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Everything posted by Ayecapt

  1. Nice bit of info there. Any idea where in the engine serial numbers the soft start capability starts? Im assuming that the capable engines will be wired for the feature or do they need to be adapted for the soft start to be enabled?
  2. Make sure that is really overheating! By this i mean that my 912 seemed to be over heating on climbs but it turned out to be the oil temp sensor . They do play up in a couple ways. They can become less linear at the hot of the scale and indicate too hot whilst being ok when coldend , or they just read higher temps. It should be around 1000 ohms at 20 deg c .. It then lowers resistance as it gets hotter so 100 ohms drop will give around 10 deg rise in gauge reading. Just a thought for you to consider.
  3. Ok but ive run out , and am too embarrassed...lol
  4. I assume the white disc is on the sealed side of the o ring. Will take a look at it thanks for the reply.
  5. hi been searching the threads but no luck. I know that there is a tip in here someplace because i saw it a while back. Which lubricant should we use on sticky orange o rings in a fuel tank cap? Aircraft is a Tecnam Sierra.
  6. In a Tecnam Sierra, cfi got me to do a full stop, then asked if i would like to do a cct on my own. Yep thought you would never ask! Off i go , then on downwind i thought WHAT IN THE HECK AM I DOING UP HERE!! anyway actually done 3 ccts. That might have been naughty but didnt get into trouble. Had lunch , quick cjeck flight and done some more solo work!
  7. Sorry about that Admin.... Would you like to move this or should one of us create a new thread . It would be interesting to find out howmany other charted fields are there
  8. Thanks for that its interesting that they are 80 deg rated, designed to fail. Have you thought to place some lower temperature strips to see how close you are getting to the temperature rating? If for example they are getting to 70 then with time they will depreciate . I guess we are getting off the original post topic here but these things being so expensive we should be coming up with a strategy to keep them running. Thanks again..
  9. I support local retailers when its sensible to do so. But this difference in price for the sensor cant be justified. As for the ignition packs . I am a electronics guy as well so would be interested in hearing how he is going to atchiev this. It might not e as simple as all that.... But i have been wrong before. There is a theory doing the rounds about the failures being caused by overheating after engine shutdown. It does make some sense in that when the cooling air stops any engine heat will build up under the top of the cowl. And thats where these packs sit . In my aircraft which has a hinged upper cowl it would be simple enogh to prop the cowl open after stutdown . Of course this theory cant be easily tested As to the price of the packs their price doubled overnight about 2 or 3 years ago .why?? Who knows .. Not us thats for sure.
  10. Video ......video everything as you pull it apart In the my dim dark past i repaired Vcrs ...mech nightmares in the early days but a video camera was the greatest memory tool.
  11. New sensor arrived from the UK 7 days exactly from placing the order. $58 AU DELIVERED .Genuine VDO . Fitted easily test flown and no issues , need to wait now for summer to come back for a real test.
  12. Like the pencil holder as well. Is it a couple of those spring open plastic clips or somthing else?
  13. Dont know.. BUt it could be done better.. But i know of 2 country strips show on the charts , that are just not there.. Wallabadah YWBH nsw and woolomin YWOM nsw. I went to look for woolomin by car couldnt find it even when my efb said it was below my feet. Asked in the local shop about where the airstrip was. Blank looks ....no dont have one mate.
  14. If this is the correct sensor for a 912 then someone is ripping us off..... yes there is nothing wrong with te engine , it is jut out of a very expensive overhaul, the gauge reads high when its cold ( checked against 5 other rotax 912 engines as a comparison ) pretty sure this is just a instrument ( sensor ) error.
  15. 2k for insurance 200 per month hangar costs 70 per hour to cover basic maintenance and fuel , theres $8k gone Then theres extras such as breakdown repairs , ad ' to perform etc you will need to allow $10 k per anum. Now this might be worst case but thats how you plan it. Works out @ $200 per hour but if you fly more it gets cheaper per hour. Thats why syndicates with the right people in them work so well. My cost per year for 50 hours using the same numbers is... No more than $4k per year. Or $80 per hour in a 5 way syndicate.
  16. Try to remember that not all things are equal in this world . Ie not all hyd lifters are bad just some types. Hire or buy .." Depends on how many hours you will actually get in over a year. Not what you want to do but what you will do. And ownership has benifits as well as drawbacks. Once again its a balance.
  17. Ok..... I rechecked the qoted price and i was slightly high. The quote for the 1 x 456180 oil temperature sensor is $333.78 + Freight $12.70 i guess that includes gst. So i was $50 too high. But still ouch or is that gouge.
  18. As to the price i was quoted.... I went to the usual rotax supplier in Vic. I do have trouble hearing on the phone so its not impossible that i got it wrong but. She advised me that these were very expensive $370 + gst If it was $170 + That would come in around 200. I will confirm by email to be sure. Thanks
  19. Thanks for the replies. Will do the swap as suggested. There is the spare unit on the front cylinder. I undestand that these sensors are put in with locktight . If this is correct did you need to heat the sensor to get it undone.?
  20. Thats fine good luck with the search
  21. Yep they are ntc . But i am not sure if all ntc sensors are the same , i would think that they might be given that there are many different gauges that use the rotax sensors.
  22. The first one is the in my pic its ra aus reg but was Ga so it has full panel . Its a 5 way synd ( and it still sits around most of the time does about 50 hrs per year.) Its less than $16k. 700 hrs TBO. The other is a LSA version only a short time till TBO 3 way share around $ 23k its white and well cared for in good nick. Sits around ALL THE TIME. If you want more details we would be better to communicate off the forum. These are not realy for specific deals.
  23. Theres a couple of nice shares going in tecnam sierras at Cessnock right at the end of the freeway that goes from Hornsby to Brankston. ( just for your info )
  24. hi recently i have noted that the oil temperature readings were getting to be too high in normal climbs. The eng is a 912 S. I dont think its actually getting over hot. So i decided to check the gauge and sensor. I checked the sensor resistance to ground whilst the engine was cold and had a reading of 860 ohms at 25 deg C. With the wire disconnected. I compared this value with 5 other 912 engines and they all were near to 1000 ohms. This leads me to believe that my sensor is lower than average and therefor the gauge will read higher by about 10 degrees ( 10% of 100 ) the sensor drops resistance as it gets hotter so it can only go down a max of 1000 ohms. Hence 10 % I also noted that my gauge was the only gauge to move off the stop when the master was switched on. Now heres my question. A new sensor has been quoted at about $ 400. Yes thats $400 .. The 912 by the way has 3 of these fitted they are oil and cht x 2 they are the same sensor. 2 questions .......... is there a sensor available at a cheaper price anywhere? And i am considering removing the sensor and testing it in hot oil with a thermometer . Has anyone done a similar test and what was your experience? By the way this is the eng that had the brass rocker bushes, its running sweetly since the overhaul, this temperature issue has been brewing for quite a while, long before the brass rocker issue.
  25. Hi syndicates are very common and there are many sets of rules already available if you look around. But your costing of 30 to 50 an hour is way too low. Most syndicates will charge $70 to $110 per hour wet and on top of this there is a monthly fee for hangar and insurance . Aviation is not cheap ever. And limiting your syndicate to 2 or 3 increases your individual costs. Another point to remember is that most people fly less than they really would like to. A syndicate aircraft that does a hundred hours a year is doing well in my experience. Good luck its a great hobby ,sport or pastime and i think a syndicate can be a great way to go if all members are sensible ! Brian
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