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Everything posted by Pindan

  1. Haha Thanks Everyone. The reason i had asked is that i had a flight in a R44 with the doors of. It reduced the Vne but was allowed and the vision was excellent. I thought if it had been done before in a 230 it would be great. I wont be test pilot for this experiment.
  2. I spoke to Jabiru. The dors are not structural. They have flown a 230 with the rear door off but never the front doors so can't tell me anything about it. Has anyone flown other aircraft with and without doors and how does this change the characteristics of flight?
  3. Hi, Has anyone ever flown their 230 without the doors?
  4. ohhhhhh you make me sooo jealous. My favorite place in the world is Ibiza but my Jab wont make it there from Australia
  5. There are 2 dirt strips at Gnaraloo Station and a 4wd you can hire. Plus there is accommodation in cabins, just need to bring food and beer
  6. The advice is great everyone , thank you. I think a lot of you fly in developed areas with lots of paddocks and roads all around you and good grass or sealed airstrips. the only options i have are my strip, the main gravel road or some of the station tracks that i know have no fence along side. My strip is 10m wide and about 450m long. I went for a fly this morning and by the time i was coming into land the heat of the different terrain, bush, fire scare and rock makes it very bumpy from about 600 feet down. I tried to come in high so that i could glide to the strip as you all recomended but with the lift of the sand i was high over the threshold and would of landed 100m down the strip and run out of room to stop so i went around. When i land at Carnarvon or Jandakot i am usually of the runway by the first taxiway and never use the last 1500m or tarmac. It makes sense to have the abilty to glide in on final if the engine stops but that seems more difficult for a short field landing.
  7. Sorry that was 54 clean and 65 best glide
  8. Hi All Being a Jab owner I thought I should practise engine failures……..haha I live in north WA on the coast so conditions at this time of year are probably not the best. It can be 40 C with a 30 knt sea breeze over changing country of hard rock, sand dunes, both yellow and red and up to 30 meters high and over the coast. Its quite turbulent conditions. The PHB says that the best glide speed for the 230 is 60 Knts the stall speed is 54Knts clean. However I was thinking given the type of air I fly in should I practise the EF drills at 70 Knts to give myself a margin of error considering its practise and not a real EF situation. If I can make the glide at 70Knts then in the real event I should have no trouble at 60Knts What do people think about this idea? Thanks Paul
  9. I have 2 Microair radios in my Jab and i both are not very good, i would not depend on them. Can anyone suggest the best value radio available. Also what transponder can i fit, must it be a mode "S" or can i fit a second hand one from a local helicopter guy. Thanks
  10. both the shipwrecks have virtually gone now, the one at the salt and the one on Gnaraloo, but the fishing is still the best in WA
  11. thats a good idea to check the probes, i didnt think of that, thanks
  12. i have EGT and they are all pretty similar as they were before the repair and its tractor in a 230 jab except when i put it in reverse...hehe
  13. YGAR - Western Australia- Ningaloo Reef To all who fly Gnaraloo has 2 strips now, YGAR can be found in the country airstrip guide and there is a new strip right at the homestead. Accommodation is available and even a hire car so you can travel around. Fuel could be arranged if you needed it but Carnarvon has fuel supplies and is only about 100km south. Cheers Paul
  14. Hiya I know this has been cover extensively but i was hoping someone might be able to point me in the right direction. i had a runway incursion a couple of years ago in my 230 which damaged the couling,nose wheel and undercarriage of the aircraft. I got it all fixed and put back together but now i have major differences in 2 of my CHT's. 1 to 4 all sit in the range of about high 120's C to mid 140'sC but 5 and 6 remain at around 90C. Prior to the accident they were all within 15C of each other so i think something has changed because of the accident. there is a skirt fitted to the bottom of the couling which has been bent a little which may be causing this difference. THe fact that it is only the back 2 cylinders that have changed makes me think it is a common issue to both cylinders and not a change within the air cooling ducts. Does anyone have any ideas where to start. Thanks Paul
  15. Ursula is the one who wrote 1. " petite plastic plane patch primer" by Ursula Hanle.
  16. Hi Bruce I did purchase a new u/c leg as the original one was damaged on the inboard bolt hole. Anything that could be purchased new and replaced has been purchased even a new rudder cable incase it got shocked. Ursula no speaka da good english but she has a lot of good info in the book, thanks for the link.
  17. The answer to your question ...........How do you - if you're not very well conversant to the subject in hand - judge what is 'expert' opinion? is actually quite simple...... You start with the first person you can find with any knowledge of the subject and ask you Initial "uninformed possabley stupid question" you get an answer, and you gain knowledge of more pertinant questions to ask. Once you have asked as many people as you can and no new questions raise their head you start to sort through all the answers you have gained from the process and usually when you get recurring advice as to the solution of the questions this is the "expert" opinion that you should follow. .......i hope.......hehe I.......am still asking questions Oscar open the yellow pages , ring 10 portfolio managers and tell them you have 100k you want to invest where should they put it for you. If a few f them reckon Pindan's Jab repair business is the way to go .........post it over please......haha
  18. A new bare fuse is $13750 + Gst............+ freight + time to strip the old one + time to refit completely ( so virtually a complete build ) + painting = buy a new aircraft Also being a 24 Rego probabely not allowed to do anyway.
  19. Apparently the early Jabiru came as 2 sections for the fuselage. Does anyone have the drawings that came with the earlier kits?
  20. I must of been under insured as they did not pay out $2, 500,00 that I would need to buy the Hurricane
  21. @ Fly tornado Best idea yet and next time I run it off the runway it dosen't have a nose wheel to fix................. Great for chasing sheep also, if they don't move just let off a few 50cal rounds into the bushes but doubt the salvage value of the 230 will cover the new purchase cost
  22. I did have hull insurance but the insurance wrote it off as unenomical to repair. I am very remote on the west coast so transport played a major factor in the repair cost.
  23. @ Round Engines I cant seem to PM you for the contact details of the repairer in Perth, if it is aviation composites I am already in contact with them. Thanks
  24. @ derekliston After reading all this.....I wish I had learned to land properly.........hehe @onetrack Sorry I have to disagree with you regarding my approach. If it was solely over cost I would not be on here to try to find out OPTIONS that may be available, I would just of cut the bad bits out and replaced them. Noting about this will be cheap but there are many ways to make the repair more cost effective. Jabiru did not suggest a new fuselage they were going to repair it. Who knows after I have gathered the many different and no doubt confliction opinions I hope to receive on this forum I might decide not to go ahead with the repairs and scrap the aircraft.
  25. No the repair schedule did not include the repair. They also quoted an additional 15k to transport the aircraft to the factory. I understand the repair is structural so that is why I started this thread, in order to establish what options would be available. It is the intention to move the aircraft from 24 rego to an E24. The overall weight is not so important to me, I fly alone 99% of the time and have sufficient fuel stops on the way to Perth to be able to loose a few kg carrying capacity without effecting the use of the aircraft. I don't see the repair adding more than a few kg which can be offset by additional counter balance in the tail to maintain a correct C of G.
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