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Everything posted by tillmanr

  1. All too many confuse two major conflicts here. These are firstly, advice on defence materiel is given by defence panels and secondly, the government who then makes the decisions on what contracts are awarded. Australian governments from both parties have ignored defence choices for many years on too many occasions because they are chasing the short term voting popularity. At times contradicting defence advice. Our military personnel are then forced to operate the provided hardware and only speak in glowing terms about it.
  2. The Flood family had a number of champion motorcross riders from memory during the 70’s, helped I am sure by having the best bikes available.
  3. Search for rotax-owner.com for lots of useful information.
  4. Ok, lift up flap enclosers. Maybe I was exaggerating on the sophistication of the devices. I had a number of hours in a Thruster 20 years ago.
  5. Can someone explain the relevance of the employer.
  6. I have written previously about the huge effect of a small piece of angle section attached to the bottom of the doors of a thruster. It basically destroyed the air flow over the elevators. Be very careful of attaching anything to the side of the thruster.
  7. And what’s the carbon footprint of charging the battery chainsaw?
  8. The aircraft could be a VH experimental assembled from a kit and modified legally . I have heard that the battery was on the floor of the passenger side. Not sure if this is correct or myth.
  9. What may be the price for a garden ornament?
  10. The shortcomings with the lower middle is the effect it has on ramping over lumps bumps and edges off road If you don’t need to do this then a 4wd utility is better. I doubt the safety of 1/2 to 1 tonne of water being towed by the displayed ATV. I have a “tall” ATV and hesitate to tow anything approaching 1/2 tonne.
  11. Are you speaking of the Commer knocker?
  12. Back in history we used heat indicator crayons to indicate annealing temperature on brass. These are still around, search “Tempil stick” who have a huge range.
  13. I suppose that had I acted at the start of this escalating lockdown I should have inhibited my engine. Too late now though.
  14. Don’t think it works for owner maintainer, hence the query.
  15. Don’t have a reference for private aircraft maintenance do you? In particular RAA types.
  16. I don’t believe these aircraft were based at a rural airfield but I will accept being incorrect. Don’t think so though.
  17. It didn’t sound like the roulettes and the number 3 didn’t seem to be aRoulettes standard.
  18. A formation of 3 aircraft turned over Emerald Vic today just before 1400. It is good that this is critical work continuing during lockdown.
  19. We had our own successful businessman, PM Turnbull. I think he had a good chance of success but the BS side of politics killed that stone dead. PS I don’t like him.
  20. Cheers, delete my comment if you are able I should have PM,d you.
  21. Please check your data. The stall speed is the same as cruise speed.
  22. Individual rights but no responsibility? Yes that’s the go. Goodbye.
  23. Sporting codes have been granted many exemptions in order to keep them operating. Horse racing operates under certain agreements to allow them to move horses and personnel. If employees threaten to bring down the industry by breaking the rules then they are busted. No bullshit double jeopardy reasons accepted. With rights come responsibilities.
  24. And I am sure any terrorists will report themselves. As stupid as the instruction.
  25. This is a matter of who is the control authority. For searches and order, the police, for fires the state/local fire authority. Other services cooperate under the control authority. This can vary according to need across states and regions.
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