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Everything posted by tillmanr

  1. https://www.grays.com/sale/9031932/aircraft/aicraft-flight-simulator-auction?email=20220623_Industrial_Thu_eDM&link=Slot2_sale2&utm_source=edm&utm_medium=email&utm_content=Slot2_sale2&utm_campaign=20220623_Industrial_Thu_eDM&cid=em%7Cstr:Promotional%7Cpro:IndustrialEDM%7Cema:20220623_Industrial_Thu_eDM%7Cmid:6913765%7Clnk:Slot2_sale2&custid=1875708&riid=327158405&mid=6913765&cgu=%7Bfbde3a7d-3b3f-4139-82c1-225913b202bd%7D
  2. Further on is this clip amongst the Swiss Alps.
  3. With a stall as low as 27knots you don’t need to make it draggier. Maybe remove the spats to allow for grass fields.
  4. The ABC justin has reported an aircraft having to landing near the Sunshine Coast. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-06-13/emergency-plane-landing-sunshine-coast-pilot-escapes-injury/101147872 Any word around the traps on this?
  5. I have seen similar manoeuvres by military choppers at air displays. This is not excessive it seems. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0OyI13AG0s
  6. I have seen similar manoeuvres by military choppers at air displays. This is not excessive it seems.
  7. Hey onetrack, you sound like a huge number of government departments both state and federal. You will probably update before our rulers.
  8. Rod Shearer at Bendigo has a lot of followers from around Kyneton.
  9. Surely Yenn you don’t think that the Chinese will respect intellectual property.
  10. "Property numbers are worked out based on the distance from the start of the road to the entrance of the property. That distance (in metres) is divided by ten. Even numbers are on the right and odd numbers are on the left. For example, the entrance to a property 5,080 metres from the start of the road on the right hand side becomes number 508." The start of the road is determined as the fastest and safest road accessed from the nearest major road or town. These rules are not confined to Victoria. This quote is from South Aus. The road which passes YKTN, ( a couple of Ks from town), is measured from Metcalf, (15 ks away), and a much smaller town than Kyneton.
  11. The rural numbering addresses I travel to in Victoria are distance East of intersections.
  12. Jayco are a massive concern at Dandenong producing caravans. Maybe not Rolls Royces but selling like hotcakes. The dominant seller/producer in Australia. The trailer market seems to be largely Chinese but not caravan from what I can see,
  13. I think that crewed is used to eliminate drones/uavs.
  14. I am going with PM at Yarrawonga. A short flight and good price. Thanks for your input respondants.
  15. Spelt is a type of grain akin to Barley. Check the spellchecker.
  16. I am looking for a source of Aeroshell Sport plus 4 preferably in Melbourne for my Rotax 912. Appreciate any referrals.
  17. If you run at the lower level of recommended pressure the tyre absorbs some of the touchdown load. But you can get bounce/rebound while at the higher level you get harshness with less rebound and the undercarriage has to absorb the shock. Always a trade off.
  18. Good news for you KG but a shame for many others along the eastern edge. If these weather events are going to happen more into the future, maybe owners in flood prone areas need to consider hoists to lift their aircraft up high in the hangars.
  19. Compact is the word, my ab initio at Royal Casey (Berwick Vic) was in an Aerobat.
  20. My Kitfox has an ASI reading in mph and my Foxbat reads in knots. No biggy , I fly the numbers in the POH for each aircraft. My navigation is by Ozrunways and it doesn’t care which aircraft.
  21. There are two levels of control that apply to RAA certificated flyers compared to GA pilots. The access to many airports, the number of passengers, overflying towns, aerobatics, IFR, night VFR. This is not a level landing area so the powers to be can have different levels of medical accreditation. I support the notion of drivers medical for all private flying but I am not holding my breath.
  22. Love the flying boots
  23. There is a form of fuel injection available for your motor.
  24. You might consider using your factory cowl as a mould and lay up a thin glass copy to chop around to develop one that serves your purpose. Don’t forget to use a release on the original.
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