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Everything posted by tillmanr

  1. A young person can be issued a pilot certificate or pilot licence years before a drivers licence
  2. Thanks, I am deliberating. Where are you keeping the a/c?
  3. What fuel tanks re fitted and what is the MTOW? Thanks
  4. I flew in the 80s from Royal Casey. From memory a 150 WXP was the noisiest one in Australia. Shut down because the council would not allow the flying school annual permit to be renewed.
  5. To FlyingV, sometimes the effectiveness of an iPad can be improved by shutting it down and rebooting. Seems to clear the detritus. Cheers
  6. The only ones I saw had acetone in them
  7. Thanks for your input folks. I have located a source east of Melbourne @$3.50 per litre. Have to buy 20 litres though so I will have a lifetimes supply to use in Polyfibre repairs. Plumbers primer with its dye would look funny with ivory Polytone paint finish over the top.
  8. Hi fellow flyers, I need to do some maintenance and need to source a small amount of MEK to work on Polyfiber finish. Anyone know a supplier in Melbourne apart from Aviaquip? Thanks
  9. If your angle to the stone is correct, the cutting edge is a straight line. If the drill is closer to perpendicular to the grinding face the edge will be concave. Too shallow an angle gives a convex rounded cutting edge. The back angle and pressure (feed) on the drill determines the cut.
  10. I am pleased for you Howard and hope it continues. I hope to enjoy the same with my flying in the future.
  11. Howard, gliders can and orbit whenever they like. I have seen them do so on downwind and base legs at Narromine in the not too distant past.
  12. I have been told that the callout fee for Avgas at Cobar is $110. EACH aircraft. Is this fact?
  13. The RAA ops manual states that all aircraft have to be placarded with MTOW. I had to send photos of these in when registering last year.
  14. I have heard some scuttlebutt ref SAAA management. Anyone have the correct information?
  15. Thanks. Just what I needed and had in the back of my mind.
  16. Hi wise owls, I have had the need to ask people to not smoke near my aircraft and inside hangars. Can you direct me to a regulation governing smoking near aircraft, airside or hangars? I fly from a private strip but think the rules would cover aircraft generally. Thanks
  17. I was at Duxford about 5 years ago. It was the best organised and sustained flying display on both days of the weekend. I have been to many but this show has to be the best anywhere. It has to be the first on your bucket list for seeing the warbirds fly, landing and taking off in front of the spectators on an enormous grass field.
  18. Additional info-- it was a 6000k road trip
  19. If you run an ipad, search for Co-pilot GPS. The first download is free. You can get all of USA for free. Used it during Oshkosh this year and then for 600 k road trip finishing in San Francisco. An excellent product. I purchased and used the Europe maps and they are as good.
  20. I appreciate the efforts of the Ians, only passing on my experiences.
  21. I have been able to do multiple area translations in one but not able to do any locations in single or multiple. Only FYI. Thanks for your support. Rob
  22. Apology offered. I was attempting to get a location briefing not an area briefing. My mess up.
  23. I just tried it again,. I tried to copy and paste using right clicks and then using the control A/C as you outlined. Still after the text copying into the box, press translate and only the warning shows. It is not possible to progress from here as there is nothing else on the page. Thanks
  24. I have copied the info but after asking for the translation, I cannot progres past the disclaimer. Any polite suggestions. Thanks
  25. I attended the latest (and 2012) Ausfly for the duration of the event and found it a great coming together of flyers and others interested in flying. I am now RAA only but had the pleasure of working with and talking to a vast range people from "like to be's" to long time heavy commercial captains. The underlying reason was an underlying interest and love of things aviation. I was again involved in ground management of the arriving and departing aircraft and with just a few exceptions found the pilots to be a most agreeable lot both in the aircraft and socialising. This should be kept as sacred and not over-ridden by which camp or association we belong to. Looking forward to meeting many new aviators again next year weather gods willing.
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