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Everything posted by tillmanr

  1. I seem to be too simplistic in my interpretation of voting. Seemingly 606 members participated and presented a ballot sheet on which they then voted one or two times for a total of 1159 votes. Is this the correct way to view this?
  2. As I indicated to the CEO, when I vote for the senate I am allowed one vote on the day. Within this one vote I indicate my order of the vote for up to maybe 70 candidates.
  3. I have just read the results of the 2020 RAAus board election and have no axe to grind with the results. However I am ashamed that nearly half of the votes were declared invalid. How can such a large proportion of the members fail to successfully nominate two candidates yet manage to maintain and fly an aircraft?
  4. Ian, do what fits the system and your vision. I am comfortable with the result
  5. There’s another photo on the story but I cannot copy the link from the iPad I am using the the moment. Cheers
  6. From ABC just in, the airport at Kununurra was slammed by a storm today.
  7. Facthunter, for the less experienced, what is under or over propping? Thanks.
  8. Mogas will not give a grey indication due to the lack of lead additives.
  9. I normally check recalling on an iPad and have no problems with reading the page. Don’t over work it Ian.
  10. Hi Ian, thanks for your work. Is the for sale, adverts available somewhere? Thanks
  11. Welcome Laurie. Very envious of you sitting locked down living in Melbourne . One day I will join you in the air. Clear skies.
  12. Love the work boots Danny
  13. Sad to hear of the loss of a fellow aviator. I have a bunch of hours in trikes and wonder if the pilot was experienced or if this was not a pilot error.
  14. A couple of QLD papers covered this but you need a subscription to access it.
  15. Was shown on10 in Melbourne tonight. They called it a hang glider but clearly a trike.
  16. Thanks waraton. I am happy with the engine, which may outlast my service life but a backup is good to know of.
  17. On page 5 Of the magazine within subscription information it states that all members are subscribed.
  18. Sport Pilot magazine has arrived with voting material inside. Located eastern side of Melbourne.
  19. We don’t normally get mail on Saturday. Maybe you do. Cheers and stay relaxed.
  20. I visited East Kirkby two years ago and watched the Lancaster do her run ups then a taxi run. The seats on the taxi run were by invitation only requiring a substantial donation it seemed. Beautiful noises from the Merlins.
  21. Good find Marty, I have been trying to accumulate this information for some time.
  22. You have done well to continue with your reporting despite various setbacks. Keep it up Danny.
  23. Try a look at the Jabiru/Camit forum. You may find relatively local owners. main groups.io Group
  24. Is it possible, physically and/or in terms of regulations, to hang a non-Jabiru engine off the front of a Jabiru? There is experimental LSA ie ELSA within RAA a from memory
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