I seem to be too simplistic in my interpretation of voting.
Seemingly 606 members participated and presented a ballot sheet on which they then voted one or two times for a total of 1159 votes.
Is this the correct way to view this?
As I indicated to the CEO, when I vote for the senate I am allowed one vote on the day.
Within this one vote I indicate my order of the vote for up to maybe 70 candidates.
I have just read the results of the 2020 RAAus board election and have no axe to grind with the results.
However I am ashamed that nearly half of the votes were declared invalid.
How can such a large proportion of the members fail to successfully nominate two candidates yet manage to maintain and fly an aircraft?
Sad to hear of the loss of a fellow aviator. I have a bunch of hours in trikes and wonder if the pilot was experienced or if this was not a pilot error.
I visited East Kirkby two years ago and watched the Lancaster do her run ups then a taxi run. The seats on the taxi run were by invitation only requiring a substantial donation it seemed. Beautiful noises from the Merlins.
Is it possible, physically and/or in terms of regulations, to hang a non-Jabiru engine off the front of a Jabiru?
There is experimental LSA ie ELSA within RAA a from memory