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Everything posted by tillmanr

  1. I was surprised how much the B17 was affected by ait movement on approach and landing, maybe just too light.
  2. No hire cars at Narromine. Check the SAAA site for accomodation, probably only tents at this stage.
  3. I took the B17 flight and ticked that one off the bucket list. BUT, there was a B29 running up when we returned from the flight. Now that is the top of my list. I went for a drive via Memphis and Albuqurque, to near Portland Or. Wow, the Spruce Goose is one hell of a wooden aircraft. The significant contributions/donations by the American flying community to their museums as well as to Oshkosh make Australian flyers seem like a bunch of miserable tightwads.
  4. Best wishes TK58. Part of your task is to keep the enthusiasm of the presenters sustained. I attended a forum for an Australian manufactured aircraft this year and the presenter was quite open about the fact that he had used up his time, energy and enthusiam before the Saturday forum began. When a number of members asked questions relating to what had been discussed at the Friday forum they were given short shrift. I feel it is important that you and presenters appreciate that all members cannot attend every day of the event. My simple suggestion is to have stand where members can check the calibration of their torque wrenches. I am sure that this is not done often enough. Again good luck.
  5. Try this and look at Camp Schuller. I haven't stayed there but believe it is good. http://airventure.org/planning/where_to_stay.html
  6. I am sure they have sufficient staff in Canberra. A couple of months ago I offered to spend a week (at my expense) in Canberra being gopher, deployed as needed.I wanted to contribute my bit to assist the association. I have not received a no thanks or acknowledgement to this day.
  7. A word of warning ref driving. DO NOT SPEED. All of the nasty stories of police being overzealous are true. Message- be a perfect citizen and have a nice day.
  8. Going again this year, and staying about 40 minutes away in a motel. There are many motels available via the usual hotel search sites. You can often get big breakfast, air con and a fridge for the cool ones when you finish the day. Parking is $10 a day and easy to access which you can prebook on the EAA website. I suggest you join the EAA to get reduced entry and other price reductions. Even on the B17 flight experience. Awsome. I concurr with not trying to do the lot. Have a great time. It is hard not to.
  9. I attended the CASA forum on Easter Saturday cca 1600 in hangar E. The statement was that if you use an ipad with Ozrunways, the ipad mini was acceptable as a second source of maps saving the trees but a bit more out of pocket to be running both.
  10. tillmanr

    Jabiru Guru?

    Thanks for the assistance gents. Gradually getting to the solution.
  11. tillmanr

    Jabiru Guru?

    I have seen reference some time ago about someone in the Riverland or Riverina who has the clues on Jabiru engine servicing. I would appreciate help in locating this mystery man.
  12. Good video Dave. It was a good turnout wasn't it.
  13. Ian, I see this as an ongoing resource and it could be thrown open for contributions at a later date. Less important than the strips.
  14. Is it feasable to include local flyer friendly accomodation for overnighting?
  15. I am suffering the slow downloading problem on this site as well as returning to the previous page. I tried the aviationenthusiasts.net/ link and had no problem going forward or back.
  16. Ian, I have no cross to bear which seems to be a problem. I visit this site as well as others and my comment is thank you and your assistants heaps and strength to your arm. You have heady ideals and these do not always agree with everyone but keep up the good fight of promoting flying.
  17. The VNE for a Kitfox Classic IV is 125mph (just below 110 Knots). The Kitfox also has counterweights on the flaperons.
  18. Thanks Ian, I am looking to replace my Garmin 196 and would be keen on an Aussie product
  19. Sounds good however will the unit access data to include things such as terrain warnings or restricted areas?
  20. Hi folks, I have had a stuttering interest in flying. Did a bit of GA in the 80's, bought an Airborne trike 582 about 10 years ago which I still fly occassionally and now fly, in a form, a Kitfox IV Classic with 2200 Jab motor.
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