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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. Was there enough visible ground around for an emergency landing? I don't know, I wasn't there. Planes have glide capability so could they have glided to a visible suitable landing area in case of engine failure? Again, I don't know, I wasn't there. Based on the conditions, the instructor made the judgement and decision to continue the flight, as did the pilot, so I wouldn't be so quick to condemn the airmanship of that instructor or pilot, without knowing all the facts.
  2. I did care to read it, but he didn't exactly state that it totally obscured the Somerset area. It must have still have been good for VFR flight. Do you really think his instructor would've continued the flight if it was less than VFR?
  3. I say it depends how much ground the fog covered. The fog may have been covering Watts Bridge, but not enough to obscure landmarks, that is, less than broken, thereby being able to pinpoint your position, and maintaining VFR. That's why we plan for alternate fields and have holding fuel factored into our flight planning. That's probably why his instructor proceeded with the flight. When I did my Nav training last year there was no GPS in the plane.
  4. I made an enquiry about a Foxbat A32 syndicate when I was looking to buy. I'm guessing it might be a little difficult finding a similar option in your area.
  5. Yes, The LSA55 usable weight is a bit low, the J170 or even J160 with half tanks have a better MTOW, and one of them I can see as my next aircraft. But hey, you have to start somewhere.STOL and speed seem to be at opposite ends of the spectrum, it is very difficult to get both, but as you say, the A22 and A32 Foxbats achieve that, but they are frightfully expensive. If you want STOL under $40k there is quite a lot of choice, but you will be flying around at 60 to 80kts. If you want speed, the Jabs are probably the best option. Thanks for the info on Emerald.
  6. Dusted off the cobwebs and got back into the air today, a short trip to YCAB and back. The conditions were great Cheers, Tony
  7. I flew a Lightwing and landed it there during my XC training last year, it was just wide enough to fit the mains on the runway. Well that was my impression on the day.
  8. No, YPWH is about 6nm east (approx 70-80°T) from that location. Look for the golf course in town, it is right next to it. Here it is
  9. I learned on Rotax powered aircraft, mostly, nosewheel Lightwing GR912's, so getting to know and respect my Jab, has been a bit different to what I'm used to. But it is good. She handles very much like the other aircraft I've flown, only she is much faster than the Lightwing. Engine management requires a little more attention. Being air cooled, you have to be mindful of the airflow to it to keep it cool, so you do some things a little differently. Like climbing out, instead of continuing climbing at VY speed, it is better to maintain good airflow over the engine by reducing the rate of climb and increasing the speed from 68kts to 80kts. Another is having to point the nose into the wind during warmup. I am mindful of the many troubles Jabiru engines have had in the past, so I find myself monitoring the engine gauges a whole lot more, I should be doing that anyway, so she is making me a better pilot! She is a little slippery, so she prefers landing a bit faster than the Lightwing, she is very sluggish when I land her full flap at 55kts, but greases in every time at half flaps at 65kts. She's a good affordable aircraft though, cruises at 95-100kts, fuel tank 65L with 13-15L/hr fuel burn, that's 3.5hrs, or an effective range of at least 330nm. And it is comfortable to sit in. I purchased her in Woolongong about the same time as you completed your RPC, she flew magnificently all the way! My only complaint, I think, is that she is light, so with a usable weight of only 181kg to fit me, my pax, fuel and baggage in, I find it challenging at times to stay under MTOW. But what do you expect from a first aircraft, she ticks most of the boxes for me. I think of her as a nice roomy single seater with heaps of baggage space. I did have an in-flight emergency after a service a few weeks ago. An oil hose burst in flight, and I lost oil pressure. I was in a circuit, so I reduced the throttle to idle and conducted an immediate landing. No damage except for the hose, but the LAME replaced all the oil hoses and refilled the oil. On further investigation, I found out that the hose was well within its service time, it must have been faulty. Pays to be mindful and prepared for anything. I'm planning on flying to Emerald sometime soon, I have family there. Is there anything I should know about Emerald Airport, not covered in ERSA? So what are your plans from here? Do you plan on getting any endorsements? Plans for aircraft ownership? Tony
  10. Yep, my first thoughts were the same, I thought it was a taxiway, but it has what appear to be extensions, why would a taxiway have them? I also thought it was too narrow, but have you ever landed at Pittsworth? Its width almost the width of a cricket pitch!
  11. I'm getting 13-14L/hr at 100kt with my LSA55
  12. I started my flight training in a Tecnam Eaglet, but completed my certificate and started hiring Lightwing GR912 at my new school. Why did I change? Distance to the airfield was a big one for me, 20 minutes instead of 2 hours to get to the airfield. Also the cost, $200/hr vs $250/hr. Hiring the plane was the same, $149/hr vs $170/hr. Tony
  13. By the way, I'm a new pilot as well, I completed my RPC Feb last year. XC endo last November and purchased my Jab in February.
  14. Where did you get your RPC? Emerald?
  15. Hi Dmale! What do you fly, or are you learning? Tony
  16. Hi Kirby, what do you fly? Tony
  17. That overhead wire visible just before they started rolling in the first video looks interesting. You wouldn't want to be coming into land on that runway.
  18. It was aviation law up to a few years ago, now it is a suggestion. I might also add that it is good practice, as you never know exactly how the wind can blow you off course, having that buffer keeps you clear.Tony
  19. Hi and welcome chesim! RPC through RAAus, is a great way to get your wings. Furthermore, many of the hours and endorsements, if not all, can cross over to GA if that's where you want to go. On top of that, RAA aircraft in my opinion are more economical to buy, run and maintain. I remember wanting to be a pilot when I was an early teen, I finally realized that dream 30 years later. Should've done it earlier.... Cheers, Tony.
  20. Would that be Palmyra (YPYA)? The runway looks like it is parallel to the drag strip.
  21. That is Ball Bay (YA2196), a private unlicensed strip. If you want to go there, contact the operator, Bob Smith on 0428185194 or 07 49427768 (email: [email protected]). I got that info on AOPA
  22. Just had a look on the charts, there seems to be quite a few privately owned ALA's in the vicinity. The closest non-controlled airports seem to be Proserpine and Bowen further north.
  23. Count me in.... if I'm not working...
  24. Looks like I'm going to have to pay YCAB another visit real soon
  25. Hey MichaelM, this would be a great video compilation opportunity for you. Flying in many types of aircraft with many different pilots, it could be quite entertaining... Tony
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