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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. I've got about 20 not so great landings behind me now, but that judgement when to begin the round out seems to elude me, I guess it will come in time, more practice is the key I'm guessing....
  2. I've started circuit training and all is going well, but I seem to suffer from the thing that a lot of student pilots suffer from, judging when to flare, but I'm flaring too high, I just can't seem to get my head around it yet. I've booked in for extra practice. Any tips or advice? Tony
  3. I'm no weather nerd, but I'm guessing that lenticular clouds are somehow related to snow? We've been experiencing some very cold weather lately, snow close to Warwick.
  4. The wind can change so much at Redcliffe. I did 4 circuits, full stops, a few weeks ago, the first 2 the wind was blowing for 25, then it changed for the next 2 for 07
  5. Which runways were you and the other guy using?
  6. When you're 1000' up, it looks further away, I guess it was only 1 nm away
  7. I still had to apply just a little power on part of the approach due to the big headwind and the sink over the mangroves just before the threshold. In case of engine failure, we would have retracted the flaps and glided in. Yesterday were my first touch and go's, Lesson before that were full stop circuits.
  8. Well, it wasn't me, mine were tight. Took off at Runway 25 at best rate climb, 200' flaps up, turn right xwind at 500' head to the bulge in the mangroves, turn downwind and level off at 1000' at the bulge and aim for Scarborough Point. At 45 degrees to the end of the runway, turn base and start descent with flaps. Turn final at 600 or 500', and land, touch and go. I don't think I was more than 2 nm from the runway at any point. This was my routine for 55 minutes. My instructor was telling me when to commence my turns for most of the circuits, so I doubt it was me. Tony.
  9. I noticed one day that there is a Tecnam P2008 at Redcliffe, they look a lot like P92's
  10. Not me, I'm still under instruction, and he points out all the ones not doing the circuits correctly. The only issue he seems to have with me is getting the landing right. I'm turning final just as I'm at 500' to 600'. The wind was blowing for Runway 25.Tony
  11. I think she's got around 3700 hours on her now, if my memory serves me well. I did circuits yesterday, it was a bit gusty but blowing in the right direction for runway 25 with no crosswind. Had to significantly reduce the throttle on downwind, I'd blink and we were past the runway... big tailwind.
  12. Thanks everyone:thank you:. Hey David, did you go flying yesterday? I said gidday to someone called David who was having a lesson just after mine. Once a month!!! that would kill me, two weeks is too long, and I still have heaps of time to study up I took this of the plane I'm training in just before my lesson two weeks ago, 24-7600. It's a Tecnam P92 Eaglet, I believe quite a few pilots here have flown this great little plane.
  13. Thanks Geoff, but when you get there, you have the fun of flying home again... more time in the air Tony
  14. Welcome Dom, I see you are itching to get into the air. Don't let a perceived fear of heights stop you... just do it! Book a trial introductory flight at an airfield of your choice and see if it's for you. Tony
  15. Hi there pilots, fellow Student pilots and enthusiasts. I've done a few posts here already but just realized I haven't said hi yet. I started my flight training for an RA Certificate a couple of months ago. Doing it slowly, a lesson a fortnight as the money permits. Wish I could knock it over in a month or two as some here have done, but looks like at my current rate I should have my cert early next year. Where to from there? Not sure yet, one thing at a time but maybe buying into a local syndicate aircraft, we'll see. I'm currently training with the guys at Fly Now Redcliffe in their Tecnam P92 Eaglet, developing my circuit skills. So far I have 7.3 hours in my log book and having the time of my life! This forum so far has been very helpful and informative. Cheers, Tony
  16. Hey, you put the plane down safely with no injury or damage to plane or property, then you had the problem fixed and flew it home again.... what more can a pilot do? No criticism here. Your wife is in no better hands IMHO, hope she gets the courage to fly with you again. Tony.
  17. Circuits next fortnight again, I'm guessing that I'll be doing them until I solo, with some goodies like emergency landing procedures and the like thrown in to spice things up a bit. I'm just plodding along, doing about one lesson a fortnight. 7 hours in the log book now.
  18. If you do decide to take up the dream and learn to fly, don't be too overwhelmed with the perceived workload of being a pilot. Learning to fly is taken in small morsels. The pilot you were watching has at least 30 hours of training and experience behind him, and you will be surprised after you gaining that experience, I'm guessing you will be as competent and skillful. It kinda sneaks up on you like that.
  19. I started doing circuits this week, 4 great takeoffs and 4 not so good landings, I was pulling back a little too much on the flare. They were my very first landings so I guess it's to be expected... practice makes perfect.
  20. I would've thought you might have done your crosswind landings at YCAB, if the winds are not blowing the right direction at YRED, its not a long flight from there.
  21. Good luck with it all, Pearo, Hey, I see you listed YRED as your location, I'm training at that aerodrome too. Does the wind at YRED ever blow in the direction of the runway? There's always a crosswind blowing when I go up.
  22. I thought all you need to go beyond the 25 nm restriction is to get a nav endorsement?
  23. Now that's what I call "Living the dream"!
  24. I think there's a few. Here's one example, the Caproni Ca-3. Looks like it would be a pain to land too.
  25. My last lesson was stalls two days ago. I'm still a newbie, only 6 hours up. My instructor demoed some wing drops, that was fun. I got to take off by myself too! It was my 2nd take off, but I got it perfect this time. Next week I start circuits, can't wait! Tony
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