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Everything posted by tillmanr

  1. rotax- owner.com is very good and will help you keep up with improvements. I referred to the site often when I flew my Foxbat. This site was my preferred option for Rotax enquiries whereas the Kitfox site was directly involved with the airframe and less so for the engine side. Still helpful though.
  2. That is the forum I joined 15 years ago and gained a lot of knowledge from the community. Sadly no longer a Kitfox owner.
  3. There is a Kitfox forum with a large membership. A great resource.
  4. I completed the Jabiru course some years ago and it was not restricted to L2/L4. It may have changed. Ask those offering the course.
  5. You need one if you require frequent unescorted access. Emphasise which part is you.
  6. Statements being made today that the aircraft hit Phillip Rock.
  7. From late 60s to 70s the RAAF flew Mystere Fanjet Falcons (Dassault) as VIP transport. Nice little units they were. I had a short flight on one but it was not my normal mode of transport.
  8. 172 for VH, Tecnam for RAA.
  9. Kyneton Aero Club have both the 172 and Tecnam for instruction. GA and RAA covered nicely.
  10. I imported an 8” matco pneumatic tail wheel from the US and considered it worthwhile. It made a big difference to the comfort compared to the solid wheel that was originally fitted. Going back about 8/10 years so I can’t add much more. The weight difference was minimal.
  11. I have never used Social Australia so if it slips away I will not miss it.
  12. What a great waste of money going through an election if they could have been elected unopposed.
  13. I have a few hours in a Eurofox and didn’t think it was difficult at all. Maybe that it is a tail wheel.
  14. ABC reporting 24-8818 EFOX collided with mother earth today. 2 occupants injured.
  15. And I would suggest a fraction of the planning and skill.
  16. In some places I think that communication is more important than mindless social interactions.
  17. I travelled in NE USA and Canada last month and noticed my phone was using 3G. Not everyone has shut it down.
  18. I think the earliest may have been with a trike
  19. It costs taxpayers more to create a position in a government school than an independent one. The government is saving overall by having students attend independent schools. This has been long argued but the facts are ther.
  20. I replaced a solid rubber tail wheel on a Kitfox with a 6" pneumatic and it made a huge difference to the noise level and was a bit more comfortable. Watch the difference in weight. They can get punctures easily if you are landing on spikey/burr laden grass strips.
  21. Will a title search show the date of transfer and the date of sale?
  22. Successful wheels up landing being shown on channel 9
  23. The frying weather was the dominating part of the day. Aircraft wise it was reasonable but I am getting a bit blasé in my old age. I should stop attending shows as I have attended many significant international displays. However I think that for attendees that do not have a frequent involvement with aircraft it was good fun. A young pair of observers were massively impressed with the aerobatic displays so it was getting through to an important audience. It was good to see the Sabre in the air, caused a rear of nostalgia to run down the cheek. Shame that Temorah cant get theirs into the air. I believe it is because they insist on the bang seat being operational and that is not going to happen.
  24. I attended and has made arrangements several months ago. I was aware well in advance and acted then.
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