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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. And when you do learn to get them landings right, you'll just want to get right back up there again... ASAP!!
  2. Sounds like you're learning at FlyNow at Redcliffe. All the best, I really liked flying 7600. Hope to be flying her soon as private hire, I'm so close to getting my certificate All the best Brent with your flight training. The awesomeness only begins with your TIF. Tony
  3. I too only found out how affordable aviation through RAA was about a year ago. I know that I can purchase a plane with the training and qualifications for about the same as a lot of people spend on their motorsport, that in the past was unthinkable. In the 112 years since the birth of aviation, people's fascination with taking to the skies only gets stronger with each generation, so I don't see a decrease in interest, rather an increase with fantastic new innovations on the way, such as the electric powered aircraft mentioned earlier..... Great times to be a pilot, I say
  4. Welcome Phil, I believe when I get my NAVs, hopefully later this year, I might be visiting your aerodrome (YGYM) as part of my training. Good luck with it all, there's a lot of knowledge here, the kind folks here so far have helped me to a large extent to get me where I am now. Your mechanical expertise will be an advantage in your training. Tony
  5. Welcome
  6. They do this with some of the exams as well
  7. When I emailed RAA, about this matter, they basically said that they have recognize that there is a problem in this area and that all the exams are currently being reviewed. But they also said that the approximately 500 CASA employees can generate more legislation changes than the 14 RAA employees can keep up with.
  8. Good luck with it all Tim. I'm nearing the other end of getting the RPC, so if you have questions, I may be able to help. In a word, the whole process of getting your RPC is: Awesome!
  9. Welcome RDavies, I've been at it since April 2015, and as I said a few posts back, I'm nearly finished. I've completed all my exams. Just crosswind landings and building my solo hours now. I should have it within the next few weeks, so my instructor is predicting. If you need any help getting through your training, I am happy to say, this forum is very helpful. Very friendly bunch of people/pilots here.
  10. Congratulations Dan! I've only got a few more lessons until my test, so my instructor has indicated. I'm also going for my RAA RPC. Any advice?
  11. Hey David, student to student, I'd recon that until you sort that front wheel issue, maybe employ some soft field takeoff techniques, it is in your blue book, to get that nose wheel off the ground as soon as possible, but I'm sure you'd be doing that already. I'm sure Mahl would be getting you to do this or a similar process. That is, rotate at around 30-40kt, keep the nose up until you start to climb, but level off in the ground effect a few feet off the ground (about 10ft) and build up speed. When you reach Vx, raise the nose and continue the climb. This way you have less wear and tear on your tyres and less stress on your undercarriage. I do this technique all the time now as I am operating from a grass strip. On landing, it would really inspire you to keep that nose up as long as possible, make sure that the stick is right back against the stops when the nose wheel makes contact. Even with the strongest nose wheel, by their very nature, they are the weakest part of the undercarriage.
  12. A little more solo flying logged yesterday
  13. I found I had an awesome time flying for the very first time on my TIF. Then I started reading up on my upcoming lessons, and found they were very interesting, and made me more hungry for why the plane handled like it did, then how different parts on the plane worked and how weather affected things, and so it went.... IMHO, I think RA Aus has the training almost spot on, a good mix of practical and theory.
  14. That person appears to be the passenger, maybe he's not an aviator and aware that something is terribly wrong. No sign that I can see that anyone is in the Pilot seat. Still, fake or not, it shows the importance of properly making sure the plane is in a safe state before getting near a prop.
  15. My 2 cents worth: I think knowing the procedures and the so called right ways, prepares you for aviation until you get the feel for it and understand it. It gives you that foundation so that you know what the norm is so that you can fly safely. More importantly, why you are flying safely. So hopefully, if you are about to make a bad decision, you have the knowledge and the experience to know why it is a bad decision so you can counter it. You don't get that without instruction, procedures and practice, in my opinion. Being analytical goes hand in hand with flying, isn't it part of "Airmanship"?
  16. Saw this online, he's a very lucky man.... Always good to clear the cockpit first, that is, all switches off especially the magnetos, and battery off before checking the oil. http://www.flightsafetyaustralia.com/2014/03/properly-clear-of-the-prop/
  17. For some reason your video didn't show up. I've found that Youtube works well for uploading videos to this site
  18. Welcome to my world when I changed flying schools and started flying the Lightwings, it felt like I was going backward a few steps.... but it makes you a better pilot. How was your flight this morning? Tony
  19. I've been up solo about 4 times now, clocking up 2.2 hours of Pilot In Command in my logbook, but who's counting? Flying solo is everything they say it is plus more, prepare yourself for one of the most awesome moments of your life! Go-Pro it if you can. My next flight I'm going to Go-Pro it. My lovely wife came with me to the airfield and took some video of me doing some touch and goes on the lesson before I flew solo ( )There are 5 tests we have to pass, Pre-Solo, Radio, Air Legislation, Human Factors, and the big one the Basic Aeronautical Knowledge (BAK). We also need at least 25 hours, 5 of those as PIC. Just the Human Factors test to go for me, and the theory side will be out of the way. I'm hoping for some more crosswind conditions to demonstrate to John (my instructor) that I understand and can do them. That, and some emergency procedures training, one or two more departures and rejoins, and I recon I'm good for that certificate..... I can see the light is at the end of the tunnel Hey David, do you need any special endorsements to fly your Sportstar?
  20. You know, I think that when you get your certificate, you'll have heaps of time to fly, before and after work..... not to mention all those business trips that you can organise when you get your x-country endorsement
  21. On takeoff, the 3 blade has better climbing performance, but as magishme said, it also creates a little more drag. He noticed it on final, I didn't think it's a problem, I like a nice slow approach. I think it would have an effect of your cruise speed too, but I haven't noticed any difference. Have you flown solo yet? And how are you going with the exams? I've just got Human Factors left to pass.... it's like being back at school isn't it? The forecast looks good for tomorrow, 20% chance of rain, E - SE winds form 5 to 10kn. Looks like some nice circuits from RWY07, but you know how that can change with the blink of an eye Tony
  22. They might do David, these 2 aircraft are identical except for the props, so it is very clear what the difference one blade makes. Hey have you got your certificate yet? I'd recon you'd be very close if you haven't, and how's your new Sportstar going?.
  23. No, I must've missed the man in women's clothes, too busy landing the plane.... But seriously, no I haven't noticed, but then again, with that extra blade it would cause more drag. I'm guessing even the cruise speed could be slightly lower as well
  24. I like the green one, I did my first solo in that plane. That extra blade on the prop gives it so much better climb performance, doesn't it?
  25. Were you flying on the 21st Dec? I saw someone doing a preflight on the 3041 when we got back. I was helping John refuel. That was a good flight, we did a departure to Watts Bridge and back.... It was nice to get out of the circuit area, and see a different part of the world Tony
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