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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. I was all set to go solo today, well, I thought I was ready. My instructor was talking to me about it. My flying has been consistent, and what happens? The radio failed on my training aircraft, so we had to take the 3 blade prop Lightwing instead. OMG! what a big increase in climb speed, that one extra blade makes! I was up at circuit height well before reaching the downwind turn, where I'm normally leveling out and turning at the same time.... It was a dream to fly! Glad I didn't go solo today, I got to fly a new plane
  2. Well, I passed it the 2nd time around. It is an educational experience...
  3. I just contacted RAA and sent them an email, making them aware of this.
  4. I can't remember the exact wording of the question, but it definitely did not mention formation flying.... and besides, the only reference in my study material seemed to totally contradict it, saying that minimum distances of aircraft in flight are not set out in the regulations.
  5. I agree, but is it a CFI issue or a RAAus issue. Maybe RAAus needs to conduct audits of the exams for currency in all RAAus schools.There was another question in my Air Legislation exam, I had no idea about. The question was: "What separation should there be between aircraft in the air?" In my "Aviation Theory Basic Aeronautical Knowledge including Human Factors" book by David Robson(Dec 2014), part of the Student pilot Kit, on page 153: "Operating near other Aircraft", it states, "Although the regulations do not specify minimum distances between aircraft in flight, minimum distances of 600m horizontally and 500ft vertically would be reasonable." The correct answer in my test was 100ft!!! I once had an aircraft fly 500ft below me, and I felt that was way too close, let alone 100ft! If those questions were not in the test, I would not have failed on that 1st test. I protested to my CFI at the time, telling him that no where in my study material or on-line legislation did I see this information. After a week of trawling through my study material and on-line legislation and still not finding it, I asked him to show me where this info was. He showed me an out of date AIP ENR. I did my re-sit after this conversation and passed using the out-of-date information. I think that the Horizontal Separation from Controlled and Restricted Airspace old regs that I belatedly learned from my CFI are best practice, comply with them and you should not get into trouble crossing into controlled or restricted airspace, but this is an exam on Air Legislation, not Air Best Practice and it is pretty poor that RAA can't marry up the written exams with the current regulations. I'm not blaming my CFI as I think that ultimately RAAus is responsible for ensuring proper training standards are met, maintained, and supervised.
  6. I just completed and passed my Air Legislation exam last week. Would you believe they are still putting in the old horizontal separation from controlled and restricted airspace questions in the exam as listed in the above quote? I actually failed it the week before as this information was no where to be seen in any of my study material or legislation. I only passed the re-sit because I asked my instructor after the 1st exam. Doesn't RAA update their exams when there is a legislation change?
  7. Is it a W1 or a Gr912? Here are some specs, not sure if they'd help, http://www.lightwing.com.au/specifications.html . Maybe you could call them at Lightwing, the number is on their website.
  8. I hear what you mean about costing a few more hours to get that certificate, I am now at 20 hours and John, my instructor, has only just started talking to me about solo. I think that had I stayed at Redcliffe I would have soloed at around 15 hours. I left Fly Now after 11 hours. It was like going back to square one learning that different plane. I had just short of 2 hours travel to get to Redcliffe for each lesson so you can understand why I changed. I am glad I trained at Redcliffe, it gave me good experience with traffic, there is none or very little at Coominya.
  9. Unfortunately, I decided to change flying schools in September to one closer to my home. The distance was the only factor in my decision. The aircraft and the instructors are awesome at Fly Now. Mind you I have absolutely no complaints with my new flight School, Coominya Flight Training. Learning in a new plane, at a new airfield and instructor is challenging, but very rewarding.
