know they do do a lot more than just provide a magazine Maybe it should have gone to 6 issues a year. Anyway thanks everyone for your thoughts.
  17. its been a few months now since sport pilot went on line only or by paid subscription . I notice from a recent email that they are relying on articles in sports pilot to get the message out about flying safely. All well and good ..... But i have found that since my printed copy has stopped arriving in the post i no longer read it! Therefor if sport pilot is being used to comunicate safety information to RAAUS members how can they be sure the message is getting through. Of course no one can be sure that the printed version was read by members in any case. BUT CHANCES ARE IT WAS BEING READ. Removal of the free printed mag was a finnancial decision Maybe its time to see if the electronic version of the mag is being read. and therefor are safety messages getting through. I dont know if our admin can set up a poll to see if the electronic version of sport pilot is being accessed by non subscribers or not? I know i always read the paper mag because it kicked about in the living room but even though i am computer savvy i just dont think to checkout sport pilot on line ......am i alone or not?
  18. Problem with most hand made automotive crimps is that they are not done properly , this follows onto aircraft as well . true galvanic crimps as used in power cabling and if sectioned will be invisable to the naked eye. This will not be the case with auto type crimp lugs. As to not shutting down to stop the engine both magnetos need to be grounded. Thats both... So its unlikly that your ign packs are both faulty . I would inspect all ground connections to the engine, firewall,engine to firewall and ensure they are tight and clean.
  19. Well done...... You know whati think it takes 10 years to make a doctor . So 2 or 3 to be a pilot is just fine.
  20. Built a couple of them and they both worked. However what i found in flight was that the cables were a pain, as is any external wiring in the cockpit. Only Aerial and power but still a pain. Earlier RPI S had issues with overwriting code at shutdown, i hope they have sorted this out by now. As a side issue i also find the RPI a confused beast, powerfull but restricted in many ways because the ports are not always full words or bytes wide. Ps used ozrwys software and from inside my workshop at near sea level it had a range of around 30 knm. Trimmed and adjusted the aerial length to get what seemed the best result. But for all practical purposes you need not do this , you will get sufficient performance once in the air.
  21. Congrats....its always that empty right seat that gets you. In a similar way to your first solo car drive with the empty left seat... New found freedom!
  22. Will keep my eyes open . We have 2 x L2 nearby i will sk them to let me know if they find a failed unit. Regards Brian
  23. http://rotaxnews.net/?p=1095 Seems to cover it......
  24. Thanks again . I have 2 new modules 18 months old . Working fine but i dont think that the soft start is enabled. If i recall correctly the rpm after starting is lower for around 6 seconds or so. Is there a document somwhere on enabling soft start? I will search but if you c an point me in the correct direction that would be great. Regards Brian
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