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Everything posted by Philthy

  1. Well I'm not really in the running, but...
  2. Matt, It looks like Scottie is about to snag a 3-wire there! Philthy
  3. Thanks Planey! I aim to please - and am pleased that others get pleasure from my photos as I do taking them. It's only a matter of learing from other people (and believe me, there are better aircraft photographers out there than me!), then practice, practice, practice. Oh, and Photoshop helps too! :big_grin: All the best to everyone for a safe and enjoyable 2010! Philthy
  4. Congratulations to Matt (or was it really Kaz?!) on making the cover of this month's Pacific Flyer with the superb shot of Matt Grigg's Globe Swift over the beach! Finally, one last shot before Christmas: Hard Yakka (Yak 52 VH-KMM) departing the AAAA Toy Run - Happy Christmas and safe flying in 2010! Philthy
  5. Nice one, Scottw! Here's another: The helmet gives it away a bit though!
  6. Lovely shot, Spin. Very atmospheric. (Pardon the pun!) Now for: A Damn Fine Red, Yak 52 VH-RED at the AAAA Toy Run.
  7. Echuca-based Mooney VH-ONL at the Toy Run:
  8. It is indeed. Intriguing colour scheme too!
  9. 1944? No, 2009. The world's only flying Merlin-powered P-40F Warhawk, Judy Pay's superb VH-HWK, with P-51 Mustang VH-JUC:
  10. How about a couple of photos from todays Antiquers' Christmas Toy Run? Beautiful Cessna 140 VH-NCN:
  11. Just to keep things trickling along until the December thread opens...here are two of the 'Russian Roolettes' formation team getting airborne for their display at Bundaberg. Jim Wickham's Yak on the Prowl has to be seen up close to really appreciate the spectacular paint job!
  12. The J.5 Adventurer was basically a four-seat Autocrat developed for Australia and New Zealand, using war-surplus Australian-production Gipsy Majors. This one was manufactured in 1950 and shipped to Australia engineless where Kingsford Smith Aviation Service, Sydney, fitted the engine. It was first registered on 31 July 1951. It's seen here at the Antique Aeroplane Association of Australia's Auster Rally.
  13. Though far from old, this Sportstar was attending the Antique Aeroplane Association of Australia's Auster Rally at Broken Hill. The eagle-eyed will also note the Whale in the background! :big_grin:
  14. A rather long touchdown on Bundaberg's runway 25 on the evening of 4 July. Of course - send me an email.
  15. So here it is...the Slartiplane! :thumb_up:
  16. Same lens as always. Checked your prop lately...?
  17. The very first J200, still going strong... 19-3512 at Kyneton
  18. Oh yeah, Mr Spacewalker. Izzat so? Recognise this?
  19. Arriving at Broken Hill for the AAAA Auster Rally a few days after the big dust storms, it was still pretty murky.
  20. Not a bad-looking development of the orignal Kitfox/Avid.
  21. Very nice work indeed, Matt! Here's what I was doing yesterday, in between working on the Whale: (Not me flying - it's my old mate Prong.)
  22. ...and a last one for a while from Bundaberg. The -55M is a short-wing version of the Yak-55, for improved roll-rate. This Queensland-based aircraft is one of only two in Australia.
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