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Everything posted by Philthy

  1. Slarti, Love your sepia work too! Philthy PS: The Slarti-plane is in the pipeline...
  2. Well, this one's already been on the cover of PF.... ;)
  3. CASA must publish airspace determinations, including designation of CTR and Class of airspace in AIP (i.e. DAH) under the Airspace Regulations. The DAH classifies Control Zones (GAAP) separately from Control Zones (D). Therefore, GAAP CTR is Controlled Airspace, but not Class D. For the moment...
  4. Yep, what a ripper! You get my vote!
  5. Wide Bay International Airshow - Runway 14 departure
  6. Kaz might be filthy, I wouldn't like to say, but she's not Philthy!
  7. Yes indeed. Very nice shot of the Renegade, Relfy!
  8. This attractive Glastar was a visitor to the Wide Bay Airshow at Bundaberg.
  9. Matt Henderson in his natural element!
  10. Deb Sunset Another one from yesterday: Beech Debonair VH-RVC enjoys the sunset at Penfield. An ex-RVAC machine, this aircraft was first registerd in Australia in 1962.
  11. And another: Boeing Kaydet VH-EYC. Built to a wartime USN order as an N2S-3 Kaydet, cn 75-6488, Bu 05314. After the war it was civilianised as N61210. As you can see, currently in magnificent condition, this aircraft was registered in Australia as VH-EYC on 24 December 2007.
  12. Well, there isn't much of July left but here's a shot from yesterday: Matt launching for another session of aeros at Kyneton.
  13. ...and don't forget the Airline Museum in the Qantas sim building on Matthews Ave, Essendon (opposite the airport).
  14. This is more like it...! Mick Poole in Mike Dalton's lovely Cessna 140 VH-NCN at the Penfield fly-in, 10 May 2008.
  15. Dawn It's not really recreational aviation, but... The first rays of dawn set our winglet alight high above central NSW. (B737-838 VH-VYA).
  16. Do you mean this one, Kaz? :clown: Does Normie know what you call his darling? :big_grin: (Corby Starlet VH-NEZ)
  17. Love those Drifter shots! They bring back many happy memories... Anyway, here's my contribution for this month: 1. Two young ladies out for an evening jolly, from a recent trip to New Zealand. 2. Frank Deeth's lovely Corby Starlet VH-KLK at a recent Penfield fly-in. Larger versions etc available.
  18. The same! I haven't spoken with the Big Fella for a while either. Cheers, Philthy
  19. Homeward bound... Heading home from the Antique Aeroplane Association of Australia's National Fly-in at Temora over some pre-frontal lenticular cloud. (Larger version available...)
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