The brass bushes should never ever have been maunufactured and installed ....the brass is too soft in this application.
The plastic has a hardness greater than this brass. In effect this has probably saved this engine.
Our lab tests of the oil showed copper , extreemly high, zink high and some lead which we can explain. ( av gas on occasions). But we have no steel or other metals related to case hardened bearings , cams or rocker shafts. We have no metals showing in lab report that relates to big end bearing metals. Or aluminium .
So all thats been worn is brass. But the fine bits of brass will have entered the hyd lifters. There could be some in the oil galleries , and the oil cooler will have heaps , might need a new one but we have sent it to a company that specialises in internal cleaning of oil coolers ( usually in mining equipent ) they will catch what comes out at each cleaning cycle.
We caught this problem early. Although the filter shows a lot of brass the one before showed just a trace so we immediatly saw the trend . The engine was actually running perfectly. Was not using abnormal amounts of oil A credit to its designers. The labs interpretation of the oil samples was invaluable .
Yes prob do a 5 hour filter inspection , and send oil to the lab . Then decide on the oil change period when these results come back.
On the oil flow the rockers are straight after the filter , so any brass went right through the engine but some did settle in the oil can .
Cheers Brian