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Everything posted by Philthy

  1. One more from the Chippie Rally - Dick Gower's VH-DCZ. I did my PPL and aerobatic endorsement with Dick 16 years ago and he made me do a session of aeros in the Chippie so I would know how to do them with a fixed-pitch prop!
  2. Yes, indeed. Any chance you could make them a bit bigger, Scott?
  3. Here's another one from the Chippie Rally: this time it is a Chippie! :big_grin: (VH-UPD)
  4. Another shot from the Antiquers' Chippie Rally - Murray Lanyon in Carol Ann (Winjeel VH-HFM).
  5. Well, I can hardly compete with Kaz & Matt! However, here's a shot of Auster J-1N Aiglet VH-KCR, also at the Antiquers' Chippie Rally at Tocumwal on the weekend.
  6. Yes please, Carl. VH-ASB is another one Eddie doesn't have yet. :thumb_up:
  7. Angela, put me on the bench for 6 months! I'll probably still post a few shots for the fun of it though. Well done to the other chaps too - some nice photos there. Philthy
  8. More from Bundaberg: rare Genairco and Dragon in formation.
  9. Nice shot, Spin. Would you consider sending it to Eddie Coates at Ed Coates Aircraft Photographs ? Eddie is running a project that a few of us are involved in to put a photo of every aircraft registered in Australia before 1970 on the net, and VH-TSG is one we don't have yet. Cheers, Philthy
  10. Yep - sent it off a while ago. Good work TFC & Relfy!
  11. Not really recreational, but here's a shot I quite like...
  12. Another shot from the Wide Bay Airshow: 'Snifter/Mabel II'.
  13. Skydog, I upload the image to Photobucket (it's free to create an account). Photobucket gives you an http web address for the photo which you copy. When you create your post here, select the image icon at the top of the reply window and when the new window opens, paste in the web address of the image. Hey presto, there it is! A word of caution - you need to re-size your images before doing this! I use 800 pixels wide, which seems to fit the frame pretty well. Cheers, Philthy
  14. Many thanks to Angela at Pacific Flyer and, of course, Matt Henderson. The shot wouldn't have looked nearly as good without him! If I can do it, so can you blokes! Go for it... :thumb_up:
  15. Last one for this month: Trojan VH-DPT at the Bundaberg Airshow.
  16. Like a big praying mantis... Technoavia SP-55M VH-JCE - the only one of its kind in Australia.
  17. Here's my old mate Ron, off on a post-maintenance test flight.
  18. I guess the comp's on again this month. Anyway, here's something to kick off this month's batch of photos...
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