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Everything posted by tillmanr

  1. Power to you Russ. Living the dream despite the knockers.
  2. CFA app has accident/rescue safe. Hope this is the case
  3. http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/Plane-Parachutes-to-Safe-Crash-Landing-on-Long-Island-371162171.html
  4. Another Cirrus testing out parachutes. http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/Plane-Parachutes-to-Safe-Crash-Landing-on-Long-Island-371162171.html
  5. Don, my impetus was not that a board member should act contrary to the benefit of the association but be aware of the thoughts and wishes of members. I feel that the administration is busy with day to day running of the show not collecting thoughts and feelings of the membership. That is the role of our elected board in my opinion. I could be wrong.
  6. Don I believe that the association has board members to represent voting members. These board members are elected on a regional basis, I assume to have a voice for the members in those regions. If I cannot approach my regional representative of the board we might as well have no regional basis to the board elections but only a universal (nation wide) election to the board. Am I right or wrong?
  7. Thanks for your suggestions,. I have a cheapie on order and will report back on its usefulness
  8. I haven't received it and won,t be available for a month to do so It is the 4 cutter jobbie I am after.
  9. My latest and easiest but possibly risky is an exhaust cutter from ebay.
  10. Thanks, I have tried to contact him.
  11. I have been chasing the the correct item when in the USA but they appear to be a mythical tool. I have been to maybe a dozen auto supplies and once we overcome my accent they are then unable to find one in their catalogues. I see them referred to by high performance auto engine types but no easy retail source in USA or Aus.
  12. The folded edge/rim is too big for any I have. I am open to suggestions for a brand.
  13. I am interested in checking the innards of my oil filter. Does anyone on the forum know where to buy an oil filter cutter in Aus. They can be purchased online from the USA but that seems quite expensive.
  14. Stopover Narromine is a good idea. Motel is at the aerodrome. Best to call ahead and book. They are flyers and understand if you are delayed arriving or leaving. Start very early.
  15. iPads use satellites for their GPS location and the cellular network for reporting that position. You will know where you are but cannot always connect to ozrunways or avplan or other system to report your location. If it is critical then a satellite based track reporting device would be the better option me thinks.
  16. Early this year I visited Pima at Tucson and the military boneyard where the guide pointed out that F16s were being converted to targets. With recent developments worldwide the suggestion(good oil) is that some are being refurbished for active duty.
  17. Don't just go for the younger flyers. I recently attended a 3 day engine maintenance course and had to teach a 60 something person how to read a micrometer as well as set a torque wrench. Said person had co built two kit aircraft during the last 12 months. We need a minimum skill level to be acquired and this may cost money but we need to show as a group we are working for safety in preparing our aircraft.
  18. I had to turn off4G on my iphone5 as it was marginal and kept locking up. So I just run 3G wherever
  19. Do you have, Settings, Passcode? If so enter your passcode then you can change the settings. Works on mini iPad and older iPad.
  20. Because you have different password settings which you can set to your needs, password/ no password
  21. Why oh why do people who would seemingly never intend to attend sit back and throw arrows. They criticise, ridicule and throw up red herrings without contributing to the general cause of flying. If you want to go, do it with planning. Otherwise crawl onto another site and waste their time. We want to be constructive not destructive. End of rant.
  22. I believe from locals that the air show dates were published first however the local show may have traditionally been on at this time. Maybe a lack of local knowledge when deciding the dates.
  23. Queuing for departure 1608 local Saturday
  24. A view of the flight line Saturday
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