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Everything posted by tillmanr

  1. I ran a Skyecho for a couple of years connecting easily with my iPad 9.7 and backup mini. Easy instructions from Ozrunways to get ICAO registration and then setup on the iPads. Simples
  2. Sadly Warner was out the first ball that he faced. 200 is not too ordinary though.
  3. ABC Justin is reporting the pilots details and other details. Michael Hebbard, 43, of Perth, was killed in a light plane crash on the Nullarbor on December 16 The crash occurred shortly after take-off from the remote Caiguna airstrip and was reported about 9:30am WA Police will prepare a report for the Coroner
  4. Maybe I missed something. If your aircraft is flying at 120 knots into a headwind of 24 knots your ground cover is 96 n miles per hour. Dividing your travel distance1550 by this speed to determine the flying time required, 15.6 hours. A simplistic approach I accept.
  5. tillmanr

    Phantom graveyard.jpg

    PIMA has a great aircraft museum and you get a bus tour of the boneyard as well.
  6. Sentenced to a minimum of 2 years in jail today.
  7. You would then need to restrict parking beside these installations to only EVs to be effective. I am sure this would find wide acceptance in parking poor inner suburbs, not.
  8. @Old Koreelah, the local fire brigades in the country may have shiny toys but the volunteers don’t have the time or energy to be maintaining roadside reserves.
  9. Ian, a friend in Victoria has to declare the distance that their EV travels each year for taxing purposes. Something like 2 cents per kilometre.
  10. Channel 9 reporting a B17 and Kingcobra crashing at a Dallas air show. Both aircraft into the dirt. Lots of grief for many people.
  11. Weren’t GM making aircraft engines during WW11?
  12. The replica is steered by wing warping. The pilot is prone and head first from memory. Not for me at any price.
  13. I was at Narromine when Keith Englemann, an very experienced test pilot flew the replica and it frightened him. He flew along the strip, had the aircraft manually turned around and flew a some way back down the strip. That was enough for him.
  14. Historically it was part of Brittany France. King Arthur and the knights of the round table tales all were situated in France.
  15. I was taught East is least (1 and odds), West is best 2 and evens).
  16. As part of the transfer process a report on flying the aircraft is included.
  17. As per the VicRoads site trucks are different to light vehicles. You can overhang 1.2m over the front but nothing to the rear. Small trailers also cannot have rear overhang.
  18. In Victoria nothing is allowed to project beyond the vehicle. This is enforced in some areas by the RTA. In the Kyneton area you can’t have a plastic down pipe sticking out the back of your vehicle. The RTA training facility is here. No rule of thumb (4 feet or 1.2m for younger folk) allowed.
  19. Aren’t eye tests covered by Medicare? I have never paid for mine in 20 years of going to glasses.
  20. Good old technique Old Koreela. To explain it for city folks, if you place one end of a green grass stem onto the electric fence, if the fence is active you will feel small impulses rather than the whack which occurrs if you make direct contact.
  21. RF, maybe the 529 vs 592 is a slip of the keyboard?
  22. The ABC is reporting a fatal aircraft into powerline incident at Bowenville.
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