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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. Yep, already had one ordinary nights sleep thinking about the day's events.
  2. I agree with this, and it is supported in the Jabiru Engine Manual (JEM0002-7 Page 17 (Sect 3.8)), for operating in those temperatures.
  3. I was speaking with him, as he was working on it, the other day in the hanger, The slats were on, and I thought he said it was a Subaru engine, but I may have mis-heard Suzuki. He's a top bloke, and a friendly face around the Coominya airfield.
  4. I can tell you that I was flying in the circuit at Coominya at the time of the incident and I was concerned with the radio transmissions that I was hearing. He was reporting that he was having engine problems, popping sounds coming from the engine and loss of RPM..... Then nothing. As I said, I know the guy and his plane, we share a hanger Not sure what I should say on here, maybe accident investigators may be interested in what I witnessed
  5. How much has this journo got wrong! Light plane crashes after clipping tree on property north-west of Brisbane Agricultural plane? Really???? Impacting the tree before hitting the ground???? Again, really????? No mention of the engine failure...
  6. I believe he had an engine failure. I was in the air at the time in the circuit at Coominya. I heard it all happening on the radio. I know the pilot and plane. My thoughts are with him, I wish you a speedy recovery my friend.
  7. Hi and welcome Simsy85! I still find it incredible that this nations capital city doesn't have any recreational airfields anywhere near the city
  8. Spinning out of control
  9. I'd suggest you contact Jabiru as a matter of urgency about your problem.
  10. Why would it have to go 19 registered? Do Cessna make C152's as kit aircraft?
  11. Gundaroo (YGDO) maybe? It's 15nm north of Canberra.
  12. I had this same problem, hard to read, and as others have said here, the stick would catch oil on the tube as I put it in... very frustrating. It would sometimes take me 15 to 20 minutes til I could get a read I was confident was ok to fly with, I even used the method of laying read end on a clean rag or paper, still with inconsistent results. So I called Jabiru and got a new dipstick that has 3 holes on the read section, which catches oil if it is at the right level, and it has a zig zag part just above the read section so you can guide the dipstick down the tube without getting the read section contaminated.
  13. I'm guessing you'll be flying a different plane from now on....
  14. hello and welcome. Where are you doing your training and what do you fly?
  15. Hi and welcome Cornay. Jump right in to recreational aviation if you want. My plane is for sale if you really want to jump right in BTW, I'm one of the odd ones....
  16. Very sad news, RIP and my sincere condolences to his family.
  17. It's a long story why I call myself Nightmare. It's actually to do with my name, not how I behave.... It became my nickname at work.... It's not a bad nickname, it could be worse... We've had a lot of bad weather for flying lately, but It's improving.
  18. I Think it'd be a little different, with golf you go whack, "Damn!" bit with gliding you'd go "Damn!" Whack!
  19. Hi Brett and welcome. Sorry, real flying actually killed off my interest in flight sims. But when I was using them, I found Orbyx pretty good scenery for FSX, and a free download called Ants Airfields for most of the smaller airports and airfields around Australia. I used XPlane as well, most of the smaller airfields were already there. That's all I have in advice sorry.
  20. HI Simbot and welcome. Yes gliding would be good, just no go-around option...
  21. It's a circuit, who was following who?
  22. I may be speaking too soon as I haven't been able to test, but I think I found my problem. I found a loose wire connector at one of the sensors near the flywheel. I tightened the crimp and it's now on solid. Rain has moved into my area so will have to test another day, but that loose wire seems consistent with my issue with the VDO Tacho. I spoke with someone at Jabiru about it, and they were very helpful. They stated that the unit itself is usually a solid one, and faults are usually found around the sensors, the tabs, or the sender unit. The Hobbs Meter LCD problem is well known to them, they pointed me to a company called Sgesco in Brisbane that you can send the VDO unit in and they will repair the LCD.
  23. I have a Jabiru LSA 55/3j, it's the forerunner of the J120. I love it! Easy to fly and maintain, fast and light on the fuel consumption.
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