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Everything posted by Philthy

  1. They seem to be remarkably long-lived aeroplanes.
  2. VH-AMK (the Auster, presumably, not the DC-3) is still registered to an owner in Inverleigh, Vic. Doesn't get out much, so probably undergoing a rebuild.
  3. Fun Police here...you blokes need to get your heads in the books a bit more. Check AIP GEN 3.4 - 60.
  4. Since last year's calendar was so well received, I'm wondering if there's going to be another one for 2012?
  5. Might as well start off with a few... Piper Pacer conversion VH-BRG Luscombe 8A Silvaire on the RAAus Register as 24-5184 Cessna O-1G Bird Dog VH-FXY Victa Airtourer Super 150 VH-WAU
  6. More shots from the Auster Rally at Kyabram Cessna 180A VH-TVA ...and again Stearman VH-JQY ...and again Auster J.5R Alpine VH-KBV
  7. A series of interesting pitot covers seen at the AAAA Auster Rally Cessna 172F VH-DNT Auster V VH-ATS Auster J.5F VH-WKY (the owner's nickname is 'Wombat') Auster J.1N VH-KCR (get it?) Stinson 108-3 VH-ROA Cessna 172G VH-PLO
  8. Some nice photos this month chaps. I especially like that Helicycle, Rudi.
  9. Here are another few from the Antiquers' Auster Rally at Kyabram the weekend before last: Tiger Moth VH-AZF on final for Runway 19 Cessna 190 VH-AAL - brand new on the Register (though obviously not itself brand new!) Colourful Yak 52 VH-XSU 'Red Alert' taxying for departure
  10. Love your work with the Pig, Carl - classic pose.
  11. A couple from the Antiquers' Auster Rally at Kyabram last weekend: Brand new on the Australian Register - Cessna 170A VH-SLY [ATTACH]12275.vB[/ATTACH] Cessna 180A VH-TVA, ex Australian Army A98-340 [ATTACH]12276.vB[/ATTACH]
  12. ...and one more for good luck: I've a soft spot for Drifters, in case you hadn't noticed. Drifter SB-582 55-0761 'Struts' [ATTACH]12274.vB[/ATTACH]
  13. Tomo, It's probably a bit late, but you said you wanted shots of some older recreational types. I've put a few in the other thread. Cheers, Philthy
  14. Some older AUF/RAAus types: Eipper Quicksilver GT-500 19-0827 [ATTACH]12271.vB[/ATTACH] The Slartiplane [ATTACH]12272.vB[/ATTACH] Drifter SB-518 55-1933 'Wally' [ATTACH]12273.vB[/ATTACH]
  15. Kappa KP-5U Sabre RVX-115 departing the AAAA Auster Rally at Kyabram yesterday.
  16. Great shots, guys. Especially your Savannah, Ultralights!
  17. Thank you 80kt and Escadrille - your comments are appreciated. Philthy
  18. Thanks Tomo. Might as well get started with a couple of favourites:
  19. A worthy winner. Congratulations Andrei! And Ultralights and Peres too, of course!
  20. Well done boys, lovely photos! :thumb_up:
  21. Superb shot of the magnificent beast at Watts Bridge, Scott.
  22. Nice one Motty! And here's my shot of the new one at Bundaberg last year: While we're at it, here's a pretty RAAus-registered Aeronca 11AC Chief:
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