I recently purchased the J230's older cousin, a Jab LSA 55. from YWOL, so I know the airport rather well now. The first thing I did was book an instructor for an hour from a local flying school familiar with that model of aircraft, for some instruction on the new plane, I previously learned on Lightwings and Tecnams. Money well spent in my opinion, I learned a lot about the LSA from that instructor.
I echo what others have said on here, I also wouldn't know what my rate of descent on final, my head is out of the window. If there is a gauge I watch it is my airspeed, as I, like many, believe a good landing is always preceded by a good and stabilized approach. For the LSA 55, it is 60-65kts for a normal approach with 1 stage flap, or 55kts with 2 stages of flap for a short field landing, with a small amount of power if necessary
I'd like to think I fly by the book. I pick the aiming point and watch if I'm over or undershooting, then power or side-slip as necessary to keep that aiming point in the same spot in the windscreen, down to the round out. But the priority here is to maintain that approach speed.
I think you can have an easy flight or a not so easy flight, and that is determined by your use of trim. I'd rather not be battling the controls when you don't have to.... just my 2 cents worth.