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Everything posted by tillmanr

  1. Where has the ignore button gone?
  2. I believe the unpaid fine collection is contracted out like bad debts.
  3. Yes but they are only exercising their rights.
  4. And which party has done much better here in Australia. In my opinion neither major party at state or national level has in practical terms.
  5. It is listed as 220 cca battery at specialist.com.Au
  6. I recently replaced the battery in my Foxbat like for like with a Fusion CBC12V22AH. 6kg. The Rotax is a 912 ULS 100HP Bought it on eBay $84 delivered
  7. Is there a cheap camera with Bluetooth to link to your EFB?
  8. Tonight the total deaths for the current outbreak in NSW were shown and the statement was made that none of the deceased were vaccinated.
  9. The first thing you do in an accident is see that the doors are unlocked and if necessary for rescue that the windows are down. Then cut the battery. This saves a lot of smashing of glass and rescue equipment use caused by haphazard battery isolation which is mostly done by cutting the battery cables.
  10. Premier Gladys is crowing about how strict the restrictions in NSW are however she has not been briefed on what Victoria had and importantly how early it was applied. The results speak for themselves.
  11. The travel distance from your house relates to suburban people. Rural residents are allowed to travel to the nearest town. Victoria went through these restrictions and survived. NSW will too despite the wingers and nay sayers.
  12. If used for private flying, RAA reg an L1 owner can service the aircraft.
  13. I won,t be around to worry. Sad for those who will inherit the new world.
  14. Contact route was messaged to you.
  15. There are a large number of aircraft such as the Kitfox that fly successfully with the 582. I had one on a weightshift and enjoyed it for more than 10 years.
  16. I think you are taking too many risks RF. During extensive ongoing development testing which Jabiru carried out a few years ago, a very very experienced test pilot was not able to recover from stall on at least one occasion and needed to use the stall recovery chute. The aircraft was set up for testing including the ability to jettison the pilots door and use the personal parachute. What backup system are you using? Jabiru were doing the hard yards to make their airframes more than safe so don’t tinker with the proven numbers for your own good.
  17. I recall a flyer who added a strip of aluminium angle about 12mm to the outside bottom edge of the doors to stiffen them. Amazingly it virtually cancelled any elevator control . The aeros on this supposedly simple aircraft should not be played with impulsively.
  18. If you are at Milawa consider Wangaratta. Further up the valley, maybe Porepunka or Mt Beauty. These are only a ridge or 2 from your destination.
  19. How close is a major hospital? This has been one criteria. Also the availability of personnel to staff a quarantine centre. I am not familiar with the location so just asking.
  20. About as credible as WMDs. Remember this?
  21. Phil Irving was able to achieve great success with the grey head Holden motors. He was a truly important innovator.
  22. The majority of judges in the USA are Republicans. Go figure.
  23. I was in Orlando three years ago and spoke to a number of substantial aircraft operations and the word was to move North during the summer/ cyclone season. Drifting a little, I was driving I40 about halfway East to West, in I think April and was surprised to hear on the TV that the cyclone season was late in arriving that year.
  24. Following my last, unfortunately Duxford will not be the venue for the flying legends airshow. Sywell is to be the new venue .
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