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Everything posted by Philthy

  1. Nice one, BD - brings back many happy memories! :thumb_up:
  2. Tiger Moth line-up at the Antique Aeroplane Association of Australia's National Fly-in:
  3. Let's kick off June with Cap'n Matt at the Kyneton fly-in:
  4. Wow, some great photos this month! :thumb_up: Here are a couple from Kyneton on Saturday. 'The Big Pussy' Squadron SE5a replica
  5. Great shots indeed. Well done Scott!
  6. More from Melton: VH-TMQ about to touch down after its display. Testing the smoke on arrival first thing in the morning. ...and from NATFLY: an early-morning trip to the bowser for this Zlin Savage Cub.
  7. At the risk of muddying the waters, in some parts of the world ATC does monitor 121.5. The UK, for example, has a comprehensive Distress and Diversion organisation that operates on this frequency and has coverage over a fair bit of the country. But NOT here... If you want help and you're in the air, call on the Area Frequency.
  8. ScottW - v. nice photo of the 170! Tomo - the sunsets at Temora were quite spectacular weren't they? Love the shot with the moon too. I saw it there but was never in a position to capture a moment like yours. Good work guys!
  9. Sorry Slarti You know, with one thing and another I didn't get a single shot of the Slartiplane at Temora Good to meet you though!
  10. Nice photos, Mr H, but that one of the powered parachute is outstanding! :thumb_up:
  11. Chaps, Bear in mind that this is probably going to change as of June 3 as CASA is planning to amend CAR 166 & CAR 166A, including changes to the required broadcasts. Hopefully CASA will have some pilot education material out on this shortly. Philthy
  12. Some of the new stuff on display at NATFLY: First Tecnam P92 Eaglet in the country. More orientated toward the GA trainer than previous P92 models... Arion Lightning powered by 120hp Jabiru 3300. This is the Experimental version of the design - there is also an LSA version with extended wings and winglets. Colyaer Martin 3, made in Spain. Also comes as a flying boat and an amphibian... Morgan Aeroworks Cougar. This is the prototype Cougar, a four-seat (they say '2+2') derivative of the earlier 2-seat Cheetah/Sierra line. It's powered by a 120 hp Jabiru 3300. The Paradise P-1 is of Brazilian design and manufacture. It's got an all-metal structure and is powered by the ubiquitous Rotax 912 ULS of 100 hp. The LSA version was designed for the US market but this is the first one for Australia.
  13. The Albatros again, arriving on Friday afternoon. It's not often you see a jet operating off a dirt strip...
  14. :thumb_up: More from Melton Ryan STM VH-AWG The longest-registered, airworthy aircraft in Australia: DH60 Moth VH-UAE The incomparable Chris Sperou getting airborne in Pitts Super Stinker VH-XPS
  15. First shot from the Houdini-Centenary Air Show at Melton this weekend: Winjeel VH-CZE.
  16. Virtually every person in town came out to the airport after work to look at the aircraft when the Federation Airshows in the Outback made a night stop in Hughenden. Chief attraction was Constellation 'Southern Preservation', with DC-3 VH-AES 'Hawdon' and various light aircraft behind. After all, it's not every day a Super Connie drops in to an out-of-the-way place like Hughenden!
  17. Another one dredged out from the past... Returning overhead the field on April 3, 1994 at the end of a 'dawn patrol' during the SAAA's then annual national fly-in and airshow at Mangalore. We used to have a competition to see who could be first airborne in the mornings - bugger the campers! We're heading south here and you can see a few wisps of radiation fog lying around. Mike Grasso's Mini-MAX 10-1429 is just above the intersection and you can see the numerous other aircraft on the field. Shot from Martin Hone's Karatoo 28-0912. Happy memories! :)
  18. OK, since you ask so nicely... Johnno again in A503 Drifter 25-0198 Cyril (The Slug) in October 1988. A foggy morning, as you can see. :thumb_up: [Mike George photo, if I remember rightly]
  19. This Pterodactyl Ascender II+ was the second aircraft I have owned, being flown here in October 1989 by my mate Johnno. I'm flying the pink Drifter 'Floyd' with one hand and photographing with the other: the dumb things you do when you're young! Don't try this at home, folks! This Pterodactyl was built from a kit in 1984 by Nicholas Lord in NSW and operated unregistered in the time before ultralights were required to be registered. It was powered by a Cuyuna 430R with belt-drive reduction gear and had two plastic 20L drums for fuel tanks giving about 5h endurance. I bought it in 1989 and registered it, but only did a couple of hops in it. The aircraft was later acquired by the Museum of Victoria and was on display for many years at Scienceworks museum.
  20. New Yak at Kyneton, soon to be offering warbird adventure flights...
  21. Nice work Mr H and Naemick! Looks like a lovely day...
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