  10. I started my training in May this year, in 7600.... Wayne and Mahl are good operators.
  11. Is that the CTMC through Fly Now at Redcliffe?
  12. I'm powering into the flight training now. I've just racked up my 20th hour . I've changed FT schools. Completed the Radio, Pre-Solo and Air Legislation exams. My instructor said to me today that I am getting close to going solo.... the ride must not be so bumpy for him these days
  13. Courts look at "what a reasonable person would do". If a student has signed the Student License application that I mentioned in my previous post, and had it signed by a parent or guardian and witnessed by a JP as the application requires, the CFI and Instructor would be well and truly protected as far as the law is concerned should something was to go wrong during solo. Of course they would have to justify their decision that the student was ready at that time to go solo. Anyone can sue anyone for anything, the onus is on the complainant to present the evidence to the court and the plaintive to refute that evidence. The truth normally prevails. As far as a normal person is concerned, if a parent has given their consent as witnessed by a JP, for their child to commence, receive and complete flight training, the issue of consent is no longer relevant for that student for the purpose of going solo as it is part of the curriculum. Do parents sign consent forms in front of a JP to send their children to a school? I would say not. Is an excursion a part of the normal daily routine for a student at school? No, due to the many different scenarios that would present that is out of the ordinary for the student, like different location, activity etc as determined by the particular excursion, therefore parent consent would be required for that individual excursion. Is going solo a part of the normal routine for a student pilot? Of course it is, so in this context, consent has already been given.
  14. Sorry DrZoos, that is not a minor related issue, everyone who wants to be a pilot signs a statement saying they are aware of the risks involved, it's called the "Student Pilots License" application and yes, it has a part where a parent gives consent if the student is under 18 years old. Going solo is part of the flight training curriculum so further consent is not required. Look at https://www.raa.asn.au/storage/membership-application-fillable.pdf As I said, as a parent, do you really want to tell little Johny he can't fly when he has put in so much effort into getting that far? Such parents should be giving little Johny joy-flights instead of flight training!
  15. I would have thought that a parent would have been giving their consent when they consented to let Junior learn to fly. Going solo is part of the curriculum as determined by the passing of the mandatory exams and when the instructor thinks they are ready... God help the stupid parents who withdraw consent to their 15 yo who has fought his or her way through all those hoops, put in all that time learning to fly safely, and made it to the brink of their first solo, only to be told they can't do it!
  16. To be honest, I don't really care when I go solo, I am having too much fun, both in the air and learning about it.
  17. Next week is my 20th hour and I still haven't gone solo yet. I only just failed the Air Law exam, and I knew some of the questions I got wrong. I just didn't read the question properly. If I had just one more question right, I would have passed. No matter, I'm better educated and ready to re-sit it next week.
  18. Seems there are quite a few irresponsible airlines that don't mind putting their passengers and their staff at mortal risk, especially considering there was a warning about the danger in that area.
  19. Well, my opinion: Why did Malaysia Airlines let their aircraft fly through the area knowing that 2 large aircraft were previously shot down with ground launched missiles, not long before MH17 was shot down? Why would any responsible airline authorize their airliners to fly in any active war zone? It would be so easy to just navigate around the area.
  20. As I said in my opening, line, I missed it in all the reading material. My instructor can not be blamed, as I changed schools and consequently, instructors recently. In all the business of learning to fly I simply forgot to ask. Thank you for your information and the effort that you put in to provide it.
  21. I did that, switching from a Tecnam Eaglet, which has the stick between your legs and left hand control, throttle in your right, trim buttons on the stick, and electric flaps next to the throttle, to the Lightwing which has the stick between the seats so controlled with your right hand, throttle controlled with your left, a challenge to get to manual flap lever over the left of your head, and the trim lever on the floor between your legs.... Believe me, it's taking a bit of getting used to. How do people do it? Practice I guess.
  22. Well, maybe after I land, Alan... could be a bit busy up there. From what I've read and talked with other pilots, I believe going solo is a very exciting moment.... I must be getting close... next lesson in 10 long days:crazy:
  23. Ok, so I've passed the Radio and Pre-Solo exams, so I should be good to go solo once the instructor thinks I'm ready for it...
  24. RA he did tell me to study up on air legislation
  25. Hi, I must have missed it in all the reading material, but I was curious what exams I need to have passed before my instructor can send me out solo when he thinks I'm ready? I keep forgetting to ask him. I've passed my Radio and Pre-Solo exams so far.
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