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Everything posted by DPW

  1. Thanks Guys. I thought that was probably the case. I have completed the emp kit of an RV-9, but I'm looking for something I can complete in 6-12 months for the same amount of time I'm currently spending. The RV will be put on hold for now. And Kevin, I'm in the same boat as you I just need to sell the house.
  2. John and other Sierra builders How accurate do you think the 400 hours build time listed by Gary really is. Do you have a completed kit built Sierra? How long did it take you to build? Cheers Damian
  3. Started a new post.
  4. Looks great John! I'm still tossing up whether to build the Sierra and the Zenith CH650, but I do like the idea of supporting Australian businesses.
  5. John, looks like it's coming along nicely. I've been following Viking Engines for a few months now and will be interested to see how the first few installations go. Cheers Damian
  6. Hi John, How are those pictures coming along. Also, did you make a final decision on the Viking engine? Will Jan be making and engine mount/colwing for you, or would it be something you'd have to fabricate yourself? Cheers Damian
  7. I agree, it would be great to have some good quality video's on YouTube of Morgan Aeroworks aircraft. I'd be happy to do some video editing of (I have some skill) Gary's DVD for YouTube, if I could get my hands on one of them. I might have to give Gary a call :D
  8. Maybe someone could put in on YouTube, with Gary's permission of course? How long is it?
  9. Unbelievable!!!!
  10. DPW

    Savannah S

    Howdy Everyone I'm currently researching the Savannah as the aircraft kit for me and was wondering about the newly launched Savannah S ICP Are we likely to see it in Oz anytime soon? Are kits available to order yet? Is it likely to be similarly priced to the XL VG? Cheers Damian
  11. Hey SBF What are you charging for the SD card only option? Cheers Damo
  12. Thanks Guys. I am watching a few GPS's on ebay, including a Mio 300 for $100, so I should have something to play with soon. :D Slarti: Thanks for the link, I always forget about Grays. Cheers Damian
  13. Hi Guys About to purchase a GPS that I can do Slarti's aviation conversion on. What GPS' are most recommended? Are the Mio's the best option, or are the eBay 7" cheapies OK as well? Cheers Damian
  14. It is a beginning and sounds like a very good start. Do you know where I would find more info, committe members, etc? Cheers Damian
  15. I missed this due to work commitments. Did anyone go? What was the outcome?
  16. I try to get out to Temora at least once a fornight, but it really depends on the weather. I try to fly in 2-3 hour blocks, so it makes my trip out there worth while, not that it's that far, only 1hr 45min. Jill and Alan are great instructors, I can highly recommend them. Cheers Damian
  17. Welcome RJS. I too am in Canberra, well Murrumbateman really but close enough. I'm currently doing my RAA transition training out at Temora, aslo after a 10 year hiatus. You can't do RAA training in Canberra and GA is too expensive. I'm loving flying the Tecnam Sierra out at Temora. Cheers Damian
  18. DPW

    CH601XL Kits

    Thanks Chris, that's really useful information. Cheers Damian
  19. DPW

    CH601XL Kits

    Out of interest, how are you guys going to certify your airplanes, RAA or GA? Cheers Damian
  20. DPW

    CH601XL Kits

    Just wondering how everyone is progressing with their builds? I still haven't made up my mind on whether to build a Zodiac or a Vans RV-12. Cheers Damian
  21. Has eveyone seen the new Zodiac CH 650? It looks very nice. http://www.zenithair.com/zodiac/ch650/index.html Cheers Damian
  22. DPW

    CH601XL Kits

    Thruster87, just out of interest, what engine are you going to run in your 601?
  23. DPW

    CH601XL Kits

    Thanks for the info Ian. I have read everything on the flycorvair.com website and am seriously conidering a 601XL with a corvair engine and am wondering if I'm going to be able to sorce one in Australia. I'm happy to do the rebuild myself, but I think it may be cheaper just to get William to build one for me. Cheers
  24. DPW

    CH601XL Kits

    Hi Ian Where are you guys getting your corvair engines from? Are you going to rebuild them yourselves? Cheers Damian
  25. Hi Marius I'm no expert on the matter, as I'm only just doing transition training from GA. Have a look at this thread, I think it will have the answers for you. Recreational Flying The new OPS manual should be available this month on the RA-Aus website. http://www.auf.asn.au/ Cheers Damian
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