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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. Don't worry, all pilots have to start their aviation journey at some point, the fact that you started means that the tough part is out of the way. I say that the hardest step in aviation is the first one. I'm sure you'll enjoy every step of your flight training. By the way, what are you learning to fly in? My plane is currently parked next to someone's CH750 in the hanger. It's a nice looking aircraft.
  2. Hi and welcome Benawaen! You have a very nice airport there at Narromine. I stayed at the caravan park next to the airport when I was ferrying my newly purchased aircraft back home last year. The owners/operators were very friendly and helpful people. I can see myself visiting there again sometime in the future. All the best with your flight training. Where are you at with it?
  3. This problem is still around. I've been experiencing this same problem with my VDO Tacho on my LSA 55. 1st the LCD Hobbs meter reading would go blank intermittently. Now the Tacho reading, intermittently goes wild, varying from full left to full right and sometimes non responsive around the middle. Before replacing I think I'll inspect the wiring.
  4. The 2200 engine is great like that, I'm getting 12-13L/hr (roughly 3.3 gph)in my LSA55. I cruise at about 95kts. I'm jealious of your MTOW though.
  5. Last Sunday I took a little flight to Caboolture (Qld) to see David (DGL Fox) and friends. It was a ridiculously hot day.
  6. I would think B1 would be the same weather as B but with more specific information regarding that B1 area. Strange there's no reference in the info part to B1. As HF says, a phone call to BOM at the bottom of the page would be recommended. They are quite helpful and friendly.
  7. Hi Rose and welcome to the forum.
  8. Well you can go get it if you want it badly enough... it's there for the taking....
  9. Wow, you could buy a house for that. But it wouldn't fly as well as the Blackshape...
  10. Hahaha! I'm an ol' fossil, I still have my teeth tho....
  11. You can hire a Lightwing, the GR912 Sports 2000 at Coominya from Coominya Flight Training.
  12. It is a very reluctant sale. I'm likely to withdraw it from sale soon. If it does sell, not sure what I'll be doing. Maybe I'll get something with a higher MTOW. What's happing on Sunday mornings? Sounds very tempting...
  13. Hi David, how have you been? Long time no hear. Hows your Sportstar going?
  14. Hi and welcome RossMc Great to see another local in the area. The Cross Country endorsement training was some of the most rewarding and interesting in my aviation experiences. I'm sure you'll enjoy it as well. Looking forward to hearing about your adventures.
  15. And there's a whole lot less hassle, when you go for a fly, no need to book the plane, just jump in and fly after your pre-flights. Then there's the nice feeling that you know who flew her last, that is, you, so everything should be as you left it last flight. Not sure if that's worth anything, but it gives me a good feeling.
  16. I must stress, my plane is only RELUCTANTLY for sale. I'd be quite happy to still be it's proud owner in 12 months time. I'm likely to withdraw it from sale soon. It is a great aircraft.Mind you, like you, I'd be tempted with upgrading to a J170, or even a J160 for the larger MTOW. It would give me better PAX and baggage options.
  17. No, but I earned my certificate on Rotax powered aircraft. Air cooled engines are manageable, you just have to be mindful of the airflow to the engine. When warming up, it is advisable to point the nose into the wind, if possible, for maximum airflow over the engine. On take-off, after I clear the trees at VX speed (60kts), I don't stay at VY speed(67kts) for long, I'm accelerating to cruise climb (80kts) soon after, to keep the airflow over my engine. It's all about monitoring your engine and responding accordingly. If the engine temps are getting a bit high, I level out and throttle back for a little while, then resume the climb when the temps are better. This only happened once, on a hottish day, for me, but it cooled quite quickly. My aircraft runs on Avgas. It can take Mogas, but it's not recommended. And as you said, Avgas is more easily available, well it is for me.
  18. I have to admit, I had just one, if you can call it an engine problem. I had a burst oil hose about 12 months ago. It was within the service range of the part so that could've happened to any aircraft engine, obviously a fault in that particular hose. Can't blame it on being a Jabiru though.
  19. Hi and welcome Geoff! You must be close to getting it....
  20. Talk to your instructor, you can learn to fly in your 19 registered aircraft if it meets certain criteria.
  21. Tell me about it! A good friend did the next best thing for me, he flew my plane and I rode as PAX a few weeks ago, that somewhat satisfied the flying bug during that time
  22. After a 4 month absence away from flying, due to me breaking my arm at work, I dusted off my faithful Jabiru and took her for a short flight over to Watts Bridge and back on the pretext of getting some fuel. What a great feeling getting back in the air. No pics unfortunately, I was busy getting back into the swing of things.
  23. Hi and welcome sbezzy! What are you flying?
  24. I own a Jabiru LSA 55 (55-0730) with the 2200 engine, The LSA's were the forerunners to the J120's. 25hr services by an L2 are around $350 100hr, I haven't had one yet, I purchased the plane last February, but I've booked it in next month. I've budgeted for $1000. I like to over budget than under. Insurance: $1000/year because I pay by the month, if I paid upfront, it would be just under $900. Hourly costs: I put aside $50/hr plus the fuel (Avgas). I budget and plan for 15L/hr but I actually only use 12-13L/hr I have a 2 part budget for my aviation: Fixed costs, an amount I pay every fortnight whether I fly or not, and an hourly cost, which I put aside after each flight. Fixed costs cover: Monthly hanger fees, insurance, loan repayments, x12÷26, plus the yearly rego fees ÷26. May be an idea to put something away for unexpected repairs and maintenance like replacing avionics, skin refurbishment etc. Possibly allow $1000 per year for this ($38/f/n) I also merge some other non aircraft related commitments into the fixed costs, such as license fees, Ozrunways subscription, BFR costs, ASIC card. I convert all these costs to a fortnightly amount and add it to the fixed costs. Hourly costs can include: 25hourlys ($350÷25hrs=$14), 100hourly ($1000÷100hrs=$10), Engine TBO ($15000÷1000hrs=$15) This could be much less expensive, the Jab overhaul quoted above is only $5000 which would be only $5 per hour instead of $15, I'm budgeting for a total engine replacement, Prop replacement ($2000÷1000hrs=$2) Fuel $30/hr, I don't have my fuel in the hourly costs as I pay my fuel separately, I keep fuel costs separate from my aviation account. If you haven't done so, I'd recommend getting a L1 rating so you can do minor maintenance on your aircraft. I'm not mechanically minded so I get the bulk of my maintenance done by an L2 but there is minor stuff that I can do like the simple AD's and service bulletins that come through from time to time. I tend to over budget so my aviation account is looking rather healthy ATM My plane is also reluctantly up for sale.
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